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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Just finished reading the rest of this thread, since I went to bed early yesterday, I even re-read all the posts since I like reading. What strikes me most about you, Drunk08, is your incredible arrogance and your lack of vision. You may be dissatisfied with your looks, and you may be even able to change it, now or in 20 years....no surgeon in the world can change your hostile/negative/prejudiced attitude. I hope for you that your future experiences will make you a little bit wiser once you are 20 years older, else you will be ending up as a bitter old fart indeed. You should possibly travel a little bit more instead of wasting your eyesight behind a computer, there are many fascinating things to be seen, and no, Europe is not full of socialists, and just in case that you wanted to know, Holland, where I live is not full of prostitutes either. With kind regards: Gene Simmons...haha....uhhh....I mean Reswati. (A smile is diamond)
  2. No, she should get a new face, and artificial virginity as well, especially when she's sixty-seven years old. I love 67 year old Britneys!
  3. You're welcome, you are also a very funny carbon-based unit!
  4. That was extremely witty. You should be a writer for The Tonight Show. Thanks I feel flattered I guess my dismissal of your overexaggerated and absurd sexual conquest claim was a little too blunt for you. Oh no, no offense....I am already used to your bluntness, that's your psyche. As long as you aren't James Blunt you're okay with me....but if you want surgery to look like him, go ahead. Please call me when you get a sex change, I might come visit you haha. By the way, I am sober. Have a drink on me!
  5. That will be the day when you change your name to SOBER08, a sad day for the alcohol industry indeed. ah Spats...also here... Have fun with this guy, this is what Stephen King would call Ka, welcome to the Ka-Tet.
  6. Maybe you should try to discuss this issue with Spats
  7. I had sex with about 300 women in my life, without needing another face than just mine. If you want to project your insecurity on me, go ahead....you might possibly also need brain surgery too. Aging is a natural thing, nothing to be frightened of.
  8. I am 40 years old, and I am open minded enough to let everyone decide what to do with his/her body whatever they like. If you want to have your nipples pierced, do it. If you want an extra head added, do it, I love science fiction characters. If you want to become a black man....do it, just like Michael Jackson became a white man. I am just not insecure about any of my looks, I love my looks. Define beautiful anyway....it's all in the mind. As for your march towards death comment......we all one day will die, that's one of the only things in life you can be sure of.
  9. Why would I want to change the way I look, when I am already satisfied with it. I rather age gracefully, just like Robert Plant, instead of buying a new plastic face like David Coverdale. Sorry but I am proud of my age and proud of my looks and no new nose would improve that. Beauty comes from the inside, note vice versa.
  10. Okay, Sharon Osbourne smells money again (the same woman that ruined the re-releases of Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman)
  11. It can always happen that a song sounds like another one that already exists.....possibly every combination of chords has already been written before. As long as you can make an idea sound original it's okay to write whatever you like. I once composed a song and 2 years later Steve Vai used exactly the same chord changes on one of his albums, still it sounds completely different.
  12. ^^^^^^ Yeah, Lilith, that's my daughter hopping around there, and she loves to dance. Thanks to everyone for watching and the nice compliments, mesa feels flattered.
  13. Not really a picture....nah... this is a MOTION PICTURE A tribute to John Bonham, done with an amazing instrument!
  14. Nice to finally see you again, Bustle....you look radiant! Hope you are doing fine!
  15. You're welcome.

    Have a nice stay on the board, rock on!

  16. Yeah, pimples are a pain and give me enormous complexions too......I just chopped my head off with a guillotine after I discovered a little pimple on my face too. I must admit that I feel better now, especially since my brain is now also gone.
  17. Oh yes indeed, Ninelives....how could I forget to mention her. "Lost in space" is such a beautiful record, I discovered her on Jools Holland where she sang Humpty Dumpty and bought the whole record the next day.
  18. Zeppelunatics or Zeppeloonies (At least that description counts for me)
  19. Feel free to add me, fellow Zeppelunatics...haha http://www.myspace.com/reswati
  20. In my time of dying, it's actually "oh my Jesus", not Oh Drogheda... Here's the complete lyrics: In my time of dying, want nobody to mourn All I want for you to do is take my body home Well, well, well, so I can die easy (X2) Jesus, gonna make up my dyin' bed. Meet me, Jesus, meet me. Meet me in the middle of the air If my wings should fail me, Lord. Please meet me with another pair Well, well, well, so I can die easy (X2) Jesus, gonna make up.. somebody, somebody... Jesus gonna make up... Jesus gonna make you my dyin' bed Oh, Saint Peter, at the gates of heaven... Won't you let me in I never did no harm. I never did no wrong Oh, Gabriel, let me blow your horn. Let me blow your horn Oh, I never did, did no harm. I've only been this young once. I never thought I'd do anybody no wrong No, not once. Oh, I did somebody some good. Somebody some good... Oh, did somebody some good. I must have did somebody some good... And I see them in the streets And I see them in the field And I hear them shouting under my feet And I know it's got to be real Oh, Lord, deliver me All the wrong I've done You can deliver me, Lord I only wanted to have some fun. Hear the angels marchin', hear the' marchin', hear them marchin', Hear them marchin', the' marchin' Oh my Jesus... (repeat) Oh, don't you make it my dyin', dyin', dyin'... (Studio Chatter: "That's gonna be the one, isn't it? " "Come have a listen, then. " Oh yes, thank you.")
  21. Just found this quite silly Robert cartoon.
  22. Too bad Adam can't spit blood and breathe fire.
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