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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Watching “Dazed” from 1/9/70. Fuckin’ amazing.
  2. I think most of the country is with you and the Bills. I am. Good luck today! ✌🏼
  3. Walter: Kansas City LA Rams Jacksonville Carolina Mrs Walter: Kansas City Atlanta Jacksonville New Orleans walter jr.: Kansas City LA Lams Sacksonville New Orleans
  4. Didn’t know the Rest In Peace thread was a debatable instance. Apparently it is when you don’t want people to protest the murder of their father. Go live in Russia, if you don’t want people to protest. Dang! RIP Erica Garner, activist, and loving daughter of her murdered father.
  5. Del Rio fired. Rumor that Jon Gruden is coming back should add some juice to the Raiders fire.
  6. A great time with my neighborhood brothers and sisters tonight. Glad to have such a fun environment to have built a house in and have found so many families to share good times with. What a blessing 2017 has been and hope 2018 continues the awesome friendships that have been cultivated already!! Happy New Year everyone! ✌🏼🎉🍾🎉
  7. Like I said, get a life. I appreciate you respecting my request to not respond to me. I know your need for someone to communicate with you is high. Pick another forum, or person. Maybe kipper or somebody else will give you the time and attention you desire. Not me.
  8. Didn’t the Rams lose badly to the 49’ers? Just checking....
  9. How bad does the AFC suck? Seriously...
  10. What a fuckin joke that miami is playing their practice squad qb. McCoy gone....
  11. Pagano already out in Indy...
  12. Just patted down the prime rib and have it on a tray in the fridge for tomorrow. Will season it in the late morning for a planned 3:00 dinner tomorrow. Having some friends over for the college football semi-finals.
  13. Windows open here today on a warm, sunny day. Just dragged the tree out to the backyard. Taking down the ornaments before this evening’s festivities!
  14. Junior: Detroit Indy Minnesota New England Ny Dallas Cleveland Miami Carolina Baltimore New Orleans Jacksonville Kansas City San Fran Oakland Arizona
  15. Detroit Indianapolis Minnesota New England Washington Dallas Cleveland Buffalo Carolina Baltimore New Orleans Jacksonville Denver San Francisco Chargers Seattle
  16. Held weekly peaceful protest marches to the precinct where her father’s killer is still employed to the location of his murder. RIP
  17. Getting the house ready for yet another round of family and gift opening. Mrs W’s brother and family are heading over for a nice evening of pizza, gifts, and a fire pit with Disney fireworks in the distance for entertainment. Been a great holiday season thus far!
  18. Enjoying a wonderful pedicure/foot massage with Mrs W. Pure bliss!
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