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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Well, that was a pleasant surprize to see you back again here.

    how are ya and where on earth have you been (hope you are doin' fine and that nothing too tragical happened).

    Here we are actually workin on some new stuff with this band, although the vid is a cover and we have changed one guitarist.


  2. Just as the video says, a snippet of a song we are working on, pieced together with some video footage of my old home. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8tclCi9vWM Shitty sound quality of a fun gig on a very rainy day. Since I hadn't slept for 48 hours before the concert, the only thing that kept me goin' were caffeine pills. Somehow in the aftermath of the experience I even managed to break my nose. ëLizardbeast are: Lambert-guitar (the dark haired one) Mick-guitar (the blonde one) Geert-drums Ben-bass Reswati-vocals and special guest, Cynthia-vocals
  3. @Bustle always a pleasure to see you here......cool picture with the vinyl album, you make complete sense! And just to delight the forum with some signs of life, a picture from the first ever ëLizardbeast gig. And just a random shot of me, trying to look civilized or something like that.
  4. I just had the chance to see them perform at Pukkelpop in Belgium a few days ago, and it was a really great show. Dickinson is an awesome singer, and despite his age of 52 still extremely athletic and strong voiced.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8tclCi9vWM

    With regards from Holland, hope you are doin'well!

  6. Thanks Deborah,

    hope you are doing fine,

    lots of good vibes from Holland to you.

  7. hallo du da,...lange nichts mehr geschrieben, hoffentlich ist alles okay mit dir. Leute fragten sich hier ab wie es mit dir geht, und ehrlich gesagt hatte ich keine Ahnung.

    Lass mal was hören, ich bin auch nicht ziemlich oft mehr hier aber es ist cool dich zu kennen. Viel gutes aus Holland.

  8. Been ages since I have been here, how yer doin?

  9. Hope you're doing fine, just busy writing new stuff with a new band of motivated, a bit silly, people here. Greets and rock on!

  10. Thanks for the add....just found that out right now while on a holiday in Berlin. lots of freaky bands and things to do and see here, hope you are doin fine as well.

  11. oops, letter waren op....als interactieve vriend dus. Groetjes, Reswati.

  12. Well, eindelijk eens iemand uit ons kouwe kikkerlandje.....groeten uit het verre Venlo van een andere Zeppelin fan, die vaker jou stad bezoekt om zeppelin bootlegs te kopen in de winkel tegenover Paradiso. Hoop dat je veel lol hebt op deze site, ik was hier al minstens een half jaar niet meer, en dan las ik ineens je schrijfschrijf...cool.

    Zou je graag willen toevoegen als interactieve vri...

  13. Well, greetings from the other side of the ocean, from a green watery funny place called the Netherlands. In reply to your question.....I am neither Democrat nor Republican, we are not allowed to choose your president.

    Thanks for the add, great to see that young people discover the power of Zep.

  14. Two pictures of my most recent adventures in Hell.
  15. Nope, Im a demoncrunchie...lol.

  16. If there would be a word that combines the meanings of intoxicating, enchanting and breathtaking, that would be the word to describe you. Great pic and thanx for posting.
  17. A happy drunk spaced out rocking and rolling Halloween to you as well Jimmy...... Cheers!!!!
  18. Just bought two tickets to see Steve Hillage and Gong in Amsterdam next month.
  19. Wow, just read a post where you said you saw the reunited Zep at the Atlantic 40th anniversary.....how was it in reality since I only know it from dvd including the bad sound.

    Btw, long time no see, hope you are doing fine. Lots of cozmik energy to you!

  20. Ah, I see it's your birthday today (one other friend who is the city poet of Venlo also was born today....so this day produces great people, haha)

    Happy birthday to you, I'll have a drink on you later.

  21. yeah, how does a Webmaster look like....like Spiderman perhaps
  22. (we are allowed just a small amount of writewrite here, lol)

    I would love to hear anything about that show which you can remember, it's my fav bootleg actually.

    With regards from Holland

    Rock on,


  23. Hi man, hope you are doing fine indeed, and I hope that your insomnia ain't breaking you up.

    the way to possibly get some sleep is the consumption of some absinthe and having a joint before trying to sleep......did help me on thousands of occasions to get some rest.

    Great to know someone who was at the Forum 77 show with Keith Moon, do you remember anything from that night...

  24. The Empire loves people with pink handbags (and bicycles too!) vote Palpatine
  25. Just wanted to say that your statement bout RepubliKKKans makes a lot of sense.

    (in fact I got thrown off of one of their sites for 51 times in a row for beeing just as well spoken as I always am, lol)

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