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Everything posted by reswati

  1. I am momentarily reading "Star Trek movie memories" by William Shatner on the toilet.
  2. For badgeholders only, due to the noise solo, Kashmir, and Achilles Last Stand. Great sound and great performance, got me hooked.
  3. He is for sure suffering of Space Oddity. Please send him back to ET (who still hasn't paid any phone bills)
  4. Our mutual love for the benefit of Mister Kite. (Including Henry the Horse)
  5. Something COMPLETELY different.......sounds like a lesbian ceremony.
  6. That quote was "invented" by Robert Johnson some years before.
  7. See you on the dark side of the moon, Neil. Rest in peace, you were a true hero.
  8. Led Zeppelin invented songs and whole concerts dedicated to badgeholders. (Does that count?)
  9. The spaceman make-up rights are owned by (of course) Simmons and Stanley.
  10. http://youtu.be/pfaS_r5hxnE Possibly one of the best prog bands right here and now.
  11. I am a singer/composer from (of all places) Venlo. Momentarily am I forming a new experimental band and am writing a piece of undanceable music. You can find some of my older compositions here: Greets, Res.
  12. I still seek for an instrumental version of ALS. If anyone can provide me with such it will be much appreciated.
  13. Lord of the rings (all three films) Passion (music from "The last temptation of Christ") Star Trek 2- The wrath of Khan The Cell Omen 3, the final conflict The Omen Star Wars (Original trilogy)
  14. Bruce wasn't even in Kiss when "Fits like a glove" was recorded (the song is from "Lick it up" with Vinnie Vincent).
  15. Great songs, well sung.....why on earth did you guys stop?
  16. The geezer is a bit overhyped at the moment, especially at pre-teen shows (and at every bloody festival in the country to promote his only album).
  17. Cool, I was just about to post exactly that interview. The "actually I am a plumber" part is so beyond bullshit........great humor.
  18. I used to have a 1977 Ace Frehley suit and playback to Kiss when I was bout 13 years old. (We took the copying that far that I can still draw Ace's autograph) He was my favorite Kiss member, and is indeed a very cool guitar player who has inspired thousands of kids to play the guitar. Still have most old Kiss albums from the original members period and some bootlegs.
  19. Are you sure the record isn't "Tangible Vandalism"? http://www.discogs.com/Led-Zeppelin-Tangible-Vandalism/release/3720694
  20. Filmed live at Yellowstock 2012 including hand made cheesy effects. Band: The Flying Eyes.
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