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Everything posted by reswati

  1. The great difference between The Killers and Led Zeppelin is easily explained. When Zep reformed for one gig 20.000 people came. Might the Killers ever break up and reform for a one off gig they can play in a phone booth together with all their fans.
  2. Lol, exactly the thing I wanted to ask as well......hehheh
  3. Just looks-wise you could be my younger brother, man.....cool pose, cool shirt, cool eyes (lol) Peace to you in not so far away Bulgaria, rock it!!
  4. Very rockin' pic! Does your band have a website? Would be cool to see this with the soundtrack to it. Greetings from another weird musician from the other side of the planet, harhar... Rock on Ronnie!
  5. Well that's a mighty long time ago since I saw you here.....how are you doing?

  6. Thanx Glicine and Eternal Light for the pictures, always great to see a happy Plant (which I can imagine he is, considering the weather over there)
  7. Black Sabbath-Sabotage, on a Russian vinyl which I bought in Nepal with a different song order than the original....the odd thing is that the song order is even cooler than the original.....!!!! Thanks to the unknown Russian who is responsible for this. Nas Drowje!
  8. The first picture is VERY VERY cool!
  9. I don't think the other thread was too full, but to satisfy your ego hereby a picture of a random foot, one of those trampled underfoot feet that certain people walk on. As soon as I am un-lazy enough to make a picture of one of my real feet I will of course replace this picture by the REAL THING. (Anyway, most feet kinda look alike, and since you haven't ever seen my feet before, you possibly even wouldn't have noticed that this foot ain't mine)
  10. KINGDOMS OF FLAME A Grimoire of Black Magick, Evocation, and Sorcery by Archaelus Baron. Kingdoms of Flame is a Grimoire for the evocation of various astral beings and a dark pathworking to adepthood. The first four chapters give a detailed analysis of the text and the magickal system therein. It is in these pages that the reader will be given the knowledge necessary to use the grimoire in practical manner to effect changes in themselves and in the concrete world. The remaining nine chapters include magick squares and the names, sigils and attributes of 56 entities that have never before appeared in any grimoire or text. Regular Third Edition Hardbound in black cloth, embossed symbol in silver on the cover.
  11. Tom Waits, Bounced Checks LP Possibly on e of the fucked-uppest voices on this planet AAAAARRRRGGGHHH
  12. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

    Old time is still a flying:

    And this same flower that smiles today,

    Tomorrow will be dying.

    Just wanted to know who wrote these lyrics, they're amazing!

  13. ah, damn, thats a bummer......kick your postman's ass on behalf of a dutch postman named Reswati (I guess the your postman is listening to it right now himself) Anyway, enjoy this one in the meantime.....in fact I never saw this footage, only have the second Knebworth on VHS.
  14. Hey man, I hope you received your LP's today and are indeed in seventh heaven.... at the moment i am just listening to them as well, cranked up at an insane volume with my front door open, so the rest of the world may enjoy it a little as well, or hate it, whatever turns them on. Most of the people in my neighborhood are into Dutch schlager music, I hear it decibelwise everyday, since this is one of the more antisocial neighborhoods round here......since I am not a cultural barbarian but indeed a bit antisocial as well playing TSRTS is my way in contributing some culture to the people around here. It's cool to have the mighty Zep in your living room, love thy neighbor, give em a Whole Lotta Love.
  15. Which TSRTS soundtrack, the 1976 video, or the double album, or the recent 4lp version, or the 2DVD version?
  16. I wish I could see your face when you first plat that albums while listening to it in a headphone, the sound is so amazing on that records. Enjoy em!
  17. Of course this immensely talented artist should not be forgotten here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skU-jBFzXl0 And YEAH I like his music!
  18. It's been a long time, that Zep rocked the O2. Every now and zen I see wristbands and ticket stubs of the event for sale, makes me wonder whatever you did to those after the event. Did you frame them, or sell them, or did you decide to wear the wristband forever? (Personally I still want to frame them up together with my guest pass and some newspaper articles of the show that I picked up on the way back to Holland then.....Still have to do that since I moved to another house and got them somewhere in boxes)
  19. Always wanted to know what ya got on your desk.....but what the hell is a knick knack?
  20. Aloo Matar Ingredients Serves 4 4 large potatoes or the equivalent in new potatoes 1 onion Some peas, fresh or frozen. However much you like. 1 tsp ground coriander 1tsp ground cumin 1tsp ground tumeric 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp sugar As much chilli as you like, powdered, dried or fresh 1tsp garam masala A knob of butter (or oil if you’re vegan) A pinch of salt and pepper The Cooking Chop up the onion really finely, as finely as you can bear with tears streaming down your face. If possible, it should be almost chopped to a paste although don’t worry if it’s not. Melt the butter in a non-stick saucepan on a low-to-medium heat and when it starts to foam, add the onion. Stir it occasionally as you get on with the other stuff, but not too much, it’s nice when it catches a bit. Now cut up the potatoes into roughly equal-sized chunks. If you’re using new potatoes just halve them. Mix together the coriander, cumin, cayenne, sugar, chilli, salt and pepper (but not the garam masala). When the onions are golden brown, almost burnt, add the potatoes and the spice mix, give it a good stir so the onions and potato are coated and let it cook for a minute. Then pour in some cold water, enough to almost cover the potatoes. Bring the whole thing up to the boil and let it bubble away for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and tasting often - if you feel it needs more salt then add it. As the potato softens and the liquid reduces a bit, smoosh a couple of the potatoes into the liquid to thicken it. If it gets a bit dry, add more water. If it’s too watery, smoosh some more of the potato into it and turn up the heat and reduce the liquid some more. Use the mighty power of your brain. After 15 minutes, check if the potatoes are almost-but-not-completely cooked. If they are, add the peas (if they’re not, cook them some more until they are, obviously). Once the peas are cooked (about 5 minutes), sprinkle over the garam masala, stir it around for another minute and serve it up with basmati rice and dhal (lentils), if you like.
  21. Hi High, Lucyinthesky I read your post while I dropped by......... With a bit of re-translation I figured everything out (there are certain english words even I don't know, haha) It worked out fine, a tad slow since I had some absinthe before and it tasted GREAT....Muchos gracias... Cool to see that some people appreciate vegetarian food here. I learned to love it while beeing in India, where I got ill from eating something I bought in the streets. The doctor gave me the biggest anal pills I had ever seen in my life and told me to stick to vegetarian food (and to stick those pills up my ass, but that's another story). Their vegetarian cuisine is so fantastic that one doesn't miss or even have the need to eat meat! To translate the dutch writewrite: yeah the words you could read were correct. Roughly translated it says: It doesn't matter a shit what's written here since there ain't nobody around here who can read this anyway, lol, chances are small
  22. Hi there, I just visited your Myspace and absolutely LOVE your drawings.

    Just wondered if you have actually sewn the blouse Robert is wearing on that picture?

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