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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Sam, the site is still signing me in mysteriously when I use my phone. I sign out...then come back and I'm still signed in.
  2. I find it interesting and a little surprising that even as late as December '69, two months after Led Zeppelin II's release, "Whole Lotta Love" still hadn't become a regular part of the set. Did it really take that long for Jimmy Page to get a theremin and figure out how to do the middle eargasm part live?
  3. ^^^ Right. Because the L.A. Clippers history is chock full of them winning when it counts.
  4. When in the entirety of NBA history has that sentence even been uttered, let alone been considered true? Plus, the Clippers by your own admission just got jobbed by the refs on their home court. Do you think they're gonna get the calls in Oklahoma in front of their rabid fans? Look, if the Lakers falter, then I'll be glad to see the Clippers do well in the playoffs. But the one unmitigated thread that has run through the Donald Sterling era is this: Be prepared for heartbreak.
  5. Hopefully it's not the seaweed salad from Wallgreens. Boring breakfast of granola and yogurt for me today.
  6. The Clippers are not beating OKC in the playoffs if they don't have home court advantage. The Clippers need to finish with a higher seeding than OKC. San Antonio is doomed without Tony Parker. If he isn't playing, SA is average. The reason the Spurs are able to beat the Clippers is because Parker can neutralize Chris Paul. Without Parker, CP would have his way with the Spurs.
  7. While I still enjoyed "Searching for Sugar Man", and knew it was going to win Best Documentary when the nominations came out, it does overstate some of the particulars of his career to heighten the drama of the story. Haven't seen the "Hotel California" documentary yet, but I want to recommend some good books related to the topic that will provide greater depth and context. 1. WAITING FOR THE SUN: A Rock and Roll History of Los Angeles by Barney Hoskyns. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0879309431/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l 2. CANYON OF DREAMS: The Magic and the Music of Laurel Canyon by Harvey Kubernick. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1402797613/ref=mw_dp_img/184-4132479-3590910?is=l 3. LAUREL CANYON: The Inside Story of Rock-and-Roll's Legendary Neighborhood by Michael Walker. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0865479666/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l 4. HOTEL CALIFORNIA: The True-Life Adventures of Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Mitchell, Taylor, Browne, Ronstadt, Geffen, the Eagles, and Their Many Friends by Barney Hoskyns. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0470127775/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l 5. THE WRECKING CREW: The Inside Story of Rock and Roll's Best-Kept Secret by Kent Hartman. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/031261974X/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l 6. MAKING RUMOURS: The Inside Story of the Classic Fleetwood Mac Album by Ken Caillat http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1118218086/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l&qid=1362388589&sr=8-1 7. RIOT ON SUNSET STRIP: Rock 'n' Roll's Last Stand in Hollywood by Dominic Priore http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1906002045/ref=mw_dp_img?is=l&qid=1362388776&sr=8-2
  8. I tried to PM you the photo of George, ebk, but you cannot PM photos on this forum, so I'll post it here for you to see. The occasion was the opening night of the Michel Legrand retrospective at the American Cinematheque. Legendary French composer Michel Legrand and his wife were there for the screening of "The Young Girls of Rochefort" and "Five Days in June", his directorial debut. Because George Chakiris and Gene Kelly both are in "Young Girls of Rochefort", we got a special treat with the added appearances of George himself and Gene's widow, Patricia Kelly. Here are three photos of George(on the left) with Michel and his wife Catherine. Here's one with Patricia Kelly presenting a gift to Michel.
  9. Rappers like to act all big and tough but they're all a bunch of pansies who can only act brave when they have their posses with them. Taylor needs to Swift-Boot his ass!
  10. I thought it was a fine place for it...after all, it made you happy, right? Happy is as happy does. 20% is my standard tip. For real good service, I leave 25% or more.
  11. Probably two or three...just like the multiple Deep Purple threads.
  12. The Stranglers are still around? Something different tonight, Sunday March 3: Cellist Andrew Shulman and Pianist Robert Thies @ Bing Theatre, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Performing Britten: Cello Sonata, Opus 65, Schreker: Sommerfäden, Opus 2, and the Los Angeles premiere of Bruce Broughton's Sonata for Cello and Piano.
  13. Once an ashole, always an asshole. It's a shame really, because I actually like some of Kanye's stuff. But he needs to STOP hating on Taylor Swift...it is classless and he comes across as a creepy stalker when he does this. Grow the fuck up Kanye.
  14. If I may pass along a recommendation or two... Two great movies on TCM tonight, including one that is rarely shown as it was undeservedly skewered upon its release in 1981. The perennial classic "Annie Hall" is on at 8pm EST...this is the movie I was going to see all thru 1977 while other kids were lining up to see "Star Wars". I was so ecstatic when it won Best Picture and Diane Keaton won Best Actress at the Academy Awards for that year in March 1978. More importantly, at midnight EST is the very interesting and controversial in its day "Heaven's Gate", a very long(3 hours and 40 minutes) and strange film about the Johnson County Massacre in 1890's Wyoming, where cattle ranchers slaughtered immigrant farmers. At the heart of the story is a love triangle between Kris Kristofferson, Isabelle Huppert(in her first English-speaking role), and Christopher Walken. Add in the always intetesting John Hurt and Sam Waterson. The beauty of the Wyoming countryside is almost overwhelmed by the beauty of Isabelle Huppert. My god she is ravishing and bewitching in this film. The cinematography is fantastic, as is the score. There are several long dancing scenes...one at the beginning during a Harvard class graduation celebration, where there are some hypnotic waltz sequences, the camera whirling with the dancing couples. Very reminiscent of Coppola and his wedding scenes in "The Godfather". It's not perfect...there are flaws. It is nearly a half hour into the film before you get a grasp on the characters and their purpose. Some of the dialogue can be hard to hear during the crowd scenes, which may or may not have been director Michael Cimino's intention. Ah yes, Michael Cimino...this was his first film after making "The Deer Hunter", which won a bunch of Oscars in 1979. Yes, "Heaven's Gate" went over-budget, but to read the reviews, you would have thought Cimino raped the Mother Superior and absconded with the church funds. Crap like "Battleship" or "The Hulk" didn't get the hate that "Heaven's Gate" received. This is the original director's cut that TCM is showing. After the film's first screening, the studio United Artists took the film away from Cimino and cut it down to a couple hours. Criterion recently invited Cimino to restore it for a DVD release, and I saw this version when it had its L.A. premiere at the American Cinematheque. I was blown away...this was NOT the butchered movie I saw in 1981. Though it takes a while to get going and the story to reveal itself, the rewards and visual poetry of the film outweigh any of the flaws and eventually the film achieves a kind of grandeur and emotional weight that sneaks up on you. Obviously, depending on where you live it may not be convenient to watch it at the time TCM is airing it, but if you have room on your Tivo/DVR for a nearly 4-hour movie, "Heaven's Gate" is well worth a look. Just don't try to watch it while your daughter is blasting Justin Bieber or the kids are fighting over the Xbox. It requires patience and a long attention span. It is time to give "Heaven's Gate" a fresh look without the prejudice and vitriol that poisoned the atmosphere back in 1981. Cimino was hated by a lot of lefty critics, who despised his "Deer Hunter" for supposedly being anti-Vietnamese. Anyway, that's my two cents.
  15. He shoots...he scores! Eventually. A little later than I planned...New Year's and the Super Bowl made me miss the last two record shows, but I finally picked up a copy of "Double Shot", the soundboards of the 25th and 30th, today. I'll give them a listen later tonight after the concert and movie I'm seeing. They are CD-R's, with artwork...cost me $20, which for 6 cds is worth it to me. Saves me the hassle and time of buying blank cds and downloading and burning. I don't have a burner anyway. If I feel the shows are worth having on silvers, I'll upgrade at a later time.
  16. Even though the Knicks and Clippers lost, they should make things tough for whichever team faces them in the playoffs. As big a disappointment this Laker season has been with Dwight Howard, it's still a good thing we traded for him. Bynum hasn't played a game for Philly and doesn't look like he will play at all this whole season.
  17. ^^^ That looks interesting...like a Turkish version of a quesadilla. Today is record swap meet day. So I'm very happy. After missing the last two, I'm hoping to finally score the new Landover 1977 soundboards of the 25th and 30th.
  18. Hey guys, can you take the stuff about horse meat somewhere else...maybe the News that makes you go WTF? thread? You're making us all sick. This is for good, edible food that YOU are eating. So unless you really are eating horse meat, post those stories elsewhere, please. Munching on a small box of blueberries and a bottle of Tÿ Nant water bought at the farmers market, on my way to the record swap meet.
  19. Heat coming to MSG...get ready for overhype overload from ESPN. How are you liking Miami's chances Paul?
  20. A bowl of Texas-style chili w/ chopped onions and jalapeno peppers and a dollop of sour cream. With a few dashes of Tabasco for good measure. Corn muffin on the side, along with some cole slaw. If you're thinking heartburn, don't...the chili isn't giving me near as much heartburn as the Kings are now.
  21. ebk, I know you like "West Side Story"...TCM is airing it at 11:15pm EST. tonight. One of the greatest musicals ever...and on a side note, I got to meet George Chakiris a couple weeks ago. Man, he still looks good...especially for a man his age. Watching LA Kings @ Vancouver hockey and Arizona @ UCLA college basketball right now.
  22. What the heck? This is the second day in a row I've woken up and when I came to check the forum, found I was still logged in from the day before. The first time I chalked it up to my forgetfulness, but I am 100% certain I signed out before going to work last night. Yet I find out just now I'm still sgned in. Weird.
  23. ^^^ That's too bad...she couldn't have been that old. I always had a soft spot for "One Day at a Time". Maybe it was Valerie Bertinelli. Shows I'm missing tonight because of work: Morrissey and Patti Smith @ Staples Center 2001: A Space Odyssey @ LACMA Dr. Strangelove @ Cinefamily Opening night of UCLA's Festival of Preservation premiere of restored noir-classic "Gun Crazy" with Russ Tamblyn in person.
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