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Everything posted by Strider

  1. To Kate, Joe, Deborah, slave, Kiwi, ally, and others who wrote me privately, thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement. Just a bout of insecurity that I go through from time to time. You sometimes wonder "how good a friend am I?" That is one of the reasons why I never will tire of coming here: good conversational and supportive people like you...and people who I can talk Led Zeppelin with! There being very few knowledgeable Led Zeppelin fans in my local circle of friends.
  2. ^^^ Nicely done, chillumpuffer. The majority of the time, I do it the from-scratch-slowly-cook-all-day method. But when pressed for time, I'll cheat and use a ready-made sauce. Actually, if I'm pressed for time, I often forego the sauce and just grate a little cheese and garlic over the pasta...add a little butter or olive oil. Just finished breakfast all the way over here on the Pacific Coast of the U.S. One of my favourite places to go in L.A. is the Le Figaro Café and Bistro on Vermont Ave. in Los Feliz section of Hollywood. It's open early and it's open late...perfect for a pre-show apéritif or post-show nosh. The sidewalk seating is great for people-watching. It's so French it almost makes me want to take up smoking again so I can sit there smoking Gitanes and fake reading Flaubert or Sartre. I start with a cafe au lait and complimentary basket of sliced fresh bread with butter and strawberry marmalade. One slice each of whole wheat, rosemary-olive, rye, cranberry, sourdough, and cinnamon-raison. Just as good as eating the bread with the marmalade is dunking it in the cafe au lait. Then breakfast arrives...perfectly poached eggs atop asparagus spears and tomatoes, topped with freshly grated parmesan cheese. Served with buttery roasted potatoes and mixed salad greens. I love eggs just about any old way, but a perfectly poached egg is like having a bite of sunshine. Of course, any visit to Le Figaro requires a stop at their wonderful bakery...so much to choose from...I finally decide to top my meal off with a Lavender macaron(not macaroon).
  3. Well, I hope you do. Actually, Magic and Kiwi, I am pretty sure I have e-mailed you that and other photos of me in the past. Magic, I did try the food and it was good. As my brother and sister-in-law and a few of my friends are vegan, I eat vegan when I am in their company as a courtesy. I love vegetables so it's not a big deal to me.
  4. Now that the last "Twilight" has finally premiered, that wild, woolly mass of girls camped out for weeks in downtown LA at last can go home and get a hot shower. I would love to be at these girls' homes in around 20 years some Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday with the family all gathered around, as their daughter asks everyone what crazy thing they did when they were young. Great-grandmother: "I camped out for Led Zeppelin tickets!" Girl: "Awesome!" Grandmother: "I camped out for Madonna!" Girl: "Cool!" Mother: "I camped out for 'Twilight'!" Girl: "Oh gawd Mom...you're so lame!"
  5. Which one? There are 10 adaptations or more.
  6. I know a mother never likes her son to be far away, but can I just say that the years I was stationed in Germany were some of the best years of my life! I think he'll be fine and have a good time in Deutschland. Hooray Dawn.
  7. Don't forget "Get Your Ya Yas Out!", their best live album was also released in this period.
  8. I have five friends that are each having to deal with tough, stressful problems and I worry if I'm giving enough support and help to them...or if I am even able to.
  9. That is great news, Kate! Hugs and high fives all around!
  10. So true Rock Action. Actually it's hard to pick just one "best album" from that entire run from 1968's "Beggars Banquet" to 1972's "Exile on Main St.". They are all killer.
  11. My suspicions of him being a troll prove more founded with every post...I just had a look at some of the crap he posted and attacked you with in the US Welfare thread. RH owes me an apology. Don't feed the trolls.
  12. That's an understatement...they oughtta rename the Rainbow Room the Lemmy Lair.
  13. Oh heck...you need to hear the full album. Talk Talk "Spirit of Eden" (1988) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVhaCnY7o2Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. To Ally, Kate, Joe, MINI Zoso, slave, Ledzepfvr, planted, Led Zep Girl, and anyone else that has recently received sad news of a friend or loved one's passing, my condolences and heartfelt thoughts go out to you. I also offer you these songs...they help me in trying times:
  15. I think I'm going to hurl. Hometown Buffet...where good taste and food goes to die.
  16. Or as I learned how to call them in Europe, pommes frites.
  17. You know who has surprisingly good crinkle-cut fries in the U.S? Del Taco. Crinkle-cut fries used to be fairly standard at most American hamburger/hot dog joints. But one by one, they all switched to the McDonald's style skinny fries, until only Del Taco is left flying the crinkle-cut fries banner.
  18. As long as he has you, there is hope for BD.
  19. That's a good one, Knebby! Nice find...I wonder how many suckers bid on that.
  20. Very very very very VERY SAD! Oh well...at least it's not the Housewives of Atlanta. That is the bottom of the barrel.
  21. ^^^ Yes. All 5 seasons are out on DVD and you might even find it on Netflix or Hulu or whatever the Downloading generation uses these days.
  22. I have great respect for that bloke of yours.
  23. I don't watch the show anymore, jb, but my friend watches it every week and Tivos it for backup just in case. You should definitely check out "The Wire", which was the previous HBO show by the creators of "Treme". "The Wire" was one of the Top 5 tv shows of all-time, in my opinion. Set in Baltimore, no less. Splendid cast. Incredible writing and storylines.
  24. It's already out in Los Angeles. I thought about seeing it after coming out of the "Celebration Day" screening tonight, but I had already seen two movies today("The Awful Truth" and the Zeppelin flick) and I have a long, busy day ahead on Wednesday...and Thursday, for that matter...so I decided to pass on "Lincoln" and see it another night.
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