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Everything posted by Strider

  1. How healthy is Reggie Bush? I took the points and the Chargers in one of my bets...took the Patriots and layed the points against Denver, too. Just have a hunch it'll be a blowout. Anyone else think Jets-Houston is a trap? Jets have a history of coming out with a great game just when everyone is down on them. I'm staying away from this game.
  2. Nope. Didn't see them, Rick. Care to elaborate? Who or what were they pissed about? Okay, after reading the tea leaves, gazing into my cloudy ball and invoking Great Odin's Beard, here's my brief rundown on the playoffs... Baltimore vs. New York: Baltimore, of course! Sorry Walter, you're a pleasant chap and all, but I've seen this movie too many times already. The Yankees have won enough. Time for fresh blood. Oakland vs. Detroit: Detroit. I've seen this movie too! Oakland scraps and fights its way into the playoffs and everyone gets excited and marvels how Oakland does this on a shoestring budget and hails Billy Beane and the 'Moneyball' system. Then, Oakland and its shiny young dewy-eyed players go out and wilt in the glare and pressure of the playoffs, promptly getting smacked down by the big, bad millionaire superstars. Often in the first round. Will this year be any different? Maybe...it helps that they only have to face Detroit and not the Yankees or the Orioles in the first round. But with Verlander, I still like Detroit's chances. Washington vs. St. Louis: Washington. Don't really care about any of the NL series, as I dislike all the teams...but Baltimore has to play somebody in the World Series, so it might as well be Washington. It'd be cool to have a Beltway Series. Right, ebk? San Francisco vs. Cincinnati: San Francisco. Actually, I'm rooting for an asteroid to fall out of the sky and crush the Giants. No...that's a little too harsh. But only a little. Just kidding redrum. No, though I hate the Giants, I just don't see the Reds beating them. San Francisco has too much...in fact, this might be the only sweep of the first round.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Bud Selig...THE WORST COMMISSIONER IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS! Tied All-Star Games, juiced baseballs and even more JUICED players, Home field advantage to the World Series decided by an exhibition game, interleague play, unbalanced schedules, One-game playoff, home field advantage that really isn't, games that don't end until after midnight, World Series in November, no day games in World Series, no double-headers...the list goes on and on.
  4. Did anyone take bigzepfan up on his offer?
  5. ^^^ Au contraire mon frère. With the recent upsurge in interest in vinyl by young kids, now is the perfect time to put out a Vinyl box. The last one was put out by Classic Records and it costs a fortune now. Classic doesn't own the rights to Led Zeppelin anymore, but there are only so many old copies of Zeppelin vinyl in decent shape out there and it would be nice if young vinyl enthusiasts of today had an affordable option to buy Led Zeppelin's catalogue on vinyl. Someone should tell the fellas...renew the rights contract with Classic Records or somebody to release some 180g vinyl!
  6. Yeah, maybe someone will ask him about Steve Howe. Mr. Jimmy, you finished behind Steve Howe in the Guitar Player poll all thru the Seventies. What did you think of him?
  7. Ok, I finally saw highlights of the Braves-Cardinals game and the controversial play. I hate the Braves and am glad they lost but that Infield-fly-rule call was HORRIBLE!!! No fucking way that should have been called...how do you penalize a team for a gaffe the other team makes? The freaking shortstop was way out in left field...the INFIELD-fly rule should only apply to infield pop ups. Otherwise, why not invoke the infield-fly rule on Josh Hamilton's goof against the A's on Wednesday? Terrible call...but still doesn't excuse the lame behaviour of Braves fans throwing stuff and delaying the game 20 minutes.
  8. Interesting. You could almost describe the Doors in the same manner. I happen to like a few things by both Nirvana and the Doors...more actually by Nirvana than the Doors...but feel they are both overrated, especially by Rolling Stone magazine and other rock cognescenti. However, both bands share a certain something that will allow them to linger on long after they should have been forgotten...handsome leaders who offed themselves at the young age of 27. Thus ensuring their allure to doomed romantics forever.
  9. Of all the threads to come back from the dead...it should have been left in peace. Keef was taking the piss...that is all. Nothing to see here, move along.
  10. So you have the Saints winning the game without Brees throwing a TD pass? Interesting. Myself, I like Brees to storm past that record he shares with Unitas at the moment. He's gonna have to because I don't think the Saints defense can stop anybody. I don't think they can hold San Diego to 13 points. Hey Beckenbauer, you still have time to post your picks for Sunday and Monday night's games...why don't you knock 'em out by tonight? You don't have to predict the score, just pick which team you think will win.
  11. Yes, Happy Birthday to my fellow badgeholder from that wonderful night of the 23rd of June, Mr. Badgeholder! And a very Happy Birthday to you, Ledzepfvr!!! Don't be so coy, hehe...and what are you doing up so early on your birthday? A most excellent Celebration Day to you both! Yes, 1957 was an awesome year...congratulations on reaching the speed limit! Party on!
  12. Don't worry Kimber, I got your back. Sometimes the minority is right. I'm well on record here about my disdain for Jann Wenner and the entire concept of a 'hall of fame' for rock and roll. Type in Strider + Jann Wenner/Rock and Roll Hall of Fame sucks and you'll find plenty of evidence. But since there's a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame whether we like it or not, I see no problem having hip hop and rap artists in there. I mean, once you let Billy Joel in, the bar is set pretty low to begin with. The Beastie Boys absolutely deserved to be in, as do Run-DMC, Public Enemy and NWA. They rocked harder than any dipshit hair-metal band. I suppose the groundswell is building for Rush to finally make it...but am I the only one who feels strange that Rush would get in before Yes?
  13. Awww, what happened LZG? Uncle Strider is here for ya'.
  14. I had to work tonight so I missed the game. Congrats to Baltimore! Now you gotta beat those Damn Yankees! Hope we get to see a picture of ebk with her Orange foam finger!
  15. Hahaha! Braves lose! Now I don't have to hear about Chipper Jones all thru the playoffs...THANK YOU St. Louis!
  16. You're not watching the Orioles @ Rangers game?
  17. Uh oh...they're throwing shit on the field at Atlanta.
  18. I think this one-game playoff is bunk...another feather in Buddy-boy's cap. Gary Bettman is a joke as Commish of the NHL, but let's face it...baseball means more to the American soul and culture than hockey, so the ramifications of Bud Selig's decisions are felt more widely and have greater impact on the sport and society. By that criteria, as much of a buffoon Bettman is, Bud Selig is still the Worst Commissioner in Sports. Good luck to the Orioles!
  19. ^^^ Very cute. Oh well, it was only a matter of time. Laugh it up while you can. Manning is 2-8 in New England for his career. I like the Patriots, too, in this game. I like the Saints to beat the Chargers, but I'm taking the Chargers and the 4.5 points for betting purposes. Don't think the Saints cover the 4...I'm thinking it's by a field goal. If Arizona doesn't do a better job of keeping Kolb alive, they just may lose the rest of their games. Unless they play Buffalo...cause the Bills' front four sucks. Sorry Rick...just couldn't resist. With the Raiders being off this week, I can watch without worrying this Sunday.
  20. ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" while eating soup.
  21. Having lunch right now: Leftover home-made split-pea soup from the other night, prosciutto with the cantaloupe left from this morning, iced tea.
  22. ^^^ Sweet! I just watched that over and over 5 times in a row just now, haha. Just watching the teaser trailer makes me cry like that girl at 0:12.
  23. No coin this week. Back to my own hunches.
  24. I did. I'm talking about the picks I made for money. I have a couple of football pools I am involved with and sometimes also bet games with my brother. Sorry for the confusion.
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