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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Oh my, seems the old hash-slinging is right back to last board. Oh well, the peace lasted a few days anyway. As far as Robert's Voice goes. Well I think it will be Just FINE!
  2. Hotplant

    Photos !

    WoW. that must have been so scary! Glad you are ok, and that is a cool pic.
  3. Hola Lakey. I was worried about you when you di'nt re-register. Happy to see you did!!!

  4. Hey everybody!!!!! happy Thanksgiving! We are on our way to face the music... Mnnn Smells delightful, taking some dishes my daughter made all total Vegan. Now, I'm thankful I didn't have to cook!! Thankful for all my kids, friends, etc., etc.,and of course LED-ZEPPELIN. See you! Have a great day. Try not to knive your relatives.
  5. No need to know....Leo's are very self confident!
  6. Some of those threads are best left canned. Too much fighting. This is like a school re-union. A fresh start. Maybe.....we can be a kinder, gentler, nation of fans.
  7. I agree about Justin, he is so talented. Have you heard his CD...Desert Roads...? EXCELLENT *****
  8. Ok, FK, friends.

    And get that hubby of yours to post a pic!

    Or pm one...!

  9. Men are.....wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!! except when you live with them.
  10. LOL! NOOOOOOO it was horrible IN my mouth! But a lovely Vanilla........................................................................ :'(
  11. Hey, I think that's wonderful!! Good for them. If I were rich...........
  12. I'm glad we Have a Keith R defender!


  13. Zeppy! It's in the "show all" above the smilies to your left:
  14. If you hate control freaks then, cool. Not too Virgoish..lol. I'm a sheep. But I despise people who are like sheep, just following blindly. So, I'm not like a sheep.
  15. You're Lucky to have that Scorpio help out the Virgo. I lived with a Virgo almost three years, and it just....well, Virgo's....
  16. Do tell. These things are important! I'm Leo Libra Rising Cancer Moon.
  17. Hiya, bad boys and girls. I guess I'd be in "almost DD" Cell.
  18. Hi Knebster!

    Hope the name change goes down,but everybody calls ya Knebby anyway.


  19. Hey! Very nice............ Love those bare feet.
  20. Lovely to see you again my friend!!

  21. JAG is cool.

  22. ten man, I have to go crash. see ya's.
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