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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Don't piss on an electric fence.
  2. The Dark Tower, Stephen King (third book)
  3. You out-beautificate Helen of Troy!
  4. Here comes the sun - The Beatles
  5. Hehehe, judging from the thingy between my legs and the growth of hair and my chin I am indeed not a girl.
  6. Thanks Brokenlevee and ZepFanforever, on behalf of myself and my lil girl.
  7. Bootleg-wise indeed, I have listened to more zeppelin concerts than ever, but still it would be cool to be teleported back in time to see a seventies performance live and in person instead of listening to a downloaded MP3 of a concert of that era.
  8. Us and them, Pink Floyd on some Texan radio station, uhh...KARX-FM.
  9. Deep Purple, Hard Road, live in Long Beach (a vinyl bootleg)
  10. My daughter's second name is Revolution, also thanks to the Beatles. (was quite cool giving her that name, cause after I gave her her name some official geezer who was stuck behind a phone walked up to me and told me it was inappropiate to give a child that name....I waved the paper at him that his colleague just had signed and asked him "what the fuck are ya gonna do about it then?") Fav album: The White Album, I was born on the day they recorded Ob La Di Ob La da, and thats on that one, also love it's diversity.
  11. I am afraid that the O2 concert was indeed the last Led Zeppelin concert ever. At least they went out with a blast that way.
  12. A home made lasagna and a good glass of wine.
  13. Not the dust only, but mostly the way they move, the colour and the lack of emotions.
  14. I have a phobia for moths and butterflies, they scare the crap outta me (Apparently I am not the only person with this fear, for instance Nicole Kidman has the same phobia)
  15. Great picture and a fantastic smile!
  16. Hi Jim Wade, at this forum you are at the wrong place to promote the immense talents of your friend. First of all....none of the Zep members, nor their relatives are on this forum. We are just a bunch of fans, nothing more nothing less....none of us works for Atlantic Records and none of us is having dinner every once in a while with any of the band's former members. Second, there is no more such thing as a band called Led Zeppelin, neither will there ever be a Beatles reunion, nor the next Elvis tour. If your friend is truly as talented as you claim, he will find his way into stardom in his own right, and if not, possibly in the next life. Best of luck to you, and him as well, please send me an action figure of him as soon as he gets famous (So I can claim to be the first one to have asked for one) Salaam Aleicum P.S. (In the meantime have fun with this clip which features the immense talents of Reswati, I am still trying to reach Jean Michel Jarre to be a stand-in for him during concerts) P.S.2. (More very important info: I do not donate money to anyone, I'm a musician, which means that I am broke half of the time. I collect biscuits in the shape of radio's. I am planning to write the entire oevre of Beethoven once more. This is a long and meaningless rant, but I like it.....) etc
  17. Possibly better that she didn't meet them.... She might have lost her virginity, or her mind or both while meeting them. :D
  18. Oddly enough, Night Flight, for the sound of it......he sounds like a cat in heat.
  19. Good luck selling it, and sad to hear that you have to sell it.
  20. Oops, too late young lady....they just hired Samo Kodela, the most talented man on this board. Just edited this post: they fired Samo, for he broke his ear on a vegetarian meatball, so he can not hear anymore. They now indeed look for a singer with a sweaty bare chest, so feel free to post a picture!
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