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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. I lost and so did my Saint Louis Cardinals. Two years in a row without making it to the Post-Season after 5 years of Post-Season play in October. Not to get into very specifics, but I would consider the winners to be placed in alphabetical order. That would be: ebk Srider ... Walter. As an aside note, I am rooting for the Houston Astros and the Arizona Diamondbacks to get to the 2017 World Series.
  2. "Narcos" is a great series I have to wait and buy season 3 on DVD as I am not a Netflix subscriber. I also have to wait for season 6 of Orange is the New Black.
  3. Is that "Do What Thall Will" authentic and from an early LZIII pressing?
  4. It seems like everyone in Dallas/Fort Worth area is scrambling around to get gasoline. Almost every gas station is low or completely out of fuel. If there is gas, there are long lines. As for me, I filled up two days ago and have only driven less than 20 since then.
  5. I live in Plano, Texas (about 20 miles north of Dallas) and it only rained once a couple of days ago.
  6. I do like "Orange is the New Black". I have not binge watched it but I do watch about two episodes a day when I can. I would recommend it to others if they want to start watching a funny and quirky show.
  7. I was born in Galveston, Texas and I have a lot of relatives in Galveston and Houston, including my 96 year old Grandmother. My Grandma lives about 12 blocks from the Seawall and the beach I was just in Galveston three weeks ago. Thanks jabe for hoping forum members and their families stay safe. I have been watching the Weather Channel almost all day. By the way, my uncle in Houston went to Galveston today to pick up my Grandma to bring her to his house in Houston.
  8. Rest in Peace, Mr. Presley. I was just 6 years old when I heard the news on the radio of his death while my father was driving on a highway in Houston, Texas. I will admit that at 6 years old I had no knowledge of him or his music until more than a few years later, but I do remember hearing the announcement. As much as I now know of music since then, I will gladly say that Elvis Presley is the true "King of Rock and Roll".
  9. 1. Carole King. 2. John Paul Jones. He had his hair cut. 3. Because of Their long hair (and in Singapore, at that time, long hair was associated with Drug Use). 4. "Trampled Underfoot" lyrics are about Sex and Motor Vehicles. "Moby Dick" does not have any lyrics. "The Rover" is about Peace and Unity.
  10. I have not seen Billions. I will look into it to see if I would be interested in buying it. Thanks for the recommendation.
  11. I saw that in a one hour documentary about Rock and Roll Mysteries a few months ago on the Reelz channel or one of those "newer" cable channels.
  12. I just ordered "Orange is the New Black" (seasons 1-4) and "Friday Night Lights" (the complete series). Can anyone tell me if I made a good decision about these two series'? Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks. In the past, say year, I have bought and watched, "Sons of Anarchy/(F/X), "Narcos"/(Netfilx), "Californication"/(Showtime), "Homeland"/(Showtime) and "OZ"/(HBO). All great shows in their own right.
  13. My comments are this: I think that Peter Grant was the greatest and most influential Manager of All-Time. I think that Richard Cole was the greatest Road Manager of All-Time. RIcardo. From what I have read (and I have read about Led Zeppelin since I was 13 years old), Steven Weiss was very well connected to one or more of the 5 New York "Families". What I do not know and what I would Love to know is what "Families" Steven Weiss was connected too. The Bonnano, Columbo, Gambino, Genovesse, or Lucchese I read a lot about the Mafia and as Swan Song was based in New York City in the mid 1970's, with the millions of dollars Led Zeppelin were generating at that time, one or more of the above Families were in control or generating income from some aspect of a run of Led Zeppelin concerts beginning from 1970 through 1977. I also believe that the NYC Mafia had a hand in the 1973 Drake Robbery. I think that the Mafia actually got to Peter Grant and threatened him to say that the $203,000 was stolen by an employee of the Drake.
  14. In no particular order: Big Log I Cried Tie Dye on the Highway Slow Dancer Calling to You Your Ma Said I Cried Last Night Watching You so many more that I will post later.
  15. If that is the case (and I think it should be), that means that you, ebk, are currently in first place.
  16. Thank You luvlz2. Coming from you, Steve and Walter, this means a lot. I forgot to mention that Joe was also a good guitar player who had a band who were pretty popular (in the mid 80's) in the Houston area. The name of his band was Wicked Jester.
  17. According to legend, this was the concert where Peter Grant had a gun pulled on him by the promoter of this gig. Apparently said promoter got freaked out by the audiences response throughout the concert and told Peter to "pull the plug" to end the concert. Peter said to the promoter, "Wot, you gonna shoot me you silly Cunt, they've just given us the keys to the fucking city". Classic Peter.
  18. My oldest cousin passed away earlier yesterday. He was only 52 years old. He was a big and strong man who was a corrections officer in a Houston prison. He was a great guy who always treated the people in prison with respect. He was also a die-hard Harley Davidson rider. Some rare disease took his life early today. His name was Joe, Junior and he passed away in Houston, Texas with dozens of his family members right by His side. Unfortunately, I could not be there to say My last respects. He was 52 and I am 46 years old. He knew that I am a die-hard Led Zeppelin fan and He was a die-hard Kiss Fan. We had often had, in the past, fun debates of who was the best and greatest band from the 1970's. I would always win because I would always point out that Ace Frehley was a big fan of Jimmy Page. I am not a person who cries often, but I am so sad that my first and oldest cousin in no longer around to talk to.
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