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Everything posted by Strider

  1. You might want to rethink your concept of 'rarest'. In answering this question, I only considered songs that were played in their entirety, not excerpts...which is why I didn't count "Good Times Bad Times" and "Your Time Is Gonna Come". "The Wanton Song" just missed my top 5 due to it being played a few more times on the 1975 Tour than "When the Levee Breaks". Lastly, I only considered the Led Zeppelin concerts of 1968-1980.
  2. WHO'S READY FOR SOME MORE FOOTBALL?!? After yesterday's barn-burning games, it'll be hard for today to top them, but I'm hungry for more football either way! Let's GO SEAHAWKS!
  3. ^^^ You're worth it...and you were in the right and he was in the wrong, with both you and slave to zep. Oh my...should I send a lifeboat and a paddle? Hope you're all right.
  4. Absolutely Ally! What a choke job by Denver. Just simple scheme and play-calling mistakes that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. If I was a Bronco fan I would be apoplectic this morning, confounded at how Denver could blow that game yesterday. Fox could be on his way to being the new Andy Reid/Norv Turner...coaches with great regular season records who wilt in the playoffs. Oh well, what's done is done...fuck Denver. Now on to this morning's game: Seattle @ Atlanta. Someone posted earlier a stat about no West Coast team winning on the East Coast two weeks in a row. Well, making it even more difficult for Seattle is this 1pm start, which is 10am PST. Seattle's body clock will be thinking it's morning. As someone who has been watching football a long time, historically it takes about a half for the West Coast team to shake off the slumber when playing a 12 or 1pm EST game on the East Coast. Seattle cannot let Atlanta get too much of a jump on them from the beginning, before Seattle wakes up. If Atlanta shoots out to a quick 14-20 point lead, it will be a long day for Seattle. But if the Seahawks can hang within 7-10 points in the first half, they've got a shot. With Baltimore's upset of Denver, I'm sure that gives Houston fans hopes for a similar upset of New England. Except for one thing...Bill Belichick is not John Fox. He won't commit the blunders Fox did in mismanaging that game.
  5. I've got a concert to get ready for. Catch you later football fans.
  6. All NFL games are live, Reggie.
  7. Hell yeah it's good! Good enough for Robert Plant, too!
  8. Some Newcastle Brown Ale or Rogue Ale should do the trick.
  9. Deep-dish pizza is also good cooked in cast iron skillets. So are biscuits and sticky pecan cinnamon rolls.
  10. Another crucial interception by Peyton Manning in the playoffs.
  11. Congratulations to you ebk and Black Dawg and all Ravens fans. Great game and good luck next week.
  12. Denver's secondary should be fired on the spot! They should be ashamed of themselves.
  13. This is why I love football. Crazy crazy game! I'm on pins n needles.
  14. Denver's secondary is ATROCIOUS!!! HORRIBLE!!!
  15. It happened at the Day on the Green shows at Oakland-Alameda Coliseum July 23-24 1977. Not sure if she danced at both shows or only one. I have the picture somewhere but I'm watching football...I'll track it down after the games.
  16. Brady will be licking his Giselle at the chance to go after Champ Bailey.
  17. Jacoby Jones meet Jackie Smith.
  18. Quit whining about the refs. I didn't see you complaining when the refs called four defense penalties in a row on Denver.
  19. It's confirmed Mr. Garlic...you're a fucking idiot. For one thing, Led Zeppelin had already released their first two albums before Black Sabbath even arrived in 1970. Do you really think Led Zeppelin gave a rat's ass who else was releasing an album on whatever date? Keep in mind that for four albums in a row(Led Zep III to Physical Graffiti), album art delays necessitated Led Zeppelin to keep changing the release dates. The Beatles and Rolling Stones could have been releasing albums the same day and Led Zeppelin wasn't going to budge. They certainly weren't going to move for the likes of Black Sabbath, friends or not. That's it...I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but I'm not wasting any more time on any of your asinine threads. Somehow, I'm not surprised by that, Bayougal. Van Halen blew em out of the water in '78, too. Hell, when I first saw BS in 1972, I came away more impressed by the opening band Yes.
  20. Did you lay the points Black Dawg? Whoa! TD DENVER! That was quick. I'm really hating this 2 minute waiting period between posts.
  21. How many points did you get taking Baltimore...9 or 9.5?
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