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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Considering this site is no different than those where predators may hang out I see no problem with someone not revealing their gender, particularly females. I've mentioned this already but that's why it's optional to list as much (or as little) information as you want in your profile. This goes for gender, age, your location, etc.
  2. I agree about the Queen thing, Rodgers was never meant to be a "replacement" for Freddie Mercury, that's why they were billed as Queen + Paul Rodgers. As far as Journey is concerned Steve Perry wasn't their original lead vocalist, it was Gregg Rolie. While I agree to a certain extent about lineup changes, it's also just something that comes with the territory in music. There are very few bands out there that still have their original lineups, just off the top of my head I can think of ZZ Top and Aerosmith though I'm sure there are more. Not even Rush has had the same lineup for all these years as their first album was recorded with drummer John Rutsey and not Neil Peart. I think when members leave or someone goes solo they find out in the end that it's better to stick with the band name because that's what's most recognizable to the general public. Then there are some cases where bands don't include any original members. For a time, Molly Hatchet toured without a single original member in the band.
  3. I would expect no less from you. When all else fails just reply with more insults. I've tried to locate some old episodes of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson online but there doesn't appear to be any, most likely because of copyright infringement. In the meantime we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  4. Patterson's website has been updated with new info (tourdates, a blog, song by song writeups, etc.) in anticipation of the release of Murdering Oscar (and Other Love Songs) next month.
  5. While I'm sure some folks in this thread are quite aware of it, there may be others that don't know that The Onion is a parody/satire site. That said, I once read an article about measures people might want to take to avoid getting pulled over. One of them was a suggestion to keep your appreciation for the Grateful Dead to yourself via bumperstickers, decals, etc. displayed on your vehicle.
  6. All new singers? I agree about the melisma style of singing that has been perpetuated by American Idle but can't it's true of all new vocalists.
  7. Page, Jones and Jason Bonham are no longer looking for a new singer. Even when they were, they weren't in search of a Plant soundalike.
  8. Are there a collection of these "liver" versions somewhere? I don't think I've ever heard those.
  9. I suggest directing that at Midnight Rambler as he's the one insisting that 60 Minutes and Letterman are campaigning for Obama (even though he's in office).
  10. There you go assuming again. I'm taking your accusation for exactly what it is, a lie. I disagree with you. That doesn't make me an "obsessive fool". As for the arguing, it takes two to tango so before you start slinging insults around you might want to take a long, hard look in the mirror. You've assumed things that simply aren't true. Since you're unable to give a straight answer you're now hiding behind sarcasm. How convenient. Yet another assumption on your part since you obviously must not read this board. The only person I see evading anything here is you.
  11. I have no doubt they interviewed Obama but they haven't "campaigned" for him. Nor has Letterman.
  12. It's a man with no argument that would accuse another person of never having seen The Tonight Show just because they don't agree with them. That you can't spell simply doesn't help your case any. How about the fact that 60 Minutes and Letterman have never once "campaigned for Obama" and when you were asked to cite examples you came up empty. So the best you can do is lash out at me and then say it was "sarcasm". May as well fess up here too and tell the truth, you don't have an answer and never did.
  13. It’s Decoration Day. And I’ve a mind to roll a stone on his grave. But what would he say. “Keeping me down, boy, won’t keep me away”. It’s Decoration Day. And I knew the Hill Boys would put us away, but my Daddy wasn’t afraid. He said “We’ll fight till the last Lawson’s last living day” I never knew how it all got started a problem with Holland before we were born and I don’t know the name of that boy we tied down and beat till he just couldn’t walk anymore. But I know the caliber in Daddy’s chest and I know what Holland Hill drives. The state let him go, but I guess it was best cause nobody needs all us Lawsons alive. Daddy said one of the boys had come by the Lumber Man’s favorite son. He said, “Beat him real good but don’t dare let him die and if you see Holland Hill run. Now I said, “they ain’t give us trouble no more that we ain’t brought down on ourselves” But a chain on my back and my ear to the floor and I’ll send all the Hill Boys to hell. It’s Decoration Day and I’ve got a family in Mobile Bay and they’ve never seen my Daddy’s grave. But that don’t bother me, it ain’t marked anyway. Cause I got dead brothers in Lauderdale south and I got dead brothers in east Tennessee. My Daddy got shot right in front of his house he had no one to fall on but me. It’s Decoration Day and I’ve got a mind to go spit on his grave. If I was a Hill, I’d have put him away and I’d fight till the last Lawson’s last living day. I’d fight till the last Lawson’s last living day. I’d fight till the last Lawson’s last living day. Lyrics and Music by Jason Isbell © 2002 House of Fame Music (BMI) Jason This was the first song I wrote after joining the band, and it uses a fictional protagonist to tell a story that's rumored to be true. If a fight goes on long enough, it can be impossible to remember who started it. I really love the coda. Barbe and the boys turned it into a tornado.
  14. Kenny Roby Sunday, May 24 Sadlack's Heroes Raleigh, NC
  15. Samantha Crain & the Midnight Shivers Songs In the Night
  16. Yes, it is. Odd that he was just in the news about his lawsuit against Jeff Tweedy. Glad I got to see him with Wilco a few times. Goes to show you just never know...
  17. Steve McQueen Steve McQueen When I was a little boy I wanted to grow up to be Steve McQueen Steve McQueen The coolest doggone motherscratcher on the silver screen I’d drive real fast everywhere no one would ever catch me and I’d kick your ass if you pissed me off so be careful what you ask me and I’d never have an empty bottle or an empty bed and as cool as Paul Newman is I bet Steve could whup his head Steve McQueen............................ Bullet was my favorite movie that I’d ever seen I totaled my go-cart trying to imitate that chase scene That Duster had six hubcaps, know what I mean and I love the way they all flew off when it landed in that ravine Steve McQueen............................ I really loved The Getaway back when I was eight that pussy Alec Baldwin sucked in the remake and speaking of pussy, I guess Steve got it all He fucked Faye Dunaway and he fucked Ali McGraw Steve McQueen, Steve McQueen When I was a little boy I wanted to grow up to be Steve McQueen Steve McQueen The coolest Goddamn mothefucker on the silver screen (Yee-haw) (Suddenly the scene turns slow and somber, as a campfire harp plays in the background) I went to see The Hunter on my first date The Hunter was the last movie Steve McQueen lived to make They took my drivers license when I was just sixteen the year mesothelioma killed Steve McQueen lyrics by Patterson Hood music by Drive-by Truckers (Cooley, Hood, Howell, Lane, Neff, Stacy) ©1998 Soul Dump Music dedicated to my grandfather W. M. Patterson (Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lining of the lung caused by exposure to asbestos. It’s mortality rate is known to be extremely high.)
  18. What, exactly is a "disciption"? Which still doesn't answer the question.
  19. Jay apparently passed away in his sleep earlier today. Jay Bennett, a rock musician with deep ties to Chicago best known as a former member of Wilco, died early Sunday morning in downstate Urbana, where he had been running a recording studio, according to a spokesman for his family. The singer and multi-instrumentalist was 45 years old. "Early this morning, Jay died in his sleep and an autopsy is being performed," said Edward Burch, a friend and musician who collaborated with Bennett on the 2005 album "The Palace at 4 a.m." "The family is in mourning and is unavailable for comment at this time." Born in the Chicago suburb of Rolling Meadows, Bennett began playing in bands as a teenager. He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and earned multiple degrees in secondary education, math and political science. In between, he co-founded the Replacements-like power-pop band Titanic Love Affair, which released three albums during the alternative-rock heyday between 1991 and 1996, when it was dropped from its label. Bennett was working at a VCR repair shop in Champaign when he was tapped to join Wilco as it toured in support of its first album, "A.M." A talented arranger and versatile musician who could play virtually any instrument he picked up, from mandolin to Mellotron, Bennett formed a fruitful partnership with Wilco bandleader Jeff Tweedy. His contributions over a seven-year period were key to the albums that resulted in the band's national breakthrough, including "Being There" (1996), "Summerteeth" (1999) and "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" (2002). To read the remainder of Jay's obituary click here.
  20. I get that error message sometimes too but can't remember right off the top of my head what I've been able to do to get it to work.
  21. It's not a stupid question. I thought how to post an image was listed in the Help section of the board. If it is, I was unable to find it. Hopefully this will help: 1. Once you find the image you want to post right-click on it. 2. A dialogue box should come up. Find the text that appears after "Properties" and highlight it using your cursor. 3. With the text highlighted, copy (Ctrl + C) the selected text. 4. While in reply mode on the board place your cursor over the icons you see above the blank box where you enter text to reply. Each icon should have text that pops up to tell you what each icon does. You should see one that says "Insert Image". Click on that. 5. A dialogue box will appear that says "Please Enter the URL For This Image". 6. Paste (Ctrl + V) the text you highlighted and copied earlier into the dialogue box. 7. Click OK. 8. You should see the text you copied and pasted surrounded by image tags. The image tags look like this [img ] [/img ] minus the space after the "G" in "IMG". 9. Click "Add Reply" just as you normally would when replying to a post. The image should appear in your post.
  22. I didn't make it but I understand she really wowed 'em at this years MerleFest. I'm pretty sure Emmylou was there this year too. Not sure if they sang together or not though.
  23. What part of "I was an avid viewer up until Carson retired in '92" is it that you don't understand? Still evading the question I see.
  24. Jon Dee Graham was dropped by them a few years ago. While I'm sure he wasn't happy about that, I believe it was chalked up to poor sales.
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