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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Well done, SZ! Remind me never to piss you off...no matter what you say, I agree. Don't want to end up looking like a pincushion. 'Atta girl! And hosannas to the great mom who raised her!
  2. Don't apologize WC...it wasn't a mistake at all. Own your choices...own your happiness. There is no shame in liking KC & the Sunshine Band. Time has proven their status as one of the few relics of the Disco Age worth a damn. Revel in your brilliance in seeing them the other night. Well played, sir.
  3. Strider

    Paul McCartney

    Oy vey. Maybe it's a good thing you don't go to a lot of concerts. If you cannot tell the difference between the official ticket selling site and the ticket hawks, then the scalpers would be making a fortune off you. It is very simple, clw...go to PAUL MCCARTNEY'S official website...that's why they have them, so fans know where to go for the real information. Bingo! Tour date info, etc. http://www.paulmccartney.com/live/27468-out-there Now, if you still need guidance, click on the presale information for your show...I'm assuming Fargo, ND is the date you're interested in...and there you are, ticket prices and availability and all. http://www.crowdsurge.com/paulmccartney/?event=40721 Looks like the American Express presale was today, with the general public on sale Monday April 28 at 10:00am. Tickets seem to range from $40 to $265 depending on ticket service fees.
  4. Visual proof the Daily Mail doesn't know what they're talking about. The Dark Lord is correct...the Classic Records Led Zeppelin vinyl are through the roof...and I would be willing to wager that the BBC Sessions Box Set on vinyl is rarer and more expensive than TSRTS.
  5. Love seeing Giancarlo Esposito in just about anything, so his role as "Gus" in Breaking Bad was one of the things I liked most about the show. Man, are you in for a treat in season 4 redrum.
  6. He likes all the teams this Raider fan cannot stand...the Giants, the A's, the 49ers...so fuck him. Hahaha, just kidding. Happy belated Birthday redrum! Hope you had a murderous day and murdered some beers in celebration.
  7. The Foreigner Belt episode is an all-time classic!!! Rubbernecking between Angels@Nats and Hawks@Pacers...keeping tabs on Yanks@Red Sawx too.
  8. One word: "Waterworld". Here's a couple more..."The Postman". Dreadful movies. I really don't like what the Raidets did with Pryor. Only a 7th round pick for him? Pryor has some talent and he could be great for Seattle. I cannot think of many 7th rounders that stick in the NFL, so we basically traded away Pryor for nothing in return.
  9. Strider

    Paul McCartney

    ^^^ A fortune no doubt. But Macca is one of the few worth paying a fortune to see...certainly more than the 'Half a Who', the Eagles, and Fleetwood Mac. clw, if I were you, I would definitely go...and take the kids if you can. They deserve to see rock and roll history/royalty.
  10. They must be talking about the white vinyl edition because I see TSRTS for $65 or less all the time.
  11. How quickly the worm turns. After years and years of stability, now Man U is floundering around like the NY Knicks or Washington Redskins.
  12. It means the Raiders last link to the Al Davis era is gone...to the Seattle Seahawks, of all teams, their old division rival. I guess Seattle is thinking Russell Wilson might get hurt with all that running around and maybe with proper coaching, Pryor could be a useful backup. Remember when the Draft was in April? I hate that they've moved it to May now. It just drags things out unnecessarily. The NY Giants Will Hill suspended AGAIN for PEDs...goodbye career. Giants have really sunk to the lower depths since their Super Bowl win. A last note...anybody see "Draft Day" yet? I hear it's not bad.
  13. Billy Crystal is sitting courtside at tonight's LA Clippers game. ebk, good call...that's what I get for not checking Halliwell's Film Encyclopedia. I seemingly always mix up Robert Montgomery/Robert Young.
  14. ^^^ I cannot stand DMB, so my vote would be Sly & Robbie, Elvis Costello or Grandpa Elliott. Congratulations henrybonzo on your nuptials...that is a lovely picture. Thanks Walter for the update on Mrs. Walter. We're pulling for her. After working this crazy book event (don't ask...my mind is jello), got to enjoy my Easter chocolate.
  15. luvlz2 and Led Dirigible: I am extremely envious of you two right now.
  16. Total crowd scene at Amoeba Records today. Normally, I have a friend at Amoeba to scope out the records I'm looking for, which allows me to go to another record store that won't be so crowded. But my friend wasn't working Amoeba this weekend, which meant I had to deal with the madness. I didn't arrive at Amoeba until 7am, at which point there were already 250 people in line. Officially, Amoeba wouldn't open until 10:30 but for Record Store Day they were opening at 10am. So we settled in for the long haul. The staff passed out coffee and pastries to keep us fortified. Even better, they gave everyone a list of all the Record Store Day exclusive releases. You marked the releases you wanted (only one copy of each per customer to prevent hoarding) and put your name on the list. Around 9:30, they began taking in the lists in order of the line, so they could get your purchases ready ahead of time. When your number came up you were directed to a cashier where your paid for your purchase...and if one of your choices was sold out, you could choose another. Right from the beginning, many of the ones I wanted were already sold out...Spacemen 3 "Translucent Flashbacks", REM Unplugged 1991/2001, Devo "Live at Max's Kansas City 1977". But Jimmy Page & the Black Crowes and Yardbirds were still available. Hour after hour passed and every time the girl came out to mark the ones that were sold out, I crossed my fingers that my choices would be spared. Around the fourth hour in line, about 11am, the first sign of doom...Yardbirds "Sounds I Heard" got the dreaded red 'X'. Then, fifteen minutes later, Page & Black Crowes "Live at the Greek" was sold out! Argh! I was about 10 people or so from the door. I could only hope that they had already filled my order before it sold out. Finally at 11:30...4 and a half hours in line...I got to go in and make my purchase. Alas, Live at the Greek was not in my bag. But the splatter vinyl of "Little Games" was, along with the new Black Angels clear vinyl EP. I asked for the splatter vinyl of Velvet Underground "Loaded" and Type O Negative "Slow, Deep and Hard" and the Sam Cooke vinyl...all were sold out. Damn. Finally, I just asked for the Cure/Dinosaur Jr. and Devo/Flaming Lips split 7" singles. They still had those. Oh, and I got a free goodie bag with cds, discount coupons, buttons, turntable mat, and other stuff. The Little Games splatter vinyl is cool but I really wanted that three colour Live at the Greek set. Here's some photos of the day...some of my records and the crowd scene inside and outside the store.
  17. ^^^ Nice. Here's a handy list...happy record shopping everyone! http://www.recordstoreday.com/
  18. I'm not trying to start a pissing match. I have no love for Kenneth Anger and this wasn't about supporting him or taking his side of the story. Frankly, I haven't kept up with the particulars of their beef since first reading about it in the 70s. Out of sight, out of mind. I have bumped into Kenneth Anger many times over the years, through work or at events, but never was interested in spending more time with him than I had to, and never asked him about Jimmy Page and Lucifer Rising. It was only Jimmy's recent release of his Lucifer Rising score that rekindled my interest in the film and had me wondering if a thaw in the relationship was in the works. Whatever you think of Kenneth Anger, he is one of the greats of Experimental Film, along with Stan Brakhage, Maya Deyern, Andy Warhol, Buñuel/Dali, and Cinespia is an important and valuable cultural organization for the arts community in Los Angeles. When Cinespia announced this program, I naturally assumed all the legal niceties were taken care of. I am not mad at Jimmy. It's his music...it's his right to do with it as he wishes. I'm more frustrated, that's all. Both men are up there in age...Kenneth looks more and more frail every time I see him. It's been 40 years since their disagreement. I just wish they could patch up their differences and make amends...for the art's sake. For during the years 1973-1976, Jimmy Page was in a particularly creative period, composition-wise and in pushing the sonic envelope. Compare the violin bow and theremin segments from this period to earlier shows...it's no contest. Especially the theremin bits from 1975...the level of sonic architecture and sheer madness is thrilling. Jimmy's Lucifer Rising soundtrack is a part of this period and therefore an important part of Jimmy Page the artist. As a fan of the man's work, I simply think it would help give complete justice to Jimmy's multifaceted artistic qualities to have the music along with the film the music was originally intended. Just once before I die, haha.
  19. Not just me...there were many, many people that had come expressly for the same reason I had: They wanted to hear Jimmy's Lucifer Rising score in the context it was meant...with the images that inspired the music. Even with the palpable sense of disappointment, we all stuck around...not just because Bobby Beausoleil's version is good in its own write, but because added to the program in the wake of the change was the Sacred Mushroom edition of "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome", which replaces the original Janacek score with ELO's "El Dorado" to spectacular effect. I had never seen that version either, so it was worth sticking around for that. Besides, by the time we all found out about the lawyers, it was too late to try and make the concerts. I'll know better next time...I won't post anything on the Forum in advance.
  20. When people started mentioning lawyers and suing here, I began to regret starting this thread. Sure enough, Jimmy's lawyers showed up tonight and issued a cease and desist order. Cinespia couldn't show the Lucifer Rising with Jimmy's score. A groan went up from the sold out house. Luckily, Kenneth Anger had a pristine print of the Bobby Beausoleil version handy, so the show went on. Beausoleil's music is pretty creepy and effective. Wished I had known ahead of time about the cease-and-desist...I had passed on going to either the Tinariwen or Mogwai concerts to see this.
  21. The other night was Alfred Hitchcock "blondie" night at the Aero...the incredible Carole Lombard in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"(1941) and English cutie Joan Barry in "Rich and Strange"(1931)...which indeed was kind of strange. But, as it was one of Hitch's early British films from 1931 and I had never seen it, it was well worth it. I have only seen a few of Joan Barry's films, but now I want to investigate her filmography further. There are few pleasures, however, in this world that can equal the sight of the luminous Carole Lombard on the big screen. The phrase "screen goddess" was coined for women like her. And Mr. Hitchcock proves so adept at "screwball comedy" that you wish he had directed more films in the genre. Robert Montgomery is also good and has great chemistry with Ms. Lombard. A far cry from what people usually think of him from his "Marcus Welby, M.D." or "Father Knows Best" days. If you have never seen "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", you owe it to yourself to check it out. FYI: I just realized that maybe I should clarify that I am NOT referring to the Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".
  22. ^^^ The mods don't take kindly to spam. I lost track of this thread, so I hope And You Know How It Is? doesn't mind that I took so long to respond. Anyway, to your point about the band not playing Rock and Roll for two consecutive nights...THAT is a major reason why I enjoyed 6.26 (and 6.25) so much! "It'll Be Me" was a killer encore! Because the set list had settled into a routine, it was a thrill anytime they played something different from the norm. Whether it was "Heartbreaker" the first night or "Dancing Days" the last night. Luckily, each night I went had something a little special to give the show a buzz.
  23. Which is why I, Nutrocker, and others, have discussed listening to the audio and not watch the video. The concert seems much better as a purely audio experience without the distraction of the lethargic appearance of the band.
  24. It has always been one of my favourite latter-day Led Zeppelin performances. Probably third after 6.23 and 6.21 1977. Had the triple-vinyl set for decades until it was recently stolen.
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