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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I worry about his left eye, it's drooping, and can cause problems if he doesn't get it fixed down the road. Another note: on many of his pics his eyes are "sanpaku" eyes (might not be the exact term). It's when the pupil is surrounded by the white of the eye, called "the evil eye" I think it's an Indian term. I just recall my ex always noting when someone had those eyes. Nevertheless.....gorgeous is the term I would use. *I'll go look that up....* wiki has it as a Japanese term.
  2. Sir Chris is the most creative, cool musician on this forum.

  3. You guys are NUTS!!! But hey, carry on, Game your life away. psst: howz about game ..1...2...3? Yes, I used to be a gamer too.............
  4. Blasting Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd. after being very annoyed w/neighbors.
  5. Sounds like a great cause. Nice interview.
  6. Been out of the loop EL, but glad to hear your father is ok.
  7. Hotplant

    A New Game!

    It's called A-B-C.... Get it? Guaranteed to raise your post count!!! Simply follow the alphabet! FUN! I'll start A
  8. Hmm..same ol same ol round here. Gotta love it. SAJ, looks really photo-shopped, take those shades off! Noora looks stunning as always.
  9. Sailing by Christopher Cross. I watched/listened to it the other day on you tube and now I can NOT get it out of my head. But thank Gawd it took the place of Passion by Rod Stewart.
  10. Thanks you guys for your kind words, Manders, LedZepChick, and Virginia. I just had to show her off, with permission of course.
  11. Actually forced treatment does work. Even with heroin. It was court ordered for someone I know with a LONG history of heroin and coke, pills, you name it. They actually pulled it off, either that or go to jail. They could not have booze either and were tested up the yin-yang. They were in a program that lasted a year. Been clean for a RECORD...I think seven months or so. I know the chance of slipping up is always there. But when they say- stay clean or go to jail for a year, that's a strong incentive. I do have empathy and sympathy for (the devil?) addicts. But when they disrupt the lives of family and friends tough love is sometimes the only way to make them see the light. Her and Courtney Love would be quite the show.
  12. Zombiehood, I know. But it's worth every second of lost sleep.
  13. ^ Yes I am very proud. Being my firstborn's first baby. What a trip. 3 months eh? Congratulations! Getting any sleep yet?
  14. Ok...I'll definitely NOT do the peppermint oil!! OUCH!
  15. Thanks Nine! Thank you too BD. Yes, that's what they're doing.
  16. Hmm...thanks BD, You sound like you really know your oils! I'll scout out a place here, I'm sure there is one somewhere. I'll give it a try. I KNOW lavender helps calm, we used to use it with our Alzheimer patients during the "sundown effect" that is real, and it did help. Again thanks for the suggestion.
  17. Thanks Mandy, here are two, a bit blury but still...
  18. New pics of my sweet baby granddaughter.
  19. Everyone has a heart.^ Unfortunately hers is filled with me, me, me. To go to an event like this and totally disrespect EVERYONE is so unprofessional and rude and tasteless I could care less about her so called talent...gag-a-maggot. Funny what Brits rave about. (not you Knebby, I mean in general) And ya know everyone has some talent. I fail to see much in her. Unless you want to count tit jobs, drunken mishaps, obnoxious rude behavior, it's sooo old. Lovely?? Whatever. ...as in BARF!
  20. My how times have changed! LOL Have sweet dreams DD! I'm going down to ...oops that sounded randy too...I'M GOING to try to go back to sleep!
  21. Handies eh? LOL. Makes sense.
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