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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Regarding burning the Quran. NOTHING was ever solved or changed by burning a book, whether it was the Quran, the Bible, Mein Kampf, or My Two Dads. People who burn books just look silly. The same goes for record burners...whether they're burning disco records or Beatles records. Regarding the free speech/hate speech quagmire, I realize the 1st Amendment protects all forms of speech, but wasn't there a Supreme Court decision by Oliver Wendell Holmes that placed certain restrictions, (ie. you can't falsely yell "fire!" in a crowded theatre), on free speech? I don't know the case name off-hand.
  2. There's probably a video-track recording, too...similar to the Seattle Kingdome 1977 tape.
  3. You know, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but your habit of responding to people with either: 1. 2. Nope 3. FAIL is really annoying, and adds nothing to the discussion. It doesn't matter whether I agree with Magic Fills The Air's point or not, but she's right in that your response of "Fail" doesn't explain how she is wrong; it's a snotty, childish response. And merely stating a Supreme Court decision doesn't mean anything either. As history has shown, the USSC is not infallible. Otherwise, we would still be living under the Dredd Scott decision.
  4. It's like the real estate agent's mantra says...location, Location, LOCATION!
  5. Can't wait...I'll be sitting beside a fire, roasting marshmallows...and souls.
  6. ONLY $2-3!?!? Christ, you scored dude! I can tell you there's no way you'd find a Big Bambu w/ paper for that price in L.A.
  7. Wait...let me dig out my harp and washboard. I assume, being one of Jimmy's right-hand men, Steve can handle the guitar. Spontaneous combustion awaits.
  8. You lucky sod. Might I inquire where you found this(garage sale, swap meet, record store) and how much?
  9. One of my interests in life are statistical oddities; occurances that go against the conventional wisdom. I'm a big fan of Richard Feynman and his writings, one of the great original minds of the 20th century. Which brings me to this NHL thread. By almost every significant measure, the NHL ranks a distant 4th among the 4 major North American Sports Leagues: the National Football League(NFL); National Basketball League (NBA); Major League Baseball (MLB); National Hockey League (NHL). If you add in NASCAR, hockey would be 5th. And if you cast your net beyond the North American borders and threw F1 racing and Premiere League Football (soccer) in, the NHL would fall even further down the list. Yet, here on the LZ board, football, baseball and basketball threads struggle to stay afloat for any length of time, while the NHL thread is on its 125th page! How can one explain this? I don't know the geographical breakdown of the members here, but I doubt Canadians are number one. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say the 2 major groups are the Europeans(counting the U.K.) and the United States. All things being equal, the social-economic-racial-gender makeup of this board shouldn't be drastically different than the pool of respondents for all the various sports polls. The fact that Led Zeppelin finished so high in that ESPN Rock Bracket poll suggests a corollary between sports fans and Led Zeppelin fans. And every sports poll ESPN has done shows the NHL behind the other three leagues. So why not here? In fact, given the preponderance of UK fans here, how is it that not even an English Premiere League thread can sustain the level of interest the NHL thread has? Not that this will keep me awake at night, but, in the wise words of Yul Brynner in "The King & I", "tis a puzzlement". As for what's going down now, I've gotta root for Vancouver. Poor Canada hasn't had a Stanley Cup-winning team since the 1993 Montreal Canadians beat the Gretzky-led Los Angeles Kings(their ONLY Stanley Cup appearance)...DAMN Marty McSorley and his illegal stick! By the way, you can thank the success of the Gretzky trade to LA for the fact that there are now hockey teams in Nashville, Tampa Bay, Carolina, and Phoenix. Sorry Canada.
  10. WTF? This makes no sense. I'm reminded of that Chappelle show bit..."cocaine's a helluva drug."
  11. Wished I had left my Big Bambu intact with the rolling paper. I actually BURNED through two copies of Big Bambu back in the day, using the giant rolling paper both times to make Zeppelin-sized joints and smoke 'em with friends. Oh well, at least I still got my Alice Cooper "School's Out" with the girl's panties. And Jahfin found a used Big Bambu still intact, so maybe I'll find one, too. Oh, and R. Crumb's Furry Freak Brothers definitely came before Cheech and Chong...but that doesn't make Cheech and Chong any less funny. In the early 70's, it was Cheech and Chong, George Carlin, and Richard Pryor. Then I discovered Monty Python.
  12. Since I saw just about every Los Angeles-area Led Zeppelin concert from 1972 to 1977, and because the LA shows in those years were usually the best of those respective tours, my pick would come from something earlier. Bath 1970 is an obvious choice, as is Jimmy's birthday show at RAH. Then, there are 3 that, everytime I listen to them, I wish there was a time machine so that I could go back in time to experience each one. Those three are: 1. Sept. 4, 1970 LA Forum 2. Sept. 19, 1970 Evening show Madison Square Garden, NY 3. Sept. 29, 1971 Osaka, Japan But when I really think about it, and if someone had a gun to my head and said I could only pick ONE SHOW, my answer would be: Sept. 7, 1968 Teen-Clubs, Gladsaxe, Denmark. To be able to say you were at the VERY FIRST concert would be very special. That's cachet money can't buy.
  13. Sounds great! I love anything from 1971, so I will look for this as it's one I don't have. Shame it's incomplete...but at least it has Celebration Day and That's the Way and Whole Lotta Love, 3 of the highlights of the 71 tour.
  14. Yeah, especially with that pirate costume on. Oh no! Nancy Wilson's speeding away...
  15. Queen's a great band; made some great albums and were a joy to see in concert. I'm not questioning the fact there's a thread. But to think Queen is underrated is a bit misleading. In fact, they're pretty highly regarded. They sold millions and millions of records. Toured all over the world playing to huge crowds. Their performance at Live Aid was widely acclaimed as the best of the day. Freddie Mercury frequently tops or makes the top 10 of various Best Vocalist/Frontman in Rock polls. Hell, in the UK, they've even topped the Beatles as favourite band on occasion. So is Queen underrated? Not in my book.
  16. ^^^ Strider & Steve...sounds like a sitcom; or one of those earnest, rustic folk-duos from the 50's and 60's.
  17. Wasn't this 1975? Not trying to be a prick...I know this takes a lot of time and effort. Nope...YOU ARE RIGHT! My error...I was thinking the Superdome was their only scheduled New Orleans stop in 1977. I should've known better than to question you, Deborah.
  18. A gentleman never tells. Anyway, that post wasn't meant for this forum...a rather unfortunate slip of the thumb.
  19. Sorry...this wasn't meant to be posted here...that's what I get for trying to multi-task on a phone.
  20. Oh definitely it was the Jack...and whatever other substances he was on. Plus, you have to remember that it was Van Halen's freewheeling and raucous interviews that endeared them to the press in the first place, much like the Beatles charmed the media with their wit and personality. So even if a reporter didn't like Van Halen's music, as a writer they were irresistible because they would fill your notebooks with juicy quotes. And they were absolutely feerless about slagging other bands. Sometimes they would be over-the-top and baseless, but they frequently would be spot-on and hilarious. Oh and FireOpal...as a Doors fan, you should know that the surviving Doors have their handprints at the Guitar Center, too.
  21. Still not enough to get me to watch the show. But I have friends and family that DO...so I'll probably hear about it.
  22. Big Leave it to Steve to one-up me...of COURSE he was there, too. To answer FireOpal's question, I did not speak to him. By the time I arrived there was already a sizable crowd, and since I'm 6'7" myself, I don't mind hanging in the back and letting shorter people stand in front of me so they can get a better view. Besides, if I had tried to speak to Jimmy, the Alchemist's Archivist might have taken one look at this giant approaching Jimmy and sicced security on me.
  23. Okay, found a story on laaska news site, citing an Al-Jazeera report that his wife and daughter have escaped TO Tunisia. No official confirmation yet.
  24. Wait a minute...how can you escape TO Libya when you already live there? Do you mean escaped FROM Libya? Just did a quick google search of gaddafi's wife escapes and didn't see anything more recent than May 6...will keep checking.
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