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Everything posted by planted

  1. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/edwest/100079703/why-is-there-no-looting-in-japan/
  2. Reggie29-you made me giggle at myself. Always a good thing! I joined FB to keep tabs on my kids, but it does get tiresome. I so prefer e-mailing those I care to catch up with. Virginia-What a great perspective-thanks for hammering that out for me!
  3. Which do you prefer?
  4. Needs me some TP this evenin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZpBhi04IoI
  5. Happy St Patrick's Day to all! I wore a great hat today at the office...brought a smile to the patients receiving chemo. That was my goal. Enjoy your festivities, peeps!!
  6. I cannot believe I posted PIE instead of Pi. My apologies.
  7. So, my daughter's 8th grade class is having a Fund Raiser for Japan. Our best to those suffering. "Mom, is nuclear power bad"? Oh good, an easy question! She also knew that March 14th was National Pi Day. Some neird Math thing... Momma is soo proud.
  8. ^ Words are completely inadequate at a time like this. This photograph of a mother is something I will not soon forget. Love one another.
  9. ^ Don't want to assume, but thanks!!
  10. Had a b**** of a day today. Just what the doctor ordered. TY
  11. You know, this working 2 jobs is puttin me behind a little. (or, have I just been under a rock?) I'm buying her CD's tomorrow!! Thanks for posting these.
  12. Right? (but we know why...you can't leave a member of you know who out of the loop! Good Heavens!!!)
  13. Just saw "No Strings Attached", (this aft) while my daughter and friends went to see Bieber... Ashton and Natalie had great chemistry and are funny as hell!
  14. I just rented this last night~forgot how great this movie is. "It's not your fault..." Robin Williams was brilliant!
  15. Thought he handled himself so well. I used to listen to the AFN (American Forces Network) everyday when I lived in Germany in the 70s. Cool that he brought that up. And, the pencil skirt and beehive thing..an appreciation for a well turned heel. I LOVE that! Ive been meaning to set the record straight here. I think I mentioned him losing his vocal abilities recently, probably in relation to the Raising Sand release. Well, mark the tape...I STAND CORRECTED. I can tell you from first hand experience, you totally rock, RP. Hugs
  16. Yeah, which is why thousands of people break into your country everyday? I've never heard of anybody dying to leave the US. But they die trying to get here, and are willing to leave everything and everyone the know and own behind. Why? For a better life.
  17. Funny, I actually don't want everyone to vote. Sure they can. But, there are people who can be persuaded to vote with a scratch ticket and a bus ride to the polls. STAY HOME! Leave it alone. The only thing that will change the attitudes in this country is a third party, which will never happen in my lifetime. This a still the best country in the world to live. Period.
  18. Sounds good to me!! I'll bring a 2008 Carmenere and some LP's.
  19. Thanks for sharing these photos!! Beautiful. A great reminder of how powerful nature is.
  20. Had 22" of snow swept of my roof today..another 20" expected in the next 24-36 hrs.
  21. Not sure of the significance of this vid, but I can share that I H A T E golf!! My comment was a total zing and I was using golf in the way of offering advice for keeping himself better occupied by way of ignoring the affairs of fellow musicians. Alice Cooper is quite a golfer, and maybe he should spend more time pursuing his talents elsewhere...heehee. (I actually enjoy his radio show. He is a pretty bright guy.)
  22. I listen to Alice Cooper's radio show often, not regularly. Nyhoo, he strikes me as a bit money/publicity hungry. NOT THAT THAT IS A BAD THING BTW, but c'mon, RP is happy doing his thing! He doesn't owe anybody a thing, IMHO. But who am I? Just a fan who thoroughly enjoyed herself at a recent Band of Joy concert! Mind your own beeswax, Coop. Go play some golf and get over it.
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