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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. Is it really a stretch to equate Led Zeppelin and other Hollywood celebrities with Cocaine? You don't think that it is possible that Robert Plant and Richard Pryor ever did Blow together? Led Zeppelin. Richard "Fucking" Pryor. Hollywood. Cocaine. 1977. What am I stretching at? Please elaborate.
  2. An early "Whole Lotta Love" inside the "How Many More Times" medley:
  3. My short and quick response is: Yes, I do believe that that line refers to smoking or freebasing cocaine. However, it is my opinion and belief that Robert is singing "Try it, Fry it". Try it = snort. Fry it = smoke. On a side note: I have read that Robert Plant met and hung out with Richard Pryor in Los Angeles during the 1977 tour. Of course most of us know that this was the LA series of concerts known as the "Badgeholders" concerts. Even though there is no known proof, I would bet a lot of money that there was some kind of "shenanigans" involving Robert, Richard, Jimmy and possibly even Bonzo himself involving the "try it, fry it" lyric/concept.
  4. Wow!!! Add an awesome man to this list and I can't go wrong. You know what I mean (and not in that way). Thanks Panther, to me it really is refreshing to know that there are very kind and considerate people on this Forum that take the time to wish someone a Happy Birthday even though they have never met in person. That goes for about 99% of every member on this Forum. THANKS!!! Edited to add: I am now a 45 year old American. Not yet a milestone as that will happen in 2020 when I turn 50.
  5. Thank You!!! I am loving the Birthday wishes from 3 of the most extraordinary women on this Great and Awesome Forum dedicated to the Great and Awesome "Mighty" Led Zeppelin!!! Thanks again, Stargroves, Deborah J and Slave.
  6. Thank You Deborah J. I did have a great one.
  7. Thank You very much Stargroves Tangie!!! I really appreciate it.
  8. I am not asking anyone to delve into this because it probably is futile, but I have to and want to believe that their is at least one photo of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones meeting (maybe for the first time) and shaking hands with Robert De Niro.
  9. Good for you to get tickets to The Force Awakens on the day it comes out. I know that it is too late now, but I would love to see this movie on the first day of its release. I will probably wait about 2 or 3 weeks after it comes out to see this. By the way, I live about 3 miles from this Cinemark in Plano. Question: How many tickets did you purchase and was the total really $243.7(?)?
  10. You know that I have to seriously disagree with you on this. It is of My opinion that "Breaking Bad" will one day (if not already) go down in American television history as one of the Greatest American Television Achievements of All-Time. The very fact that you believe that BrBa "will be lucky if it is remembered at all" is almost a ludicrous statement as saying that "Canada's SCTV was far more groundbreaking TV than Breaking Bad". Did Canada's SCTV win multiple Emmy's and have multiple Emmy nomination in their prime (or ever)? The Very Fact that "Breaking Bad" won such awards and dozens and dozens of accolades from almost every AMERICAN sources and resources, only tells Me that you are in the very minority and that you really do not know what you are talking about concerning "Breaking Bad". The moment Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn won Emmy's for their respective roles insured that "Breaking Bad" will NEVER be forgotten EVER. An American television series with 58 Emmy nominations will never be forgotten, ever. We Americans have a history of recording and documenting things of Historical value. Think Baseball, Football, Music, Movies and Television, etc... How can something be forgotten if it is accurately and historically documented for future generations to so easily access through print, video or internet? Walter White/Heisenberg... Jesse Pinkman... Tuco Salamanca... Gustavo Fring... Need I say more (because I can)?
  11. It seems obvious that the director and the producers are purposely leaving Luke Skywalker out of the poster(s) and trailers and his role in this new rendition. They want people just like you to ask the same question that you asked. For them (and us) it generates a certain amount of buzz and media speculation. All the better for this film to be one of, if not the, highest grossing movie of all-time. By the way, aren't you one of the others (among many) to bad-mouth Me and disparage Me anytime you get a chance? That does not bother Me in the least, it just seems kinda strange that you would reply and respond to any topic I generated considering the fact that you like to say some very disparaging and negative things about Me personally (in the past).
  12. That is so true that that is actually very funny. Great post!!!
  13. Nice pictures luvlz2. I know that you won't take this the wrong way but your cousin and your sister are both Hot. And, by the way, I wore My $50 RUSH shirt that I bought in Las Vegas to the Van Halen concert that I attended last Wednesday (9/23/15) in Dallas, Texas. Not the RUSH shirt your friend is wearing though.
  14. I have and have already starting reading this. Have not bought it (yet) but have read some of it already. Pretty much the usual print when it comes to Led Zeppelin and these sort of magazines. Early member Bio, album by album summary, etc... There is a page or two about the groupie scene as related to Led Zeppelin with quotes from Sweet Connie, Lori Maddox/Lightning, etc... There is a picture of Lori Lightning posing in front of the camera when she was about 14 years old. A couple of pages later, there is that "classic" picture of all the members of Led Zeppelin sitting at the table with all the other groupies plainly visible in the picture. You know the one where Jimmy is in the background and Lori is on the far right sitting next to Bonzo.
  15. I love Joe Walsh. I have seen him three times, all in Saint Louis. The best show I saw him at was in a venue that only held a couple of hundred people. It was just like a big barroom with a stage. I managed to literally stand in front of the stage near the speakers that were on the left hand of the stage. Joe and his band members came out wearing animal masks and opened with the "Confessor". Ever since seeing Joe Walsh so close up that night, I have regarded Joe as one of the Greatest Guitarists ever.
  16. I saw this a while back and thought that this was just awesome. Kids of all ages and backgrounds jamming to Led Zeppelin. These are kids who are being taught Music the Right Way.
  17. I am posting this for two reasons: 1. I was at this concert in Las Vegas. 2. This is my first posting of a youtube video since the changeover and I want to see if really is the same as posting a video as before.
  18. I will say only two more things: 1. I can honestly say that I am on no Meds whatsoever and never have been. That is the truth. If I was I would admit to it. 2. How does "permanent ignore" function? Does that mean that I will no longer be able to view your often insipid and inane posts that you reply to others real and logical posts? I am really fascinated that I have been on "permanent ignore" by you as I have never been subjected to this before (I don't think). LONG LIVE LED ZEPPELIN. RUSH. SAINT LOUIS CARDINALS!!!
  19. Go back and read My edited post. I realized I had more to say to you. You may not like it but I will always stand by what I say/type.
  20. You are definitely "guilty" of spewing and espousing your one dimensional opinions on a very broad and large aspect of these topics in the Ramble On section of this Great and Awesome Led Zeppelin Forum. Now that I said that, I seem to believe that you are nothing more than a rabble rouser who desires to stir up trouble and engage in "conflict" with the many others that do not adhere to your sometimes very much "inane" posts. I could be wrong but have you ever posted a comment in all the other sections on this forum? Have you ever posted a positive comment about Led Zeppelin? Edited to add: Wooderson was a great and funny character in the movie "Dazed and Confused". He was a very easy going and chill person who liked to party. You on the other hand seem to be the very opposite of him. You might want to change your avatar to someone who is more like your real personality. Someone who always thinks that what they say/type is always right and everyone else is always wrong. Maybe Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin is more of who you represent. That would seem to fit your personality more than Wooderson or the real Matthew McConaughey.
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