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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Maybe we are just too stupid to read an article that states an artists unhappiness with the situation he is in. I can imagine his feelings, I can totally understand his vibe of mind but still his remarks remind me too much of that punk guy's remarks about throwing up at Zeppelin album covers way back in the seventies. There are many bands/acts who have sold more albums ( Metallica, Iron Maiden, Abba, Britney Spears.....and lots more) that don't whine bout them not beeing well received and going to be the next big thing. More or less at least this band has now gotten our attention, I guess that was all they wanted, and sorry.....even though I own about 1200 vinyl records and the same amount of CD's, I still think their music is quite lame, cliche, overproduced and soon to be forgotten. We can conclude this discussion in 10 years, just see how well they fare in beeing top of the world entertainers. I wish them nothing but luck and a bit more talent.
  2. Possibly one of the greatest threads to read here, thankos very muchos for typing your fingers blue!
  3. I agree with you Jahfin that music should evolve, music is emotion and one can't have the same emotion forever. This is for instance a new band without a big ego problem, even though that David Bowie more or less discovered them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqI0FYN-r5c This Flowers guy is actually known for his big mouth: (Quotes from Wikipedia) "Brandon Flowers said that Sam's Town would be "one of the best albums of the past twenty years" "Since going platinum, the band (and principally Flowers) have incited a few rivalries—most notably with The Bravery and Fall Out Boy, who are both labelmates (Island Records). Flowers has said that these bands, especially The Bravery, are riding on the coattails of the success of The Killers. Additionally, in an article of NME, Flowers claimed Fall Out Boy was hogging the A&R man both bands share, setting off Fall Out Boy's bassist Pete Wentz. However, after Wentz made a couple of rants on his blog in September 2005, he offered a virtual cease-fire. Flowers has since apologized to The Bravery, Fall Out Boy, and Panic at the Disco, saying "I'd like to take it all back - these people are just doing what they want to do, just like I am," and said that he was "not proud of" his actions" If your music is good enough IMO then you don't need to kick anyone of any pedestal, you get one yourself once you have earned it. Until the Killers have reached that point they are nothing more than Only the Village People made their gay image look a bit cooler.
  4. Massively popular, hmm, how many massively popular bands have come and gone and yet remain forgotten in the mists of time. Would anyone care about the reunion of the massively popular band A-ha, or the equally massively popular New Kids on the block, not to forget the legendary Milli Vanilli and of course the multi talented.....etc etc It takes more than massive popularity to become a legend. Oh, and THIS is a pedistool, enjoy.... http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http...ficial%26sa%3DG
  5. Darn, you're still awake Ninelives......don't we ever sleep.....haha
  6. My dream collaboration would be Jimmy with some guys called Plant, Jones and Bonham.
  7. Well, since this thread is full of inspiring ladies, here's the one that inspires me on a daily base.
  8. My one and a half year old daughter thinks I am Jim Morisson, everytime she sees a pic of him she goes "Pappa, pappa". Ain't it sweet.... (Maybe a signal to get my leather pants out of the mothballs)
  9. There is one way of course to beat Zep and Nirvana but it ain't subtle. Come on Flowers, go ahead and shoot yourself through the head while choking on your vomit simultaneously (And become the legendary man that killed the Killers). If you really can pull that off I will buy your action figure on Ebay. :D (This was purely written for sarcastic purpose, not to promote suicide)
  10. I actually love new music, I even create new music, but still I think this Killers guy is just craving for some attention. (Zappa would have said "Shut up and play yer guitar")
  11. WOW (I can't find sane words to describe the impact of that picture on my male psyche) From all the forums I've ever been on this one must be THE ONE with the biggest amount of beautiful women.....(thank you soo much Led Zeppelin)
  12. Uhh, waking up without a terrible headache after consuming an idiotic amount of alcohol and joints. (this is the second time this year that I still can't remember how I came home from downtown)
  13. Uhh, can you send me some of your hashish, so I can do the experiment myself? Thanks in advance!
  14. The great difference between The Killers and Led Zeppelin is easily explained. When Zep reformed for one gig 20.000 people came. Might the Killers ever break up and reform for a one off gig they can play in a phone booth together with all their fans.
  15. Lol, exactly the thing I wanted to ask as well......hehheh
  16. Just looks-wise you could be my younger brother, man.....cool pose, cool shirt, cool eyes (lol) Peace to you in not so far away Bulgaria, rock it!!
  17. Very rockin' pic! Does your band have a website? Would be cool to see this with the soundtrack to it. Greetings from another weird musician from the other side of the planet, harhar... Rock on Ronnie!
  18. Well that's a mighty long time ago since I saw you here.....how are you doing?

  19. Thanx Glicine and Eternal Light for the pictures, always great to see a happy Plant (which I can imagine he is, considering the weather over there)
  20. Black Sabbath-Sabotage, on a Russian vinyl which I bought in Nepal with a different song order than the original....the odd thing is that the song order is even cooler than the original.....!!!! Thanks to the unknown Russian who is responsible for this. Nas Drowje!
  21. The first picture is VERY VERY cool!
  22. I don't think the other thread was too full, but to satisfy your ego hereby a picture of a random foot, one of those trampled underfoot feet that certain people walk on. As soon as I am un-lazy enough to make a picture of one of my real feet I will of course replace this picture by the REAL THING. (Anyway, most feet kinda look alike, and since you haven't ever seen my feet before, you possibly even wouldn't have noticed that this foot ain't mine)
  23. KINGDOMS OF FLAME A Grimoire of Black Magick, Evocation, and Sorcery by Archaelus Baron. Kingdoms of Flame is a Grimoire for the evocation of various astral beings and a dark pathworking to adepthood. The first four chapters give a detailed analysis of the text and the magickal system therein. It is in these pages that the reader will be given the knowledge necessary to use the grimoire in practical manner to effect changes in themselves and in the concrete world. The remaining nine chapters include magick squares and the names, sigils and attributes of 56 entities that have never before appeared in any grimoire or text. Regular Third Edition Hardbound in black cloth, embossed symbol in silver on the cover.
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