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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Good! Because my VHS copy is on its last legs. P.S. Is there anything you don't know, Steve?
  2. Ok, the chair memes are getting tiresome.
  3. ^^^ Awwwww, feeling a little neglected? She plants...she SCORES!!! Feel better? That goes for you too, 'Mr. Greenthumbs' chillumpuffer.
  4. There are no words LZG...so I'll just leave you with this:
  5. One of the great things about living on the West Coast is that the football games start early so you can still do stuff at night. "Outlaw Josey Wales" is being shown tonight at the American Cinematheque in all its wide-screen glory. The Dallas @ NY Giants game starts at 5:30pm. The movie starts at 7:30pm. There's a sports bar and grill across the street from the theatre, so I should be able to watch most of the game before heading to the theatre. At least until the middle of the third quarter or so, by which time, the Giants should have things well in hand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF8ETyOcDCE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. Can you please leave the politics out of this thread? Take it to the American Election thread instead. I'd rather not have this thread debased.
  7. Hey, he's breathing ain't he...what more do you want him to do?
  8. Apparently I missed something as all anyone is talking about is Clint's speech at the RNC and worrying about the state of his mental health. I didn't see it so I cannot comment until I watch it on YouTube or somewhere, but if what I've heard so far is true, it is troubling. Added to the fact that he allowed his new wife and daughters to do a stupid "reality show" and I'm worried Clint might be losing his grip.
  9. They need to finally put out "Charlie Is My Darling" on DVD.
  10. You'll be even happier after seeing the show! In my opinion, after the White Stripes this is Jack White's best incarnation. Better than Dead Weather, better than the Raconteurs. If it's anything like the show I saw earlier this year, you'll have an amazing time. Great band and Jack plays his ass off!
  11. If Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor aren't involved, I have no interest in seeing the Stones again. I've seen them enough in my lifetime. I never need to hear "Start Me Up" or "Satisfaction" in concert again.
  12. Happy birthday Reggie! Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi!

  13. The last I heard from Darkness was this advertisement aired during this year's Super Bowl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjK_mKfosvw&feature=youtube_gdata_player Frankly, I didn't know if this augured a comeback or a death knell. I guess it meant a comeback after all...although time and the public's response to the new album will tell. With today's ADD generation, does anyone even remember 2003-04? I, for one, wish Justin luck. On a related tip, the Hives are back, too. They're playing my town Sept. 14. Now...whatever happened to Sahara Hotnights, International Noise Conspiracy, and Mooney Suzuki?
  14. Sept. 1: Old 97's @ El Rey Theatre w/ Those Darlins and Rhett Miller If this doesn't make Jahfin's heart flutter, nuthin' will.
  15. If you've been around here long, you probably know how much I love the Velvet Underground. There's a new movie called "Lawless" being released today, and on the soundtrack is the legendary...no, make that LEGENDARY Ralph Stanley covering the VU's "White Light/White Heat"! I'm still not sure if it's a perfect match of artist and material but it sure is different. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daIsBjJmGJY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  16. I have a feeling this is how it's going to end for all the bands of my youth...in acrimony and in court. Which is why I still seek out new bands; so I don't have to worry about the old farts and their lawyers.
  17. So out of all the Aerosmith threads started here, the one that gets bumped up is the one with the misspelled title? What is a Trhead? Is that short for Treehead? Aerosmith used to be in my personal top 10...back around the time of "Toys in the Attic" and "Rocks". Yes, they were a little raggedy live, but that was part of the Toxic Twins charm. Those first 4 or 5 albums rule...basically everything up to "Draw the Line" and "Live Bootleg" is a must. After that is the long slide to mediocrity and irrelevance: Joe Perry leaving the band, the horrid early-80s albums, the semi-rebirth with "Done With Mirrors"("My Fist Your Face" is an underrated gem) and the Run-DMC collaboration, rehab, the plastic surgery, the Glen Ballard power-ballad era, "Armageddon Day"...or was it "Pearl Harbor"? Yawn, snooze. By the time Steve Tyler joined American Idol, who but the most naive fanboy gave a shit about Aerosmith anymore? Better to look towards Darkness for your rock and roll fix. All I've got to see is those dreaded words "power ballads" in the headline above and I know not to get my hopes up that this is a return to the down n dirty nitty gritty Aerosmith that the hypesters have been promising. Sounds more like the adult-contempo rock-lite simulacrum they've been for the past 20+ years. Nowadays, Aerosmith doesn't rate anything near a top 20 mention, let alone a top 10.
  18. Cool...and double cool! Finally some pictures that didn't make me want to vomit. Nice work, Jangles and Jahfin.
  19. There was a Bieber cologne?!?
  20. No it wasn't there for decoration. But unless the marijuana haze was too thick for me to see clearly or my memory is faulty, I never saw Jimmy Page sing during "Battle of Evermore". "Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp", yes. "That's the Way", yes. Maybe even at the end of "Going to California" at times. But never "Battle of Evermore"...that was Jonesy's baby.
  21. You never answered my question in my post above...but I got to wondering if I was thinking of the right Vancouver show. Did you mean the March 19, 1975 "Snow Jobs" show? Or the March 20, 75 "Snowblind" one? I just pulled out my "Snowblind" to give it another listen and I have to correct my assessment from above. I rate this "Dazed and Confused" as better than average...it's a good one, especially for 1975. The "Woodstock" interlude is very moody and Jimmy's speed and tone in the fast solo part is better than his usual 75 standards.
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