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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Jahfin


    We were off-topic?
  2. Cool to see some lesser known names mentioned here such as Joan Armatrading and Sass Jordan.
  3. They were also one of my first live shows (Rock n' Roll Over tour '78) and it still stands as one of the best concerts I've ever attended. They were the perfect band for when I was a teenager. These days, not so much. I received the first volume of the Kissology series on DVD as a gift a few years ago and really enjoyed watching some of the TV clips I hadn't seen in years. They're one of the few artists I grew up listening to that I don't have on CD (still have plenty of vinyl though). I doubt I ever buy any of their stuff on CD, if I do, it will be the first album of theirs I ever purchased, Alive!.
  4. If someone is buying their music from Walmart that would be their first problem. I'm still surprised a band with less than a family image (AC/DC) signed an exclusive deal with them for sales of their album Black Ice. I understand times are tough and the music industry has to try new methods of selling music in the age of the internet download but I never once imagined I'd see a band like AC/DC make such a deal. It just goes to show how bad things have gotten in the music business. Perhaps even stranger is that Best Buy will now be including a section in their stores devoted entirely to vinyl.
  5. I was a huge fan when I was a kid. They started to lose me around the time of the solo albums and lost me completely by the time Dynasty was released. They've always been one of the most crass bands commercially but Gene Simmons having the two new members parade around in the makeup originally made famous by Peter Criss and Ace Frehley is a fucking joke. Same for his plans for Kiss to continue with all new members once he and Stanley retire.
  6. I don't really know who's "best" but I do have some favorites: Joni Mitchell Emmylou Harris Patsy Cline Loretta Lynn Kasey Chambers Tift Merritt Sarah Borges Tres Chicas (Lynn Blakey, Caitlin Cary & Tonya Lamm) Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Bramlett
  7. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Someone can be a fan and still be a detriment to the board. I'm not talking about some minor disagreements. I'm mean someone who's sole purpose for signing up is to stir the pot. As for usernames, I don't think a feminine (or masculine) name necessarily needs to reflect one's actual gender. I'm not saying this in defense of Mary Hartman who obviously has a history here, I just mean it in general. Nor does one need to be obligated to fill out all of their profile info. Just like on social networking sites such as Facebook you're given the option here of revealing as much or as little info about yourself as you feel comfortable giving. Of course there's exceptions to this, such as when someone (say a previously banned member) intends to use their profile info to deceive admin and fellow users. Even if gender, age, location, etc. were made mandatory board members can still falsify their profile info.
  8. I hate to be so cynical as there's really no way for telling for sure since it's all conjecture at this point but the internet, while a great place to find info (depending of course on the source), it can also be a very effective tool for spreading propaganda.
  9. Jahfin


    I can't say I really miss most of those, especially the ones where the musical guests all lip synched. That said, there was nothing like tuning into Sooooooooul Train just to see the dancing.
  10. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Like I said, I'm not even suggesting Sam take that approach I'm just saying it's one way I've seen another board handle a very similar situation. I'm not a member of the Skynyrd board where this was done but you can still enter it as a "read only" board. From what I can tell it hasn't hurt their membership any. It also got rid of the assholes that sign up just to cause trouble. I've also seen a software hack used where a member is given ample warning to change their behavior. If they continue to not heed those warnings the hack is employed on their account by the board admin. It's called MU (miserable user); they are still able to post but no one sees their posts. Once they figure this out most of them just go away. Of course they can also do as so many have done here and just sign back up but at least it's a deterrent.
  11. I'm not sure what an "abservation" or an "ally" are but what does any of this have to do with the accusations you were leveling at Letterman, Leno, etc. Or did you just come to the foregone conclusion as I did that you're just full of shit, particularly regarding your assumption that I hadn't seen very many episodes of The Tonight Show?
  12. A sweep would be great as few are as deserving as Buddy but there's also some other very worthy contenders in there (Gourds, Jason Isbell, Sarah Borges, etc.). As for the awards, X Country on XM used to carry them live but I'm not sure how that will be handled now that that channel was done away following the merger with Sirius.
  13. I think I may have a contact buzz just from glancing at that one.
  14. I haven't head much about the new record as of late either other than they're still working on it. I'd also love a tour but I'm really not sure if there's one in the works right now. If nothing else, I'd like to see them at the ACL Fest this year but right now that's pretty much out of the question.
  15. Funny thing is, because of the length of CDs Physical Graffiti would pass as a single album these days.
  16. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    One of the boards I post at has a team of moderators (who are unpaid at that) who ban spammers at a moment's notice (and/or as soon as they are reported). I saw one of the same spammers here not long ago and they remain a member so obviously ridding the site of them is not a very high priority here. Strange too since this is an "Official" messageboard. When things got out of hand with feuding on the official Skynyrd board a few years back they made it part of their fanclub package where members had to pay to have access to the board. I'm not suggesting Sam take the same action here but it did help eliminate those that signed up just to start shit.
  17. I seriously doubt having the internet would have changed anything. I may have already posted this but I saw a very interesting segment on CBS' Sunday Morning a couple of weekends ago called Blackberry Mania. Unfortunately it's not available online anywhere in either written or video form but I did find this blog entry about it: Also heard a think piece by Jeff Greenfield on the Mother’s Day edition of CBS Sunday Morning. His subject, which is unfortunately not captured online in video or text, was “Blackberry Mania.” He cited the Laputa society of Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels,” so consumed with their own deep thoughts they required floggers to keep them from crashing into themselves. All this led into a b-roll shot of pedestrians on cell phones and iPods. With that image in mind, I’ll lead in to the ultimately closing act of all time, Bob Dylan. His current Rolling Stone interview is not available in its entirety online, so I’ll cite his golden quote here: "It’s peculiar and unnerving in a way to see so many young people walking around with cell phones and iPods in their ears and so wrapped up in media and video games. It robs them of their self-identity. It’s a shame to see them so tuned out to real life. Of course they are free to do that, as if that’s got anything to do with freedom. The cost of liberty is high, and young people should understand that before they start spending their life with all those gadgets." So, I'm not so sure having the internet at their disposal would have changed much of anything back in the 60s and 70s. If anything if probably would have proved to be a further distraction, much like it has become now.
  18. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    I'm a member of a number of other boards and they all have their fair share of fucknuts but I agree, the fucknut factor is especially high here. I also wish there was a more effective way of getting rid of banned members that keep signing back up. Perhaps a "sticky" thread should be created for each section off the board where they can be outed as soon as their newest guise is detected because an IP ban just doesn't seem to do the trick.
  19. From CountryStandardTime.com: Buddy Miller grabs five AMA nominations Buddy Miller received five nominations for the Americana Music Association annual awards announced Wednesday out of six member-voted categories. Justin Townes Earle received three and Alejandro Escovedo, The Flatlanders and Australia's Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson each received two nominations. "These nominations reflect the vibrancy and diversity of the ever-growing popularity of Americana Music," said Americana Executive Director Jed Hilly. "Our Honors & Awards show will again be filled with legends and the next generation of stars; it's going to be a musical night to remember." Nominations were: Album of the year Real Animal, by Alejandro Escovedo Written in Chalk, by Buddy & Julie Miller Jason Isbell & The 40 Unit, by Jason Isbell & The 40 Unit Midnight At The Movies, by Justin Townes Earle Artist of the year Alejandro Escovedo Buddy Miller Justin Townes Earle Raul Malo Instrumentalist of the year Buddy Miller Gurf Morlix Jerry Douglas Sam Bush New & Emerging Artist Band of Heathens Belleville Outfit Justin Townes Earle Sarah Borges Song of the year "Chalk," written by Julie Miller, performed by Buddy Miller & Patty Griffin "Country Love" by the Gourds "Homeland Refugee," by Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, and Butch Hancock, performed by the Flatlanders "Rattlin' Bones" by Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson, performed by Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson "Sex And Gasoline," by Rodney Crowell, performed by Rodney Crowell Duo or group of the year Buddy & Julie Miller The Flatlanders Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson Reckless Kelly Selected by AMA members, nominees' eligibility is based on work released between June 1, 2008 and May 1, 2009. Winners will be announced Sept. 17 at the Ryman Auditorium during the 8th annual Americana Music Association's Honors and Awards Show. Hosted by Jim Lauderdale and featuring a band led by Miller, the ceremony will also recognize Lifetime Achievements and awards in Performance, Songwriting and the unique Spirit of Americana Award honoring Free Speech in Music.
  20. Don't get the wrong idea as I have no regrets about the time period I grew up in either as it helped to shape the person I am today. I just think certain aspects of the 60s and 70s have been over romanticized when I feel what is most important is to fully appreciate the moment I'm living in now.
  21. I was born in '62 so I'm too young to remember much of the sixties but as the youngest of six kids I did experience a great deal of it through them. As far as not having any desire to have experienced that time period as an older person, I feel the same way about the 70s. I've encountered a lot of people on this board that wished they had grown up then. As someone that actually did grow up during that time period, I'm here to say it was not all that great. People seem to think that everything was better then when in reality it wasn't that way at all. Believe it or not, there was shitty music then too. There's was also lots of great music but there's also lots of great music now. I guess I'm just someone that prefers to live in the now rather that longing to have grown up in another time period altogether.
  22. Yep, you did lose me there. Not sure how I was supposed to figure that out since I had no idea what in the hell you were talking about and still don't since I don't know what Letterman's comments about Obama have to do with plants or no mention of them. Since you were replying to to this statement made by me I thought it had something to do with the common reference to George Bush, Jr. as "Shrub" since that does have something to do with plants.: Letterman's campaigning for Obama? Last I checked he made fun of all politicians regardless of their affiliation. It's just that Shrub made himself such an easy target for comedy. Nearly all of the late night talk shows start with a monologue that takes up a good portion of the first half hour of the program, it's not something that started with either Letterman or Leno. It dates back to Jack Paar and Carson. I still have no idea at all what you mean by "You probably only know what you have heard or read about as far as 'the legend of', but then that's what your arguments typically seem to incorporate." Your arguments tend to make little or no sense, particularly this one. And for some reason you seem to believe I didn't see many episodes of The Tonight Show when Carson was host. I'm not sure what you've based that assumption on (which is exactly what it is, an "assumption" since you have no idea whatsoever how many episodes I've seen of The Tonight Show) while I in fact, I have seen many episodes of The Tonight Show since I was an avid viewer until Carson's retirement in '92. Since you seem to think Letterman, Leno and other late night talk show hosts "piss away" half their shows before interviewing guests I get the distinct impression that you must not have seen very many episodes of The Tonight Show since Carson also devoted a great deal of his program to other things besides interviewing guests. This would have included the first half hour which was his monologue, usually followed by a sketch of some sort. As with Letterman it was usually midnight (eastern time) before he even got around to interviewing his first guest. Campaign for what? Your severely misinformed notion that 60 Minutes and Letterman are somehow "campaigning for Obama"? Or the other completely misinformed statement you've made about how much time current late night talk show hosts such as Leno and Letterman set aside for interviewing guests as opposed to the amount of time Carson allotted for doing the exact same thing? Perhaps you'd be best to actually do some research on the subject before making assumptions.
  23. Jahfin


    1. Once you find the image you want to post right-click on it. 2. A dialogue box should come up. Find the text that appears after "Properties" and highlight it using your cursor. 3. With the text highlighted, copy (Ctrl + C) the selected text. 4. While in reply mode on the board place your cursor over the icons you see above the blank box where you enter text to reply. Each icon should have text that pops up to tell you what each icon does. You should see one that says "Insert Image". Click on that. 5. A dialogue box will appear that says "Please Enter the URL For This Image". 6. Paste (Ctrl + V) the text you highlighted and copied earlier into the dialogue box. 7. Click OK. 8. You should see the text you copied and pasted surrounded by image tags. The image tags look like this [img ] [/img ] minus the space after the "G" in "IMG". 9. Click "Add Reply" just as you normally would when replying to a post. The image should appear in your post.
  24. I agree that it helps to have lived through some hard times in order to appreciate the good times. However, I don't long to have lived during a different time period (including the 60s). It may be hard to realize with how much television news tends to sanitize it but we're presently living in a time of war. We're also living during one of the toughest economic times since the Great Depression. During the sixties there was rioting in the streets, racial strife, the Vietnam war, etc. Who, in their right mind would want to return to that time period to live through that? Certainly not I, times are tough enough as they are right here in the present.
  25. That clip is in reference to the subject matter of this thread (a Cheeto that supposedly looks like Jesus), it doesn't have anything to do with what you perceive as my remembrance of The Tonight Show.
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