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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Sorry dude, it never looks like that...send us a real photo.
  2. You weren't impressed by the films or by the format? Your post leaves it unclear. I admit not all the Cinerama films were classics but no matter what, I always loved the total immersion in the image that Cinerama provided. There are a couple Cinerama films I have never seen before and I am excited to finally get a chance this week at the Dome: "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" and "Cinerama's Russian Adventure" with Bing Crosby. Joe, I was curious about your Cinerama theatre in Wavertree and dcided to try and find some information on it; if it was a true Cinerama theatre, etc. I found this interesting article about its history: http://widescreenmovies.org/WSM03/abbey.htm
  3. There are some over in the Led Zeppelin Main Forum section.
  4. ^^^ Jabe, just hook yourself up with an IV and take your gravy intravenously! Hehehe.
  5. Blimey! In all the hubbub of Bonham and the NFL and Beach House I missed the fact that Liverpool won a game! Ok it wasn't a real Premiere League game but they still beat those West Brommies.
  6. Upper left leg two years ago. On coumadin daily now.
  7. I've cut back a lot on my pizza intake over the years. In the days of my fallow youth it was common-place for me to top off a night of drink and debauchery with pizza and beer and then begin the next day with a cold slice of pizza from the refrigerator. Those daze are long, long, loooong gone. But I do treat myself to a slice or two every now and then, particularly on Fridays for lunch...which is what I'm having right now. None of that doughy Domino's or Pizza Hut crap either. Real New York style thin crust with real mozzarella cheese. Pizza and Led Zeppelin...now that's a lunch combination that can't be beat.
  8. I don't have the September 28, 1971 show so I am listening again to the 9-27-71 Hiroshima concert on my lunch break.
  9. Okay, enough of the silicone-inflated, botoxed, fake-tan, bikini waxed, airbrushed bimbos...time for a real beauty who crushes all these pretenders.
  10. Dude I don't care about catching your Orioles! I just want to pass Oakland for the 2nd wildcard slot.
  11. September 30, 1952 was the debut of "This Is Cinerama", a movie shot in "Cinerama": a three-strip extra-wide film format that Hollywood created to lure Americans from their new-fangled television sets. Projected thru three film projectors simultaneously, it proved a success with more holiday travelogues and movies like "How the West Was Won" and "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World". Cinerama theatres were built all over the world, even in Tehran. Nowadays, there are only three remaining Cinerama theatres that are still equipped to project the three-strip Cinerama process, the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood being one. I'm not sure if the Seattle Cinerama is still operational. To celebrate Cinerama's 60th anniversary, the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood is having a Cinerama Film Festival starting today and running thru October 4. All the holiday travelogues and films like "How the West Was Won" and "2001: A Space Odyssey" will be screened. Here's more about it... http://www.in70mm.com/news/2012/cinerama_dome/index.htm
  12. Damn Angels blew it yesterday...losing on the same day as the A's lost, failing to pull within a game of Oakland. Now it is do-or-die against the Rangers and hope Seattle can beat Oakland at least 2-out-of-3.
  13. ^^^ A Fistful of Dollars "I was tussling with the most dangerous animal in the world - a woman."
  14. See? Flipping a coin was better!
  15. I have to say I am disappointed that Notre Dame is dropping Michigan from their schedule.
  16. Thanks...Hope you had a fine and peaceful Yom Kippur. French toast made with Challah bread is another favourite of mine.
  17. "I'm With Stupid" and "Bachelor #2" are my Aimee favourites, too, zemun. But I enjoy to varying degrees all of her discography, as I think Aimee Mann is one of the finest contemporary songwriters out there. I want to give "Charmer" some more listens before I assign it a place on her career arc. "Lost in Space" is probably the most recent album of hers I loved start to finish, as the last two had some filler in them. But yes, even after only a couple listens, I can recommend this album to you, zemun...and to anyone who enjoys smart, literate pop in a Beatles-cum-early-Elton John mode.
  18. Thanks to those who've taken the time to answer...some interesting lists so far. From the dearth of acoustic songs(only Sue and I have any in our lists), I'm sensing no love for their acoustic sets.
  19. September 27, 1971 Municipal Gymnasium, Hiroshima, Japan Night three in Japan.
  20. DAS might have been joking when he said we all would have done better flipping a coin last week, but fuck it, for this week's picks I literally flipped a coin. Heads, I picked the home team...tails, I picked the road team. So here are my picks for Week 4: Ravens Patriots 49ers Seahawks Falcons Vikings Chargers Texans Bengals Raiders Dolphins Redskins Saints...this is the Roger Goodell Bowl; the winner gets Goodell's head on a platter. Giants Cowboys
  21. You're gonna have a blast...Jack White KILLS! It's been a while since I've seen a concert...Fiona Apple at the Greek on 9-14...but I'm seeing one tonight! September 26, 2012: Baltimore's own Beach House @ the Wiltern Theatre. With Dustin Wong opening.
  22. I was watching the Celebration Day press conference again and I was inspired by one of Jimmy Page's answers to start this thread. It was when he was talking about how songs in concert would mutate from year to year. So the concept is fairly simple. From each year that the band played concerts, pick your favourite five songs from the setlist of that year. This covers Led Zeppelin years only, so 1968-1980 is the time frame. Since there aren't that many 1968 shows available, I am including combining 1968 and 1969. In case you're confused, I'll start first, just to give you an example of how to play along. 1968-69: 1. As Long As I Have You/Fresh Garbage medley...I'll always remember how gobsmacked I was when I heard my first 1969 boot that had "As Long As I Have You" in the set(it was the 4-26-69 show). Since it wasn't on the first album or any official release, it took me by surprise how psychedelic and powerful and freewheeling it was. I have to imagine that for audiences seeing the band in 1968-69, this song was the first sign that Led Zeppelin was no mere Cream/Iron Butterfly/Jeff Beck Group-clone. They were a far different and stranger beast! 2. Dazed and Confused 3. Communication Breakdown...both of these songs were raw, primal and the closest to their original studio forms in this year than any others. CB live is actually better than the studio version...the guitar heavier and faster. It was metal and punk. 4. How Many More Times 5. Killing Floor 1970: 1. Whole Lotta Love…the crazy medleys!!! 2. Thank You 3. Heartbreaker 4. Communication Breakdown 5. Out on the Tiles...only two of them but they both slay! 1971: 1. Celebration Day...this is Led Zeppelin at its most unbridled. Black Sabbath could never sound this unhinged. Jimmy on the 12-string gives this song a completely different flavour and...well, I have said enough already about how I feel about Jones and Bonzo on the 1971 Celebration Days. 2. Since I've Been Loving You 3. Immigrant Song...savage and spacey...the best set opener Led Zeppelin ever had! 4. Thank You 5. Whole Lotta Love medleys 1972: 1. Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp 2. Stairway to Heaven 3. Dazed and Confused 4. SIBLY 5. Going to California 1973: 1. The Song Remains the Same/Rain Song 2. The Ocean 3. Whole Lotta Love...the last medleys and they finally add the funky beat to the theremin segment. 4. SIBLY 5. Stairway to Heaven 1975: 1. Kashmir 2. No Quarter 3. In My Time of Dying 4. Whole Lotta Love-Crunge-Theremin medley 5. Trampled Underfoot 1977: 1. Kashmir 2. Achilles Last Stand 3. Ten Years Gone 4. Over the Hills and Far Away 5. Black Country Woman/Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp 1979: 1. Kashmir 2. Achilles Last Stand 3. Ten Years Gone 4. Hot Dog 5. In the Evening 1980: 1. Achilles Last Stand 2. Kashmir 3. Trampled Underfoot 4. In the Evening 5. Hot Dog
  23. Thank you Juliet! I was trying to assure planted that she didn't sound like a jerk and I'm relieved you felt the same way. Anyway, I'm no medical expert, but since we're both DVT brother and sister in arms, I was curious about this Factor V myself. Here's a good info site I found: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/factor-v-leiden-thrombophilia Here's the section that deals with risks related to oral contraception. What genes are related to factor V Leiden rombophilia? A particular mutation in the F5 gene causes factor V Leiden thrombophilia. The F5 gene provides instructions for making a protein called coagulation factor V. This protein plays a critical role in the coagulation system, which is a series of chemical reactions that forms blood clots in response to injury. The coagulation system is controlled by several proteins, including a protein called activated protein C (APC). APC normally inactivates coagulation factor V, which slows down the clotting process and prevents clots from growing too large. However, in people with factor V Leiden thrombophilia, coagulation factor V cannot be inactivated normally by APC. As a result, the clotting process remains active longer than usual, increasing the chance of developing abnormal blood clots. Other factors also increase the risk of developing blood clots in people with factor V Leiden thrombophilia. These factors include increasing age, obesity, injury, surgery, smoking, pregnancy, and the use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) or hormone replacement therapy. The risk of abnormal clots is also much higher in people who have a combination of the factor V Leiden mutation and another mutation in the F5 gene. Additionally, the risk is increased in people who have the factor V Leiden mutation together with a mutation in another gene involved in the coagulation system.
  24. French toast made with thick slices of sourdough bread and strawberries and whipped cream. And a strong cup of joe.
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