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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. Denver, Colorado. December 26, 1968. The American debut of Led Zeppelin. It would be a short recording (45-60 minutes) as Led Zeppelin was the opening act for Vanilla Fudge (with Spirit).
  2. Obviously I don't know but I think that the Page's were definitely "middle" middle class. I also think that was a very good living in England at that time, after the destruction and devastation that England endured during the second World War.
  3. kingzoso


    It seems that there is at least one winner of the Powerball and that that ticket was sold somewhere in or near Los Angeles.
  4. kingzoso


    No winners from last nights drawing. New estimated jackpot is $1.3 billion dollars. Depending on what state that you reside in, the estimated cash option would be $806,000,000. You have to Love the United States of America. I know that I sure do. There is no other place on the Planet Earth where something like this is even possible. rball winner: Jackpot will rise to $1.3 billion for Wednesday's drawing, officials say Powerball winner: Jackpot will rise to $1.3 billion for Wednesday's drawing, officials say billion for Wednesday's drawing, officials say
  5. kingzoso


    Tonight's Powerball estimated jackpot is $900 million. If no one wins tonight, the next jackpot will be around $1.3 billion dollars.
  6. kingzoso


    Nobody won the estimated $500+ million dollar Powerball jackpot. Powerball is played in 44 States, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. The next Powerball drawing will on Saturday, January 9, 2016 (Jimmy's Birthday). The new estimated jackpot at the moment is around $675 million dollars. What would do if you won around $413.1 million dollars (the cash option value)? Actually here in Texas, that amount would be an approximate payout of $309,825,000 after the I.R.S. gets their cut. I would offer Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham $25 million dollars to play a one-time 3+ hour private concert for me, my family, my friends and my friends here on this forum. Any requests??? Edited to add: The only stipulation I would have is that I get to pick the songs that Jimmy, Robert, Jonesy and Jason would play. The first song on that very long list would be "In the Light" (you will find the road...).
  7. I just saw The Force Awakens for the second time, this time in 3D. I really liked the 3D effects. I don't know if anyone noticed but in the cantina that is run by Maz Kanata, when the camera is going through the room showing all the different people and aliens, there is about a 2-3 second shot of an alien band playing and the guitar player is playing his guitar with a violin bow.
  8. This is a short but interesting video clip. It's not the Giants Causeway in Ireland but an island off the coast of Ireland. I think that some people have commented about the ending scene location of the Force Awakens having something of a Led Zeppelin or a Houses of the Holy vibe. This is probably why:
  9. Happy Birthday John Baldwin!!! You are truly the Greatest Overall Musician of all-time. Your talents are beyond description and your contributions to the Music of Led Zeppelin will be forever immortalized every time a Led Zeppelin song is played and that will be Forever. "Thank You"...
  10. I have had the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active since 2/3/14. I am due for a free upgrade on the same date, just 2 years later. I have come to enjoy my phone and have everything that I have been used to since I first purchased it. I plan on upgrading to the S6 Active in one month from today.
  11. Where's Bonzo? Edited to add: There's Bonzo. At the 3:53 mark. Bonzo should have been the main drummer on the stage not whoever that was behind the main floor kit.
  12. I guess someone with the stature of a Mr. Anthony Hopkins can take the time to praise Mr. Bryan Cranston and everyone else he named, maybe I am on to something when I praise Breaking Bad as one of the Best American television shows of all-time. And this coming from an Academy Award winning actor who was born in the United Kingdom and not the United States of America.
  13. Also, I have the following Jimmy Page and Robert Plant dvds: in chronological order: 1. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: May 1, 1995 (?) 2. Glastonbury Festival: June 25, 1995 3. Albuquerque, New Mexico: September 29, 1995 4. Irvine (Meadows), California: October 3, 1995 5. Buenos Aires, Argentina: January 25, 1996 6. Tokyo, Japan: February 13, 1996 (the same dvd as the above clip for "Tea for One"). 7. Osaka, Japan: February 19, 1996 8. London: No date given. The cover of the dvd says, "Jools Holland Later", BBC TV Studios, White City, London, England... I have not watched these in a long while but I do seem to recall that all 8 of these dvds are of very good to excellent to professional video quality. I suppose I just might have to watch these dvds again in the near future. I also seem to recall that I paid no more then $20 for each of these dvds. Well worth the money or money well spent.
  14. This is not the complete show but this is Page and Plant playing "Tea for One" in Tokyo on February 13, 1996:
  15. All I know about Mick Hinton, in the dozens and dozens of books that I have read about Led Zeppelin, the overall consensus seems to be that Mick Hinton was a very dedicated and very loyal employee of John Bonham and an important part in the overall structure of the whole Led Zeppelin organization.
  16. The "blast off" effect was the result of Jimmy Page employing a Gizmotron. The Gizmo: The device, a small box which was attached to the bridge of the guitar, consisted of six small motor-driven wheels with serrated edges to match the size of each string. The continuous bowing action was activated by pressing one or all of keys located on the top of the unit. Pressing a key would allow the wheel to descend against a motor-driven shaft and bow the corresponding string, while the other hand remained free to fret single notes or full chords. An extremely powerful sound could be created that changed dynamically depending on how hard or soft the wheels were pressed against the strings. The sound was also affected by the type of guitar strings (round-wound or flat-wound).
  17. This is what I meant to post as the final scene of one of the greatest American television shows of all-time: Th
  18. Led Zeppelin won a Grammy Award in 1969 for the cover/artwork for Led Zeppelin II. I know that you hail from Canada, but awards (Grammys, Emmys, Oscars, etc...) mean a lot in the United States of America. Here, in the U.S.A., these kind of awards and winning such awards translate into professional accolades and achievements that goes to prove that winners of such accolades and awards won them because they/them deserve it. How many awards and accolades did SCTV ever win in Canada? I am not going to continue to disagree with you but to compare "Breaking Bad" to the "Doobie Brothers" is beyond stupid and has no bearing on what I was trying to prove or make a point of. I don't know you but your reasoning and comparison is one of the dumbest things I have ever read (and I have said some dumb and stupid things myself). The main difference between you and I is that I am not ashamed to admit such things.
  19. This is not a mystery but more of a question: According to Richard Cole and Richard Trubo, Richard Cole states that Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, John Bonham, Peter Grant and Richard Cole, in Frankfurt, Germany in 1970 after a gig went to a bar and proceeded to consume over a 4 hour period, 120 slivovitzes plus 160 beers-a total of 280 drinks among the six of them. I really do not think that this and that amount of alcohol consumption by anyone in their mid to early twenties is humanly possible. In essence, alcohol is a poison and drinking that amount of alcohol at such a young age (even for the likes of Led Zeppelin) in 1970 could not be possible without "alcohol poisoning" or "death". And this is way before Led Zeppelin and their entourage really began to become enamored with a Cocaine. Fast forward to September 24, 1980 and the "accidental suicide" of John Bonham. However, according to the official British coroners report, Bonzo died from swelling of the lungs due to suffocating on his own... you know what. It was also stated that John Bonham died due to the inhalation of over 40 measures of Vodka in over a 12 hour period.
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