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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Extremely well done, I love the very spaced out vocals. this would enchant Page and Plant personally!!! YOU RULE
  2. Enjoy some of this dutch vibed Zeppelinesqueness. This (indeed very drunk, hence the over-the-top-Tarzan-of-Metal poses) performance got me a free ticket to the O2 show. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=275907096
  3. Nice.... too bad that you don't have time to gig some more, since you got the right vibe. with regards from farfaraway Holland Rock and Roll!!!!!!!!
  4. From the book "Led Zeppelin, heaven and hell" page 120/122 The old man on the cover was chosen, or made up, to bear a remarkable resemblance to one George Pickingill. Also in the background of the photo there is a blue haze that some argue is significant. Who was George Pickingill? He was one of the most famous occult masters in England in the early 1890s. Pickingill came from Canewdon County in the Essex area of england and ruled the district like a feudal lord. He was nicknamed "Old George" and the oldest villager at the time of Pickingill's death said that Pickingill had always looked the same. He carried a carved walking stick with him and villagers believed that he could curse someone with just a touch of the stick. He was revered by students of the occult who came from all over Europe to learn witchcraft from him. One of these students was Allan Bennett, who later tought his knowledge to aleister Crowley. some students even suggest that crowley met Pickingill back in the 1880s. Pickingill died in 1909 when according to local legend, his home was struck by lightning. The photograph was shot at a photo session in early 1972, so it was clearly not an actual photo of Pickingill (in a 1971 intervieuw, though Page claimed the photo was one that he and Plant had found intact in a junk shop in Reading) Only a couple of photographs of Pickingill are known to exist and whether jimmy Page planned the cover, or it was just coincidence, is a matter of debate but the man on the cover and Pickingill look identical. The man is not Crowley, just google for images of Crowley and see for yourself, also google for images of George Pickingill (or Pickingale) (ps....there is no such thing as "Thelema House".....Crowley had an Abbey of Thelema in Sicily, the house he and later Page lived in is Boleskine House in Scotland, and it is a hotel at the moment, it was never torn down) Do what thou wilt!
  5. Guess that is impossible since he gave his soul to the maker. Rest in Peace Heath.
  6. I feel sorry for you, Samo Kodela. (and you know sometimes words have two meanings)
  7. The video just shows that he can give the song a better bass melody than the original version. (Conclusion of the year: real virtuoso do not necessarily need silver pants and big hairdo's) :D :D
  8. As soon as you start throwing televisions out of hotel windows you might be a Zeppelinesque person. Give it a try and you know exactly what I mean. :D
  9. Well, most of them, this disks miss for instance some Swan Song outtakes and Lucifer Rising ain't complete on the disks. Still this collection is worth having.
  10. Just came back from London, still intoxicated by both music, sleep shortage and lots of booze. The rehearsal was an unique event. Cost lots of time to get in after an hour of waiting. Once in the venue we ran like hell to see what happened and saw them play In my time of dying, and rehearsing some of the tricky parts of it over and over again. Then came No quarter.....only without lyrics, Robert went in front of the stage on bare feet drinking coffee and greeted some people. Some more parts of songs were played, bits of Nobody's fault but mine.....and a snippet of blues (Honey bee).
  11. Yeah, saw him too.......amazingly funny, he deserves a badge!!!
  12. Oops, the wine destroyed my last comment....I meant: do you sell t-shirts for badgeholders???? :D
  13. Do you sell tickets for badgeholders???? :D
  14. Alle antwoorden zijn reeds aanwezig.
  15. I won a ticket to the rehearsal and to the concert on Myspace
  16. The soundcheck will be at 4 in the afternoon in the O2 on sunday the 9th.
  17. Just won on Myspace a ticket for the show and a ticket for the dress rehearsal........Anyone else going to the rehearsal?
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