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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Hot...and getting HOTTER! They've issued an extreme heat warning for the rest of the week in L.A. Temps are supposed to get up to 110° F. in places like the Valley. Feel sorry for the old people and the tourists...seeing lots of pasty Belgians and Germans getting sunburned already this week. The dog days of August.
  2. Nice Miles shirt David....love "On the Corner"!
  3. During what song does this speaker crash occur, Joe? Listening to the Dec. 10, 2007 O2 show right now..."In My Time of Dying" is playing; a little sluggishly in my opinion. It's been a long time since I've listened to this concert. I've had a DVD for years, but only recently picked up a CD copy. Edit: "For Your Life" is rocking my ass now...a GREAT addition to the setlist! 2nd edit: Disc 1 ends on a high note: a cool, moody version of "No Quarter". But it is on songs like this, Ttrampled, and IMTOD where you notice the difference between Jason and John Bonham. 3rd edit: Just finished listening to disc 2...wow, what a show! And as good as it sounds on my boot, it must have been immense actually being there in person. Don't see how anyone could complain about this concert...especially in relation to the prior two "reunions" in 1985 and 1988. What's really noticeable is how Jimmy finally took the time to go through all his guitars and gear and make sure his stage sound was top-notch. No more half-assing it. "Dazed and Confused" sounds wicked for the first time since 72-73, and Robert sings the lyrics as intended which improves the song's impact immensely. "Kashmir" is a BEAST!!! Again, it helps that Plant remembers the lyrics. In fact, I'm putting "Kashmir" on again...oh how I wished I could have been one of the lucky ticket lotto winners! I do miss the mellotron, though.
  4. Or, as Hunter S. Thompson would put it: "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs." Also, werewolves being shot and rainbow-coloured blood look cool to a theatre full of stoners.
  5. Hi Cassie! Are you new? I saw "The Dark Kinght Rises" twice on the opening weekend: once at a midnight show at the Cinerama Dome and once at the IMAX theatre in Universal City. But I have been waiting to write anything about it, so as to give others here a chance to see the film; I would hate to give away spoilers. Speaking in general terms, I liked it...somewhere in between "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight", although there were some aspects I thought were better even than "The Dark Knight": the Bruce Wayne/Batman character is explored more in depth in "The Dark Knight Rises", whereas he was overshadowed by The Joker in "The Dark Knight". The IMAX sequences are amazing, even if you see the film in a regular theatre. Most of the action and stunts are real...there is minimal CGI...and the movie is all the better for it. The opening scene for instance was a real stunt...those are real planes. Anyway, the movie's been out 3 weeks and I want to wait until it's been out a month before writing in-depth about TDKR. But yeah, I recommend it if that sort of movie is your thing.
  6. You're beautiful ladies!
  7. ^^^ I've got Boogie Mama's "Knebworth '79 The First Night August 4, 1979" dvd. Pretty top-notch IMO.
  8. Sorry...downloading troubles. It's fixed now.
  9. My avatar photo is of me in 1972 when I started going to concerts; that's what I looked like when I saw Led Zeppelin for the first time. 40 years later, here's one taken recently at a new Vegan restaurant my brother and I were trying out. From 10 years to 50 years.
  10. I was just wondering that myself. Funny how you don't realize someone's been gone until they pop up again. It's the first Sunday of the month: record swap meet day. Time to hunt for some bootlegs.
  11. ^^^ Same here. Just finished watching DVD of the August 4, 1979 Knebworth concert. It's a very emotional show to watch, even with the flaws(Plant's harmonizer was an idea that never should have come). 23 songs, easily their longest setlist. Going by performance alone, I still prefer the Second night of the Copenhagen Warm-ups, July 24, 1979. But having the visuals to watch adds something, especially when you see the hugeness of the event. It is especially instructive to watch Bonham(when the camera deigns to focus on him) and compare Knebworth to RAH 1970 footage, and see how Bonzo had refined his technique immensely over the years. At RAH he's thrashing away like Animal from the Muppets. By Knebworth he's executing his fills with minimum wasted movement; he barely seems to move. Yet the impact is still devastating. Just watch him during Sick Again, Kashmir or Achilles Last Stand.
  12. Happy Birthday to you PlanetPage! :)

  13. Jesus, what's with all the 'life-coaching'? It's only a photo thread. Victoria's still a teenager; why do you want to harsh her mellow by dumping all this negativity on her? I'm sure she'll figure things out as she goes on in life...she seems reasonably bright and self-aware. But let's let kids enjoy their childhoods a little before we heap the travails of the adult working world upon them. Sorry for the rant...back to the photos.
  14. You mean you weren't bar-hopping? I'm sure that Iggy clip sounds better the drunker you get.
  15. Jeff Beck is cool, but Madonna still trumps Lady Gaga in this respect: she had her song covered by none other than Iggy and the STOOGES! Über cool!
  16. A song about John Lennon...a 14-minute, 45 verse epic about the Titanic...it appears Dylan's latest album "Tempest" at least has the potential to be better than his last album. "Together Through Life" was the first of his recent run of albums that I consigned to the junk pile after only a few listens. It didn't speak to me at all and I found it musically boring, too. "Tempest", one hopes, is a return to form. Here's a preview by Randy Lewis of the L.A. Times: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-bob-dylan-tempest-new-album-20120801,0,5164376.story
  17. It's been kind of a bad time for romantic comedies lately, which is why I'm hoping "Celeste and Jesse Forever" bucks the recent trend. Another rom-com that I saw recently, "Ruby Sparks", started out great but then sort of wrote itself in a pickle the second half of the movie and got lost. Too bad, as it has some wonderful moments. It's from the same directors that did "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Sunshine Cleaning". It stars Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan(who also wrote the script and is related to Elia Kazan). Every location used in the film is a place I haunt regularly: Skylight Books, Hammer Museum, Le Figaro Bistro, Tommy's, Griffith Park.
  18. Looking forward to this...LOVE Rashida Jones!
  19. Enjoy it while it lasts...pretty soon he'll be a teenager. Oh wait, you're a teenager. Doh!
  20. Just a helpful hint Victoria, since you're new here: If you can, please list the date and/or venue of the show you're listening to in your post. Oooh, that's a good one, jaycee!
  21. Lady Gaga surprisingly snubbed by the VMAs...not a single nomination! Anybody(this means you, Walter and Juliet, as we seem to be the only ones) else surprised? Discuss. As Maxwell Smart would say...the old 'my friend posted under my own name' routine.
  22. On the Beach is my favourite Neil Young record.
  23. Good thing you were able to restrain your "fist of death".
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