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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. New, very fragrant red roses blooming in the garden this morning.
  2. Sandy Denny with Fairport Convention and Jethro Tull opened for Led Zeppelin in August, 1969 when I attended this concert in Anaheim. gamespot.com/pages/unions/read_article.php?topic_id=23263837&union_id=1286
  3. Employers are predators.
  4. Employers like to exclude people. It is ironic the way some individuals get so passionate about not wanting anyone to touch 'their' Medicare, which is after all, a government-sponsored program. Interestingly, when Medicare first began, there was a great outcry by conservatives that it would be bad for the country.
  5. If the insurance companies had done a better job covering the health care needs of Americans, this situation would not have developed. But because they are more interested in acquiring wealth than covering health care, this predicament has persisted. There are more and more people who simply cannot obtain health care and who die instead due to a lack of funding for medicine. It only makes sense for the government to step in and try to remedy the problem, but the government too often buries the people in red tape. You can be sitting in the hospital filling out forms the same day that you are dying and people will just smile at you as if it's only another day at the office.
  6. I suggest chamomile tea on ice should be served as refreshments at these events just to lower everyone's blood pressure a notch.
  7. I think that overall much has to do with how aggressive a particular cancer is, and how strong a person's immune system is. One person with a weak immune system might survive a milder form of cancer, whereas someone with even a strong immune system might succumb to a really aggressive form of cancer. scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=clues-to-aggressive-stubb utsouthwestern.edu/findfac/research/0,2357,39254,00
  8. travel.latimes.com/articles/la-trw-meteor11-2008aug11
  9. earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/eqinthenews/2009/us2009kdb2/ earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Maps/10/95_15
  10. Undercover In The Secret State North Korea
  11. When you are calmer you could perhaps ask him why he thinks you should forget visitation. Everyone needs a father, especially 11 year old guys. I would not worry too much about that outburst. I would not take it too literally either. It could be that he is just blowing off steam and reacting to the stress of the divorce. Kids say all kinds of things at that age that they forget about by the next day. Remember not to expect 11 year olds to behave like adults quite yet. They'll come up with all kinds of shocking stuff at that age. Just stay on an even keel and do not over-react to anything. Half the time they are just testing the water to see what it does. It's all discovery at that age. They lack experience so they must test everything and everyone to satisfy their natural curiousity about life in general. Be glad that he does not break into the zoo to feed the crocodiles. telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/3352793/Boy-7-breaks-into-zoo-to-feed-live-animals-to-a-crocodile
  12. R.I.P. Willy De Ville "Cadillac Walk" Live acoustic
  13. Tumen River And on a side note...
  14. You can see the warmth of his personality expressed unselfconsciously though. He is gifted in that way.
  15. Former US President Bill Clinton leaves North Korea with two journalists
  16. They believed themselves to be on the Chinese side of the border. Also, North Korea is reported to be kidnapping people from South Korea. Welcome to North Korea by Peter Tetteroo and Raymond Feddema / Documentary Educational Video travelnotes.org/Asia/nth_korea
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