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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Not to mention that the cost of filming the entire concert would have been prohibitive to ABC. A similar situation was the footage shot by NBC news at a 1975 concert...Peter only allowed a few minutes to be filmed. I wonder with this sudden appearance of Atlanta 69 and Sydney 72 film if this is a sneak peak at some of the extras that will be on the deluxe remasters Jimmy's working on?
  2. Jesus H. Christ. C'mon Rick, you know context is everything. In any sport, beating a team in the regular season IS NOT the same as beating them in the playoffs!
  3. Aha! I thought his name rang a bell. Thanks for clarifying Nutrocker.
  4. Is your memory that short, Rick? This is the same Denver team that got to the playoffs last year and beat Pittsburgh...with Teabagger at QB. As you can see, now that they've upgraded in a major way at QB with Peyton, they got the #1 seed. So I don't buy this crap about Denver being only about Peyton. Denver certainly has a better and more consistent playoff history than Baltimore. What the fuck has Joe Flaccid ever done? As I said above, Baltimore Ravens = Cleveland Browns. Denver Broncos vs. Cleveland Browns in the playoffs = The Drive and The Fumble = Doom for Baltimore!
  5. Well, there's the problem right there..."Rocky Horror" is best viewed with audience participation. It's not meant to be seen in class or at home on DVD. It's one of the classic original "Midnight Movie" phenomenons. If you ever get out to L.A., you have a standing invitation to attend the midnight showing at the Nuart Theatre with me. BTW, your language is fine.
  6. You hate mushrooms and "Rocky Horror"? That's it...the romance is OFF!
  7. ^^^ Wow, Avril's really let herself go. Okay, I'm looking at these on my phone so it's kind of hard to make out clearly. The second one looks like Britney Spears but I don't recognize the others.
  8. He was alright in "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
  9. ^^^ Who is the one in the top photo, LZG? She looks like a skank. Where did you find these...are these just anonymous people? Is there a website called Chicks wearing Zep shirts?
  10. Gave another listen to "Devils Banquet" 5.17.75 Earl's Court this morning(major write-up forthcoming in the Live section) and now, post-breakfast, am listening to the EVSD "Bonzo's Birthday Party" Soundboard:
  11. If planted hasn't already posted the recipe(she's been ill, the poor dear), I'll shoot you a PM after work.
  12. Baltimore used to be the Cleveland Browns...and every NFL fan worth his/her foam finger knows Cleveland's history of doom versus Denver. Denver wins. Clemons' injury puts my Seattle pick in peril. But out of loyalty to my Seahawk-loving friend, I'm sticking with the Seahawks.
  13. Listening to my new Led Zeppelin bootlegs.
  14. Never got around to having dinner last night, so I am ravenous this morning. Had some chili leftover from the weekend so I made a chili omelet with a little Monterey jack cheese and onions tucked inside with the chili. Topped with a dab of sour cream...and Tabasco. Half a cantaloupe on the side. No taters. Two strong cups of joe. Three glasses of water. Which reminds me...where the hell is Mr. White? Hope he's not lost up on the ski slopes. You might know them as 7-layer cookies, Virginia. According to my friend in the South, they're known down there as 7-layer cookies. I hadn't heard of them by either name until planted enlightened me. In order of placement in the pyrex: unsalted butter, graham cracker crumbs, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, chopped walnuts, sweetened condensed milk, shredded coconut. Here's before and after photos I took making them recently:
  15. ^^^ White Asparagus is divine...always look forward to when it appears at the farmers markets. Right you are, Shep old boy! Here's our brussels sprouts from Christmas dinner:
  16. Means nothing to me...don't use Spotify or any of those others mentioned. Albums and cds are the way I consume Led Zeppelin. One interesting fact in that article was that 840,000 Led Zeppelin albums were sold last year. That's a tremendous figure for a non-active band. I wonder how it compares to Pink Floyd or the Beatles numbers? Of course, it doesn't say if they're measuring sales by fiscal year or calendar year. If it is by calendar year, then "Celebration Day" would account for a big chunk of those sales.
  17. Some of us prefer an audience tape to soundboards...especially if you're talking 1977. Only the 1975 tour has soundboards that don't bleed the warmth and soul from the sound. 1973 and 1977 SBDs, on the other hand, always leave me cold.
  18. A woman after my own heart(or stomach). Welcome to the thread, by the way!
  19. Don't believe everything you read in that horrible Albert Goldman book. It was a premeditated smear-job, just like his Elvis biography. Yes, John Lennon had his "Lost Weekend" in LA during the 70s where he shacked up with May Pang, indulged in his vices and behaved very badly indeed. But by all accounts, by 1980 he had cleaned up and reunited with Yoko and Sean and was entering the 80s with a new sense of maturity and contentment.
  20. She doesn't eat beets or mushrooms. But yeah, Tif, you should have kept at least one or two around for a sleeper shirt. That one in shnflacwav's post is way too garish...it reminds me of so many cheesy Led Zeppelin shirts that proliferated in the 80s and 90s. Shirts that looked more like Molly Hatchet shirts.
  21. Definitive proof that you are gullible with a capital 'G', Mr. Garlic. This is the oldest trick in the publicity flack's playbook and you fell for it, hook-line-and-sinker. Nigerians must love you.
  22. Sue, Watchtower's "Coherence" is even better than EVSD's version of 6-27-77. Yeah, I've found EVSD can be hit & miss, like most labels. For instance, I think Godfatherecords versions of the 2.12.75 NY and 2.16.75 St. Louis and 3.11.75 Long Beach soundboards are better than EVSD's. But then, EVSD's "Maximum Destroyer" and "Listen to This, Eddie - Christmas Edition" are the best versions I've heard of these oft-booted shows. NP: 5.17.75 Earl's Court. Just got this the other day...it's the "Devils Banquet" title on Power Chord. I have never heard this show before now...the 5.18, 5.24 & 5.25 being the only Earl's Courts I had previously. First night of the five night stand. I like the fact that it's an audience tape...you get more a sense of the vibe as soundboards can sound so anti-septic and cold. I'm only on the first CD(there's 4 discs), and on IMTOD...so full impression of the performance will have to come later.
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