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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Tell your friend in answer to the question that we all love his big Zeppelin and his heavy balloons.
  2. Why certain people listen songs backwards.... well, they have nothing better to do......since they have dull lives. Listen to Jimmy's Lucifer Rising instead (the right way around, since backwards music sucks) http://www.myspace.com/fraterzardoz and yeah, Bigdan, you are right....in the future....one post after this one.
  3. Here is a Jeff concert which I had never seen before posted by the same youtuber. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPXbt3jCf3Q...434&index=0 this is the first song, the rest are on his youtube page...to the right if you click the link.....ya'll figure this out.....just too lazy to post all the links.
  4. Here's a very rare Jeff clip I discovered yesterday, Enjoy! Jeff as a street musician: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U3mJwwayWI...re=channel_page
  5. The coloured ones are reprints from the presence, the original albums were all black vinyl.
  6. Well, Anthony, we kinda multiplied a little bit since 2007 and became one most of the time happy bunch of people :D Welcome indeed, hope you'll enjoy your stay.
  7. That's indeed a good choice, I saw them doing it in Holland as an encore to a great performance on my birthday in 1998. I even got fired from my job to go to that gig, and hearing this song made it all worth it.
  8. Ya Sah - Nass Al Ghiwaine Fallahi -Hossam Ramzi (Played percussion with Page and Plant)
  9. True Emmi, I am a postman and have to fight a lot of them on a daily base (Even beeing underpaid, but, hell, someone's gotta do it)
  10. When we read this site then at the bottom of the first page you may see who is all online here. Since we still can't chat here, send a message to the person/or persons next to you (a comment or whatever fits your moodswing)....
  11. Shalom to you!

  12. Can somebody repost the Bonzo-pooping-in-a-shoe story here, haven't read that one in ages since I gave my Stairway To Heaven book by Richard Cole to someone a mighty long time ago. Thankee Sai in advance.
  13. Don't piss on an electric fence.
  14. The Dark Tower, Stephen King (third book)
  15. You out-beautificate Helen of Troy!
  16. Here comes the sun - The Beatles
  17. Hehehe, judging from the thingy between my legs and the growth of hair and my chin I am indeed not a girl.
  18. Thanks Brokenlevee and ZepFanforever, on behalf of myself and my lil girl.
  19. Bootleg-wise indeed, I have listened to more zeppelin concerts than ever, but still it would be cool to be teleported back in time to see a seventies performance live and in person instead of listening to a downloaded MP3 of a concert of that era.
  20. Us and them, Pink Floyd on some Texan radio station, uhh...KARX-FM.
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