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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Torrey Smith is making Champ Bailey his bitch!
  2. To me, it was a little strange the first night(6-21) hearing JPJ on the backing vocals, but as the week went on I gradually grew used to it. One thing is for sure...it sounded better in the arena and on audience tapes than it does on the Soundboards. That said, I still wish Robert would have called Sandy Denny up before the tour and invited her along for the ride so she could do the song proper justice. For one thing, it would have given her much needed exposure and helped her career...and possibly saved her life. I mean they had Dr. Larry Badgely on the plane...they could have found room for Sandy.
  3. Did you bet the Clippers today Rick?
  4. I agree. Two over-used and, in the case of the top one, ugly photos. Blech.
  5. Everything you need to know, Virginia: http://www.realsimple.com/m/food-recipes/cooking-tips-techniques/preparation/cleaning-seasoning-cast-iron-skillet-10000001178519/index.html
  6. Also, make sure the butter is cold when you cut it into the flour mixture.
  7. Off the top of my head, the top 5 rarest songs played are probably these: 1. Four Sticks 2. Friends 3. Out on the Tiles 4. Gallows Pole 5. When the Levee Breaks
  8. Say what? How do I come into this? And where is Denwark?
  9. As always, many thanks zemun for your efforts scouring the web for these John Paul Jones photos and interviews. They are much appreciated by people like me, who just don't have the time.
  10. I'm changing my San Francisco pick to Green Bay. This is why: http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/8835592/the-always-reliable-mailbag
  11. Yes, I know. I'm trying to convince my brother to let me take my nieces to see her.
  12. Well, the Lakers failed to cover last night, even though they were getting 9 points. Oklahoma beat 'em by 15! Stick a fork in them...the Lakers are done. They will not make the playoffs. The last 5 #8 seeds in the Western Conference averaged 48 wins. The Lakers have 15 wins. That means they would have to go 33-14 the rest of the season to reach 48 wins. Impossible? No. Probable? Not bloody likely...not with all the injuries and lack of defense and most teams ahead of them owning the tiebreaker.
  13. ^^^ I'd like to piggyback and add my "Yay!" to jb126's post above...hooray for all of you happy people!
  14. Trampled Under Foot April 27, 1977 Cleveland Final song of the night...been listening to my EVSD "Maximum Destroyer" set.
  15. Don't worry about it, LZG...it shows your heart is in the right place, at least. The mere act of writing it out can act as a sort of cathartic cleansing of the soul, whether the intended recipient receives it or not. As far as I'm concerned, your conscious is clear. Besides the cold, what has me unhappy is finding out I missed a chance to meet Weird Al Yankovich and possibly get filmed for TV. I can't reveal the details yet as they want to keep it under wraps, but it'll air around April.
  16. It's freaking COLD here in L.A.! I've had to break out my gloves. It's still sunny during the day, but the highest it gets is the mid-50s F./ 12-14° C. Nights are freezing...low 40s to mid-30s. Saturday's forecast is 56°/33° F...or 13.3°/0.5° C. Time for a batch of hot cocoa with marshmallows.
  17. Been waiting to see this happy couple together for a long time...tonight is the night! Saturday January 12: Steve Earle & Allison Moorer @ Royce Hall, UCLA...with The Living Sisters opening.
  18. This is an awesome concept...and one I hope they repeat in the U.S. To go to all of them would be nice, and I'm sure most people will be going to the "Trans-Europe Express" or "Autobahn" nights. But if I could only go to one, I would want to go to the "Tour de France" night...I really have a soft spot for that album. Besides, I've seen Kraftwerk several times in the past and I've already heard most of their early catalogue performed in concert.
  19. Is Juliet going to the show tonight?
  20. You know what, Tori, the whole concept of hip and unhip is unnecessary...and a pain in the ass, to boot. Just trust your instincts and like what you like. Please yourself...don't worry about listening to something to please someone else or to fit into some 'clique'. Amen, sister!
  21. March 27, 1975 LA Forum For some reason, Linda Lovelace is brought out to introduce the band. I only knew of her and "Deep Throat" from reading about it in the newspaper, but was too young to have seen it or any porn for that matter. But I'd already lost my virginity by then, anyway, so looking for porn was not a priority in my life. So she comes out and doesn't really say much...just "I'd like to introduce...Led Zeppelin." Doesn't even mention their names like the emcees at Earl's Court. She didn't even look all that pretty. What was the point? Whose idea was this? At least JJ Jackson made sense as he'd been a supporter of the band from the beginning and was a beloved L.A. radio dj. He even introduced the band at their 1970 Forum concert. I always thought of Linda Lovelace as a 'cocaine moment'...somebody tooted too much snow and thought "wouldn't it be far out to have the star of Deep Throat introduce the band?"
  22. If you like those, you should try Cinnamon Wheat Chex and Cinnamon Life. Munching on celery and peanut butter now.
  23. I also think Atlanta will win...and that was before the news about Clemons. But I'm going with my heart and supporting my Seahawks-loving friend; that's why I picked Seattle. I find it strange that the line on the Atlanta-Seattle game hasn't moved since the news about Clemons being out was announced. It's still 2 points...that's almost a smack in Atlanta's face by Vegas. Baltimore is doomed...and it's not the cold. It's the altitude. Peyton and the no-huddle offense will have the Ravens old defense sucking wind at Mile High. Can you really trust Flacco? The only positive for Baltimore is that Peyton does have a history of throwing crucial interceptions in the playoffs. If Ed Reed can snag a couple and take 'em to the house himself, that would take some pressure off Flacco and the offense. Houston is really doomed. Unless Brady is forced to play the game wearing UGGS. Green Bay-San Francisco is the real tough one...and should be the game of the weekend. Can this kid handle the playoff pressure for the 49ers? If he fails, how soon does Harbough go to Alex Smith and how rusty will Smith be? Should be an interesting weekend.
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