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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. I think that Jimmy Page is attracted by the prestige of the event. Also, I believe that people are genuinely curious about China and would like to visit. China, for its part, wants to impress the world with its attributes. There is pride involved. But you should really notice the lady who said that property rights in China are very important. Jimmy Page may have never been evicted, but he knows what it is like when someone invades his property.
  2. Exactly. When I ponder the way that China silences its own citizens, I believe even more that I need to address the issues that others would prefer to ignore. google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hr5vqPX-47JQ152pcwUWfiUi3O5wD9CGIPTG2
  3. canadianchristianity.com/nationalupdates/080731china.html
  4. The last time Jimmy Page appeared in Beijing, the Chinese government evicted people onto the street from their homes so they could build the Bird's Nest arena to impress the world. No matter how much they claim to wish to promote peace, their agenda is to impoverish the unseen and keep them powerless. Nothing new there. Jimmy Page and those like him buy into this because they want so badly to include China in their itinerary of places to see in the world. But underneath it all is an indifference to the suffering of others, as long as you can't see them and they stay hidden. It's another image-making opportunity for the Chinese government and the world's current rock stars. I do not expect China to trade centuries of authoritarian rule for democracy unless it sees a practical benefit in the process. As for music, the best music comes from the inner workings of the human soul, despite the world and all of its business. Naturally, the Chinese are curious about this music because it is relatively new to them and different from much of what they know. It is a good opportunity to share, but how many people will the Chinese government step on to produce this event? They like to keep that part hidden.
  5. Linda Perry does not have Allison Krauss' voice, but I doubt that either of the two has done a Coke commercial, unless Linda Perry's "Let Me Ride" counts. Alison Krauss' you-know-what-you-want spot for McDonald's could be construed as including a soft drink, maybe.
  6. That may be in reference to the smile.
  7. I went outside at 10:00 pm and 2:00 am and did not see any. I guess that I live too close to city lights. This video was filmed in New Mexico. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpUzgKgb86w
  8. I spent most of my afternoon playing on winnings and left with the amount I had before I started. :-)
  9. forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/12309-mississippi-blues-trail-marker-dedication-honoring-w-c-handy/page__hl__Mississippi__fromsearch__1
  10. In a few minutes you should be able to see the beginning of the Geminid meteor shower. msnbc.msn.com/id/34364574/ns/technology_and_science-space/?GT1=43001
  11. Maybe he did his job well in some ways, at least in the sense that he managed to stay in the spotlight and not be boring. But he sort of takes you back to the early days of vaudeville that you wish you didn't have to suffer through again.
  12. That was something I wouldn't want to do.
  13. Howard Stern's remarks about Led Zeppelin are designed to keep him in the spotlight.
  14. Unless you care about comforters, then it makes all the sense in the world. And pillowcases, and sheets, and blankets, and bath towels; all these are important items to have in hotel rooms. For instance, the Hyatt always has those.
  15. Blatant subliminal advertising starting at 0:27. You may get more sugar in your drink and part with your dollar, but the rest is all a fantasy. This is just like sitting through an introductory Psychology lecture.
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