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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Walter, it was the Raiders who drafted the Fresno St. QB Derek Carr, not Buffalo.
  2. No, don't...please stay. If it helps, I did laugh.
  3. Director of the worst Godzilla ever...and a night I will always look back on in horror. Seldom have I ever wanted to actually strangle the director as I was watching his piece-of-shit movie. The co-screenwriter of that 1998 travesty is now on record as admitting he and Roland screwed up. One of Jimmy Page's worst decisions, too, after years of being careful about letting Led Zeppelin music be used in films. I tend to blame his management at the time. As for the new "Godzilla", I want to like it...if only to wash the bad taste of 1998 out of my mouth. The initial posters and clips have looked promising. Godzilla at least looks like Godzilla and not some overgrown Iguana. But then those Taco Bell ads started popping up, with a ridiculous Barney-like cuddly Godzilla, and I cringed.
  4. In anticipation of the new "Godzilla" opening this week, Rialto Pictures has been rolling out the 1954 original "Godzilla" in all its uncut Japanese glory, with all its subtext intact. Like "Star Wars", "Jaws" and other films of a certain nature, "Godzilla" is best seen on the big screen, towering above you. Here is a list of all the theatres and the dates that the original "Godzilla" is playing. Hopefully it is playing near you...take the kids. They'll thank you for it later. http://dailydead.com/theater-list-dates-godzilla-1954-re-release/
  5. It wouldn't bother me one bit if I never heard "Black Dog" again. No matter how Robert tries to gussy it up it's never as good as the original arrangement. Same with "Rock and Roll" and some of the other warhorses. But Robert's right to be pissed off...that's why this Rolling Stone article is such useless garbage and the reporter just another incompetent boob. The guy gets a moment with Robert and with Robert just signed to Nonesuch Records and an impending new album in September, what do we get? The same old boring reunion question that's been asked a zillion times already. As Robert put it so bluntly at the Celebration Day press conference..."Schmuck".
  6. I wonder if this clip will be one of those musical skits...like when Fallon has the real Bruce Springsteen accompany his "Neil Young"? Could it be Jimmy Page joining Fallon as "Robert Plant"? Anyway, here is a brief note about tonight's Tonight Show, which I thought an east-coaster would have posted by now, given that they're three hours ahead of me. No Jimmy Page. Not even a mention of him coming up on a future episode. Comic Louis C.K. was the first guest and talked about his boat and new season of his tv show. His slot lasted two commercial breaks and then it was Jack White and Neil Young. First they talked about Jack's automatic recording booth and Neil's new album that was recorded entirely using the booth. After a commercial break, Neil then demonstrated the process by going into the booth (Jack White had brought it from Nashville), and playing the country classic "Crazy" while it recorded his performance. After another break, they played the record on a portable phonograph. Neil's album, titled "Letters From Home", is being released May 27. Jack White did not play guitar. Wonder if Jack could get Jimmy Page to record something in his booth?
  7. I find it hard to believe that Jimmy Page would cancel an appearance simply because of something that appeared in Rolling Stone. Hell, I find it incredulous that Jimmy even bothers to read Rolling Stone...it's a useless piece of fish wrap. Are we sure it's the real Neil Young and not Jimmy Fallon doing his amazingly spot-on Neil Young impersonation?
  8. They're still about? Haven't really kept up with them in the last 10 years or so. Hope you enjoy the show. Plus, they're part of one of the strangest stories in rock n roll history: Richey Edwards. http://www.richeyedwards.net/ Tonight's (May 10) gig: Brian Jonestown Massacre @ The Wiltern...with The Three O'Clock and The Primary Colours.
  9. Cincinnati...another sinkhole of a team. Good luck with your boy, jabe.
  10. Jabe, AJ McCarron is still available! Knew he wouldn't go in first round but didn't think he would last this long. Oh well, at least he isn't going to that sinkhole in Cleveland. Poor Johnny Football. "Welcome to Cleveland...oh by the way, one of our players will be suspended for the year for failing another drug test." Bwahaha! I like what the Raiders have done so far. Getting that Fresno St. QB really helps. Rick's Bills have added another running back, getting Bryce Brown in one of those complicated trades with the Eagles involving conditional picks. I have no idea what Jacksonville is doing. Another dismal year for them.
  11. WITH THE FIFTH PICK OF THE DRAFT THE RAIDERS SELECT KHALIL MACK OF BUFFALO!!! Easily the best Raiders pick since Woodson. Rick must be sick the Bills didn't get him. Now on to the real important matter: Who will be Mr. Irrelevant?
  12. Or egg roulette! Golf on roller-skates! Karaoke or air-guitar face-off!
  13. Sign me up!!! Why would she regret it? It still retains its value and because it was a special binding limited to a small number, the quality and uniqueness of those first editions still remains the same. When you're dealing with books or even records, the first edition or pressing is always going to be desirable. A first edition of Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is still mint no matter how many times it's been republished over the years. I doubt a single owner of the first run of Genesis' Jimmy Page book regrets their purchase. Ten or twenty years from now it could be worth $100,000.
  14. All of these positions have been iterated and known for some time, though. That's what I meant by this being "old news". All this article does is give the Robert-haters another chance to bash him.
  15. Actually, they have...and Jones didn't even say anything in this Rolling Stone piece. Plant went on record years ago about his distaste for the lawyers and legalese involved with the O2 show and there was nothing in this latest Rolling Stone rehash that hasn't been published before in previous interviews and stories. "Globally accurate"? What does that even mean? There's one big inaccuracy right off the bat...the idea that Jones only played keyboards during the Live Aid reunion. Jones did play bass on Rock and Roll and WLL. It was only on Stairway that Jones played keyboards while they had Plant's bassist play bass.
  16. Old news, really. Typical Rolling Stone.
  17. It was automatic in the old days perhaps. These days he's more likely to have Ross Halfin in tow than a guitar. But given how adept Fallon is at musical mimicry...have you seen his Neil Young or Jim Morrison impersonations?...one has to hope that maybe there'll be a Dueling Jimmys segment! Or maybe Fallon can do Robert Plant and have Jimmy accompany him, just as Fallon has the real Bruce Springsteen join him when he impersonates Neil Young? Walter is right about one thing: ?uestlove will be busting out the Zeppelin all night long!
  18. Everyone seems to be backing away from Manziel and Clowney. Hmmm.
  19. Thanks for this, Kayley! Always a treat when any unseen footage sees the light of day. Looking forward to ledzepfilm's sync job. What would really thrill me would be if any film of the July 23/24 1979 Copenhagen warmup shows surfaced!
  20. Great. But let's not jump the gun...I doubt he'll be playing. More likely talking about the Berklee honour and the upcoming Zeppelin releases.
  21. ^^^ Whaddya know, Rick, all three teams won. Hope you made bank.
  22. Absolutely! We'll try to help the Os out by sweeping the Yanks. Do you have money down on all three games?
  23. It's a sports logjam tonight. My view from the local pub: Clippers @ OKC, Yankees @ Angels, Kings @ Ducks.
  24. It's final. 3-3. Astonishing result. Liverpool's porous defense reared its head at the worst time. From a certain victory and a chance to cut into Man City's goal differential to a fookin' draw. And the 24 year drought continues. Damn...what a shift in momentum that last 15 minutes was. Okay...maybe I jumped the gun. Technically, Liverpool still has a chance, depending on Man City's results, but it does seem grim at the moment. Poor Gerrard. Poor Suarez.
  25. Hi JTM! Can you believe this? Unbelievable.
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