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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ All right LZG! That sounds like fun! Rock on with your dad! And to all you dads out there, Happy Father's Day! It's worth every penny.
  2. Not only is today Bloomsday, but Langer's Deli is giving away their yummy #19 pastrami sandwiches for free to celebrate their 65th birthday! http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-langers-pastrami-20120616,0,4752022.story
  3. Well...I once said bacon makes everything taste better. I still stand by my statement, even in the face of the above, hehe. I have yet to encounter something like that in the U.S., Kate...although it's a wonder Wall-Mart hasn't marketed something such as this in Arkansas years ago. What does BD think of it? Has he tried it yet?
  4. I have yet to see "Prometheus" but the word-of-mouth I'm getting from friends is that it's good...better if you don't take it as a straight "prequel" to "Alien"; more like a movie suggested by "Alien". The film critics that I read and trust all seem to like it...it has a 76% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, compared to 50% for "John Carter" and 36% for "Battleship", which is Adam Sandler-level. So far, "Rock of Ages" is at 42%.
  5. Thumbs up to "Gone Baby Gone". "The Help", not so much.
  6. So far, the consensus worst movie of the year is "Battleship"...although some might argue "John Carter". Hmmm, both star Taylor Kitsch. Dude might want to change his name...and if he already changed his name to Kitsch, then acting is the least of his problems. Anyway, a contender for worst movie of 2012 arrives tomorrow...or since it is past midnight, today: "Rock of Ages". The trailer looks dreadful, and I'm sorry...Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Def Leppard, Reo Speedwagon and Twisted Sister is not my idea of a good time.
  7. ^^^ What other silent movies have you seen?
  8. ^^^ Gotcha Kate. I understand your point of view.
  9. German tourist season in Hollywood.
  10. As one who had to make the adjustment from military to civilian life, I'm curious Kate, what exactly worries you about your son's ability to do the same? PM me if you'd rather keep it confidential.
  11. Why? Because he doesn't have to. I know this flies in the face of some of my previous impertinent posts on the subject of Jimmy's "inactivity", but sometimes I'm in an impish mood when I come here. Truth be told, Jimmy will DO something when he's damn well READY to do something...whatever that something is. He doesn't "owe" anybody a thing. After hundreds and hundreds of sessions in the 60s, a stint with the Yardbirds, domination of the 70s piloting Led Zeppelin, th ARMS tour, The Firm, Page & Plant records and tours, the Black Crowes, remastering the Zeppelin catologue and rescueing and compiling the live DVD and HTWWW(I don't think some of you realize how deteriorated those tapes were and the painstaking work involved in rehabilitating them), and the 2007 Ahmet Ertegun concert, not to mention the one-off guest appearances over the years, James Patrick Page has given the world mote than enough music to enjoy over his lifetime. Jimmy and Led Zeppelin were never one to do something...release an album, tour...by rote. They did it on their terms and with passion and conviction...or not at all. I expect Jimmy still feels this way. If we get some new music from him, great. If not, that's ok too. I would only want Jimmy to put something out because be believes in it, not because he feels obligated or that he "owes" it to us. I've received a lifetime of pleasure and memories thanks to Jimmy's magical fingers...he doesn't "owe" me a thing. Poppycock. Jimmy took risks right from the beginning of Led Zeppelin. He used his own money to book studio time and recorded the entire first album BEFORE they had even been signed by anyone!!! Name another band that had the chutzpah to do that? Not to mention other risks Zeppelin pioneered: going on the road with no opening acts, putting out albums without the band name or title on the album, ignoring the AM radio/ single market, and many more.
  12. A lot better than he would if he didn't have YOU and BD in his corner. Would that I had had parents like you when I was a kid.
  13. WOO HOO! IRELAND TIES IT! 1-1. I'm with you Fool...er, you ARE rooting for Ireland, right? I know how contrary you English can be, hehe. BD is Big Dan...and if you have to ask who Big Dan is, well then, I think his feelings would be rather hurt as his legend is far and wide. I'd have to have Fool in the Rain give you thirty lashings...but being English, she'd probably enjoy that.
  14. Ahhhhh, she's a keeper then! Well done, sir. Carry on!
  15. That's funny...I, too, turned on the Euro Cup game when the latest rain delay interrupted the French Open. No offense to the Italians here, but I was cheering for Spain. But only for this game. IRELAND is the team I want to go all the way...unlikely as that may be.
  16. Crap! Another rain delay...at least they made it to the fourth set.
  17. You should never be "sadly" watching anything. There's an off button for a reason. Unless you're a kidnap victim and being held against your will. It's around 8:30am here in L.A. and I should be watching Nadal and Djokovic playing tennis but all I'm seeing now is rain. They were in the middle of the 2nd set when the rain started. Drats! It should be constitutionally forbidden to rain in June and July...unless you live in the Down Under part of the world. Every time I watch the French Open and Wimbledon it's interrupted by rain. I'll give it to 9 or 9:30am but if they don't resume play by then, I'll have to catch the rest later. I'm not spending my Sunday indoors.
  18. It's your birthday! Happy Happy! Joy Joy! Happy birthday Barb! :)

  19. You and BD need to hook up...although your wives might explode at the thought, hehe.
  20. Maria! Maria Maria Maria! As the song goes in "West Side Story"... Just watched Maria Sharapova dance across the clay at Roland-Garros and win her first French Open title, completing her career grand slam. Way to go Maria!
  21. Congrats! Just watched Maria Sharapova win the French Open tennis title. Very happy for her as she has now won each of the 4 major tennis tournaments: Australian, French, Wimbledon and the US Open.
  22. I guess it's official...god hates horse racing.
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