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Everything posted by Strider

  1. So Buffalo got screwed, eh? I didn't see the game nor have I seen any of the highlights, so I'll have to wait to see what happened. But I think Atlanta definitely had more of an advantage playing in an indoor dome stadium than Buffalo. Buffalo plays outdoors on grass (ignore obvious joke), Atlanta plays in a dome on artificial turf. So Toronto is more a home game for Atlanta than Buffalo, in my opinion. Along with the horrible London games (two apparently isn't enough, now the NFL is going to schedule THREE London games!!!), this is another way Goodell is ruining competitive balance and regular season integrity in the NFL.
  2. I think jb126 has made a move ahead of jabe in the season standings.
  3. I'm heading out tonight...no way I'm staying in to watch these two losers from the worst division in the NFL. I saw enough of the pathetic Redskins last Monday night to last a lifetime. What possessed the League to think this game was ready for Prime Time? Nope, I'm going to see the new Christian Bale movie...not "American Hustle", his other new one, "Out of the Furnace", also set in the northeast U.S. and co-starring Woody Harrelson. Q & A afterwards, followed by "The Fighter".
  4. WTF! Why were they playing in Toronto? Was there a concert or something at Rich Stadium? What in the Wide World of Sports is going on?
  5. ^^^ Or those lousy Browns, grrrrrr. I hope Walter is all right and hasn't disappeared like Black Dawg.
  6. ^^^ Fucking Buffalo. And now the Chiefs are threatening to send their game into OT. Rick, what are you talking about a dome? I thought they were playing in Buffalo?
  7. ^^^ Good...KILL THE JETS! This Houston - NE game is turning into a barn-burner! Both teams scoring back to back to back. Houston back up on top!
  8. Excellent points, Bong-Man...and Stryder1978, too. Thank you also, Bong-Man, for adding your personal recollection to this thread. I always am interested in reading first-person accounts of that time, being too young to remember it myself. I did finally make my own pilgrimage to Arlington National Cemetery years later, and it is a solemn, sobering experience. Just as my visits to Dealey Plaza were when I was stationed at Ft. Hood.
  9. Brady has Texans right where he wants them.
  10. LA is getting the New England @ Houston game on CBS, followed by the Denver @ KC game. The Fox game is St. Louis @ SF.
  11. Fan reactions to the shocking last play of the Auburn-Alabama Iron Bowl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7wHcqHc9-g&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  12. UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!! Somebody get a medic for poor jabe's heart.
  13. Check again, KB. Every weather and news source has Nov. 30 marking the end of the Atlantic Hurricane season. http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
  14. ^^^ Well, if you had paid attention to his post you would have noticed the link he included which would take you to the Other Music/Bands section of the forum, where all kinds of music is discussed 24/7. So, as anjin-san said...pay attention.
  15. Today, November 30, marks the end of 'Hurricane season' for 2013 and with 13 named storms and only 2 hurricanes, this was the fewest hurricanes since 1982. http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/Unusually-Quiet-2013-Atlantic-Hurricane-Season-Ends-233930231.html
  16. ^^^ You mean Psychedelic got himself banned? If I'd known that I wouldn't have mentioned him...no sense debating someone who cannot respond. I used to think Oswald was part of a conspiracy...when you're young and you grow up in the shadow of Vietnam, Watergate, and the 60s, believing in conspiracies is almost mandatory. But as more and more time has passed and more information has come to light and you read what kind of guy Oswald was and the different prisms he passed thru, the more I think Oswald was just a lone nut with a huge chip on his shoulder. I realize that the fact that a crazy guy could take out the most powerful man in the world is unsettling to many people. That is why conspiracies about JFK's assassination have flourished...it almost gives people more comfort if they know JFK was taken out by a vast conspiracy than by a random loner. It makes more sense to their world view that everything is connected and controlled by immeasurable and undetectable powers. The chaos of some random nut being able to kill a President is more frightening and threatening to many people's sense of peace and well-being because it allows for the uncertainty of randomness in our daily life. At any moment violence could happen and that unnerves some people.
  17. Starting College Football Rivalry Week with Ohio St. @ Michigan this morning on ABC. Pretty good game so far...21-21 going into halftime. To be followed by Alabama @ Auburn on CBS at 12:30pm. and then UCLA @ USC on ABC at 5pm.
  18. Of course LHO was hiding. A theatre is dark and he thought he could slip in unnoticed. The fact that Psychedelic implies that Oswald went there as a paying customer out to enjoy a double feature illustrates the bizarre nature of most Kennedy conspiracists...they show no connection with rational context and behaviour.
  19. Whine? I never took you for the type, hehe. In case you don't know, 'whine' is the American vernacular for your term 'whinge'. Breakfast and college football: turkey, brie cheese, and cranberry omelette, with a side of yams. Egg nog and coffee. And a tall, cool glass of water, natch.
  20. ^^^ You betcha, Virginia! I forget...are you a Hokie or a Cavalier? That's the other great thing about Thanksgiving...it means it's RIVALRY WEEK in College Football. I don't pay much attention to college sports in the regular season anymore, but Rivalry Week is different...USC vs. UCLA; Michigan vs. Ohio St.; Florida vs. Florida St.; Clemson vs. South Carolina; Virginia vs. Virginia Tech; and of course, the BIG GAME of the day, The Iron Bowl: #4 Auburn vs. #1 Alabama. Who you got, jabe? Whatever your team, enjoy the tailgating and enjoy the game and good luck against your hated rival. GO USC! FIGHT ON!
  21. That's the one game I totally missed yesterday.
  22. Armed and dangerous. Nobody better ever mess with you, hehe.
  23. Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup/stew, turkey goulash, turkey enchiladas... Slept the sleep of the Tryptophan gods today. Seriously, don't you just love the feeling of waking up to your alarm the Friday after Thanksgiving, and after realizing you don't have to do diddly-squat today, curl up back in your warm bed and go back to sleep for hours and hours?
  24. That's interesting, as I seem to have the opposite reaction. NFBM usually was one of the more dependable songs during the 1977 Tour...I cannot really think of one that stands out as being a disaster in the way that Kashmir, Ten Years Gone, or Achilles could be when they weren't clicking on all cylinders. Granted, I haven't heard EVERY NFBM, but they seemed to nail it at all the LA Forum shows. I will have to delve into this for further study.
  25. Of course I'm happy! Haha...I'll take a Raider win over a football pool win any day! This halftime show is the worst! Why is Selena Gomez wearing the Washington Redskins team colours in Dallas' stadium? Is she stupid? Terrible lip-syncing job as well. Boring.
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