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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Next year, there's always next year!!
  2. Hey, ya gotta learn somehow huh? I always helped my Mom when I was little and knew where all that "stuff" was. She would cook a stock pot for hours with the "stuff" simmering. I never did like it chopped up in ANYTHING. The chick who made our gravy put the giblets in it.....caca.
  3. Funny. I watched an old episode of "Dharma and Greg" and it was so funny all about disasters, that was one of them, not taking out the "bag" of goodies. YUK! Then they went to Greg's mom's house and she of course never cooks and the turkey came out black, smoking and frozen inside! It was a hysterical episode.
  4. That's true. I don't think they are UNDERated. Freddie is an icon. And like Crablegs..Klu said: We will we will rock you.........
  5. Beautiful pics of our Mountains! Sadly we are making fake snow, due to the high temps and no precipitation. "Greatest snow on Earth."
  6. LOL...I noticed that too. Just a coincedence. She is pretty alright, and they DO look great together!
  7. I agree with you '59, as far as "cool" hells yeah.
  8. Anything You Want (I Got It) ~~ Traveling Wilbury's
  9. Cheers Rob. Now all you need to do is post some beautiful beaches from AUS!!!!!!
  10. LOL....ROBERT IS CUTE!!! hmmmm...so...am I a thinker ..or a lover....
  11. Kudos, I too love the Viking Rob one. Excellent girls, excellent.
  12. Yeah, girls come on..we have an obligation here ya know! I was too busy the last two days to get busy and UPLOAD!!!!!!!! We just need a little time to get back to 600 + pages.
  13. That's understandable 715, I think I was a fan in a previous lifetime.
  14. Nice! WOW, Haven't seen you in ages Ria. Are you going to the show by any chance? And Pieter ! Nice you are posting again. Nice pic, but it's so dark in there..................................................
  15. Yeah, I know. I was dying inside thinking they might not film it. Now I'm just happy it will happen, and if we have to wait, that's ok.
  16. I thought the part about: As long as they are not "Professional" I thought Jimmy said of course it will be filmed. No doubt he will want to play with it and I think it will be available on DVD if Jimmy has anything to say about it. *those guys are sneaky that way*
  17. I survived!!! Had two drinks pronto, and everyone was well behaved. The merlot with dinner also helped. Half of us were napping on various beds, couches, wherever, till the bird was done. I wanted to help but they kicked me out of the kitchen everytime I went in. No disasters!
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