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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I just can't resist it...here's one more for old times sake! She sure is tough! :hysterical: Sorry guys! But it was just too good to resist!
  2. But in all seriousness, there is one older babe who you blokes might adore Helen Mirren Would you look at that chest?! Yep! It sure ain't fake!
  3. Awww...come now! I thought you Brits had a sense of humour! Man! Now all I see are boobs everywhere! I am just stunned that women with such big ones can actually pull it off and walk with those things! Poor Pamela Anderson!!
  4. ^Magic, that was lovely! Now, who can possibly forget this fiery beauty right here? Kinda nerdy but so sweet! Just look at the expression on her face! Conveys so much warmth and beauty doesn't it?
  5. LOL! Yeah! That's pretty much it! Besides, it will be quite boring if both of us agreed on every single little thing and had the same music tastes, wouldn't it? We wouldn't be getting on each others nerves and having such lovely arguments, would we now? It's like this. Since you are indeed satisfied with the 40 Licks compilation CD by the Stones or so it seems reading from your posts, I am satisfied with the 30 Hits compilation as far as Elvis is concerned! Get the picture mate? And FYI, this is my last post for this topic because I am getting pretty tired of replying to you and looks like you'll be satisfied if and only if I happen to agree with your "brilliant" and "insightful" take on things! Sounds pretty stubborn to me! You call me ridiculous and silly? I call you stubborn! See ya mate!
  6. Do you expect me to agree with every little thing you say? I am sorry but I do not! Our opinions differ and to me, there is nothing wrong with that you know? The only band which I can think of whose greatest hits compliation album even remotely summarises their entire catalogue is "The Jimi Hendrix Experience". Go figure, because that band has made just 3 albums together! But that my friend, didn't necessarily stop me there. I went on to purchase "Axis : Bold As Love", "Are You Experienced?" and "Electric Ladyland". And you have absolutely no idea how proud I am of those purchases and quite frankly, I would not have settled for anything less! But in all fairness, looking at it from your perspective, there is one compliation CD which pretty much does it for me and that's the one by Elvis Presely (the one with 30 songs in it). My mom loves his music and recommended his music to me. Sure, one or two songs like "Hound Dog", "Jailhouse Rock" and "Suspicious Minds" caught my attention but that was that! If I want to listen to Elvis, occassionally, I just listen to this greatest hits CD and that's it! I forget about it for the rest of the time!
  7. My latest and greatest find! I don't think she'll be squeezing any lemons any time soon!
  8. And last but certainly not the least, here is a pair of pretty sophisticated manly women : What angels!
  9. Thanks Magic! :D I have posted a couple more and I just can't wait for our little friend to long in and see his beautiful thread, all messed up! ;)

  10. In a very philosophical sense, I guess some folks are right when they say "beauty is only skin deep". It is the person underneath it all that counts! Well, I guess this saying holds for this babe right here Lovely, isn't she?
  11. ^ Why thank you Magic!! Here's another one! Isn't she a doll? Pretty rockin'! Like an old wise man once said : "Old Babes Rule!!"
  12. Magic, check out the "Beautiful Women" thread ASAP! I have posted something which may freak our little "friend" out a tad bit!! :P I can be quite "wicked" sometimes! ;)

  13. Mind if I cut in? Beautiful women, eh? How about this one? Kind of a "knock out" don't ya think? Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her poor doggie a bone, When she got there The cupboard was bare So the poor little doggie had none!
  14. Yep...as a matter of fact I do! I listen to (as far as Classic Rock is concerned) bands like Queen, Deep Purple, Cream, The Rolling Stones, etc. Believe me mate, I would have been a very very very unhappy girl if I had been idiotic enough to have just stuck to listening to "Deepest Purple", "40 Licks" or "The Very Best of Cream". Take Queen for example. I consider their albums "II" and "I" to be their greatest work. But I have hardly come across any songs from these underrated gems in their so-called greatest hits compilations! And take "The Stones" as another example. Ever heard of "Exile On Main Street"? Their finest work yet in my opinion but just 2 fuckin' songs from that gem of an album on 40 licks compilation CD and that too no beauties like "Rip This Joint"! Sorry! But I ain't wowed by greatest hits compilations. It is a good place to start for all new fans but in my opinion, it is indeed sensible to take it from there and begin exploring the entire catalogue if you claim to "like" that particular band! Now, if my view points do not make sense to you, that is just too bad!
  15. Thank you for the vote of confidence!! :D I guess it's just a matter of time before I actually get to raise my own little kitten! :D

  16. Andy, with all due respect, it is thanks to albums like "Mothership" and albums like "The Best of Led Zeppelin" that so many of my mates are so mis-informed about Led Zeppelin. Yes, I do agree that "Mothership" is one hell of an awesome compilation album. In fact, in spite of the fact that technically "Black Dog" was my first song at the age 12, I really "got" into Zep only at the age 13 (almost 10 years ago, mind you) (thanks to the other compilation album "The Best of Led Zeppelin : Early and Later Days"). I know so many people at my Uni who think that they know the Zep catalogue inside out by listening to a mere compilation CD! When I tried to get them to listen to the studio albums, they said that one compilation CD is quite enough because it pretty much "summarises" the entire catalogue! Sounds pretty ridiculous to me! And quite frankly, it's their fuckin' loss! All I am trying to say is that I know so many who have got side-tracked by these compilation CDs and just listen to it once or twice a year, get tired of it and then just forget about Zep and "move on" to other stuff! In fact, my dad thought that I'll pretty much do the same thing after listening to Early Days and Later Days, but he was so damn wrong!
  17. Well, I've got a number of favourites, so, I'll just post my top 3 : 1. From "Ten Years Gone" - Did you ever really need somebody, And really need 'em bad Did you ever really want somebody, The best love you ever had. Personally, I find these lines to be very touching! 2. From "In The Light" - And if you feel that you can't go on. And your will's sinkin' low, Just believe and you can't go wrong. In the light you will find the road. Very beautiful and inspiring! 3. From "The Rover" - And our time is flyin' see the candle burnin' low, Is the new world risin', from the shambles of the old, If we could just join hands Something about the way Robert sings it, just sends chills down my spine!
  18. I didn't know Dzldoc but he seems to be much loved by so many here. My deepest condolences.
  19. Ooh! Heinze beans on toast sounds yummy! I had tomato soup and 2 slices of toast for lunch today! Yep! Queen was definitely one of the campiest acts out there but you can't deny the fact that they were exceptionally good at combining opera and rock 'n' roll! They were I guess one of the pioneers of "progressive rock". But Pink Floyd will ALWAYS BE the ultimate pioneer of that genre (happy now Reggie?! ) (BTW, to me, the music of Yes sounds quite boring!) (No idea why my dad is so into them! ) Listening to albums by Queen is pretty much like going to a Pantomine and a rock concert at the same time! Anyway, back to the topic (lately half my posts seem to be off topic! Yikes!! ) : I cannot believe Zep actually left out gems like "Out On The Tiles", "In My Time of Dying", "In The Light" and "The Rover" from "Mothership". It just doesn't make any sense to me!!
  20. Yeah! Is it one beautiful song isn't it? Danny, last night, while listening to "Ten Years Gone", I heard "Then As It Was". Yep! That's a statement! LOL! Yeah! My sleep patterns do resemble that of an owl! LOL! Danny! I do not live in a barn! I in fact live in an apartment on the 15th floor! But I have on two occassions have had encounters with other birds! I attempted to chase out a fat pesky piegon who came in cheekily through my balcony door when I had opened it to get some fresh air and the cheeky creature was there right in the middle of my living room floor starring at me with a sort of smug look on its face! It took me half an hour to drive it out with a very large saucepan! Pesky creature!
  21. A very nice topic if I do say so myself dpat! This song always makes me a bit teary-eyed! So beautiful! I actually find it to be pretty poetic just like "Stairway To Heaven" and it to me is one of Zep's best works. To me, this song takes the listener on a journey which is pretty much all about love and friendship! Well, that's what it sounds like to me! And yep! The very first word I hear Robert sing is "then" too! And dpat, thank you for your interpretation of the song! I always wondered if there was some sort of story behind it! Right, seeing this thread, I have decided to listen to "Ten Years Gone" right now before I hit the sack (it's time I did too because it's 3:22 AM here in New Zealand! I am indeed an owl! Carry on the debate about "Ten Years Gone"
  22. Well, Danny, I've been here for just 5 months and I already feel that this forum is like a second home to me!! I have met some incredible people here : some with a lovely sense of humour and who always have the ability to make me laugh, some with whom I have forged strong bonds because of common views about practically everything under the sun like politics, war, history, family life, art, etc and some with music tastes so incredible that I am forever indebted to them for introducing me to wonderful bands (apart from Zep) and also some very interesting and rather eccentric characters who used to cause quite a stir (on the "Ramble On" section of the forum) (I'm sure you remember Atlas?! ). I am a member of 4 other forums but I barely post on those anymore because this one takes up all my spare time and quite frankly, I love it! But I still feel really bad when topics take an ugly turn! I hate fights and I love the sunny side of life! But I guess, this is a forum and differences in opinion will occur! As far as humour is concerned, my mom always says : "There is nothing like British humour to cheer a person up". She's absolutely right I think! You Brits are top notch in that department! Getting back to the topic, Danny, lol! I wasn't referring to the "black keys" on a piano! "The Black Keys" is this blues-rock group consisting of two blokes from Ohio and believe me, I am indeed HAPPY to tell you that I haven't got a single album of theirs!
  23. LOL! Yeah! Queen did become quite a joke with "I Want To Break Free". In fact, my dad said (after viewing that vid for the first time) : "I Want To Break Freddie's Neck" . I too lost a bit of the immense respect I had for Queen after that vid! I didn't find it offensive or anything, in fact, I found it quite hilarious but quite hard to take their music seriously after that (but my respect for them re-surfaced after the release of "Innuendo" )! I do umm...love their 70's stuff though! It was really nice chatting with you Danny! Hope we can do this more often! Cheers! And enjoy your dinner and have a good night! Kiwi.
  24. I heard Deep Purple for the first time in 1996. I first listened to "Deepest Purple : The Very Best of Deep Purple" (or rather, my dad made me do it, insisting that I should check these blokes out) and I loved what I heard although I couldn't understand some of the lyrics (I was just a little girl back then ) and then my dad got me into albums like "Come Taste The Band", "Burn", "Machine Head" and "Deep Purple In Rock" (another album which a personal fav of mine! ), all within a year! Believe me, it was one fascinating musical journey for a 9 year old girl!
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