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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. So sorry Charles. What a horrific thing to go through. And to Bong-Man: condolences to you too. Suicide is not painless, as the song say's, for those left behind. So sad.
  2. When they pat you on the ass and sit on your bed....yeah.
  3. Dunno...it's just too convenient that everyone who claimed all this are DEAD. Except the one hoping to make a buck. I for one won't be picking up this "book."
  4. 86. Dry as a bone. We will get a high of 96 or so. Hot, but bearable with the right prep. Water bottle, squirt bottle of ice water..squirt, squirt, mini fan, sun screen, hat. Kind of missing those daily tropical downpours NOW!
  5. Drunken confession. I don't believe it for a nano second. His girlfriend was with him that night, what did they do? Tie her up and give her diprovan?
  6. The Black Keys were really good. Enjoyed it very much. Stayed in the back for this though. No need to be up close for these guys. I'm just not a hard-core fan. But they were fab.
  7. It's TOO..not "to." SRPlanet51 AKA....etc, etc, etc........
  8. My last session of physical therapy!
  9. I heard a very short interview with this roadie and it sounded like total bullshit. Garbage writing. He's full of it, or himself.
  10. Google dream interpretations. There is a site that you can tell your dream and they tell you what it means.
  11. Shouldn't this go in "Other Bands?"
  12. WoW! I had no idea it's that old. Cool. Lot's of great 'anniversaries' this year.
  13. I always liked the "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" scene in Gone With The Wind." Maybe not a real powerful scene, but a goodie none the less.
  14. I've not seen them live before, looking forward to it!
  15. He looks like he's in pretty good shape. And he still has that little boy look about him. (who knows how much 'work' he's had done) His voice held up fine, I dug it. It was funny when his memory slipped a couple of times. I think only him and Audioslave were ever allowed to perform on the platform or whatever it's called...above the marquee.
  16. Plans to go to the FREE Black Keys concert tonight.
  17. Clear, 82 now while looking at a high of 97 A "how little can I wear today day."
  18. Congrats Commander!!!!
  19. whoa...That freaked me too. Thank god he's ok! Hmmm...wondering what kind of car he'll replace it with. Get something super safe!
  20. Lovely in-the-80's day. It's when it's in the 90's that I avoid too much sun. We had a huge mudslide up north from us in Logan, that crushed a house that had a mom and two kids in it. Very sad.
  21. Ok, I looked...took a while, so sorry;))

  22. I remember that night very well. It's the night my sister got preggers, and we sat around and got high and watched it. Pretty trippy.
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