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Everything posted by Walter

  1. You are 100% correct! Too bad more parents don't share your opinion....
  2. Sounds nice Strider! We should have that weather back here by this weekend. Today the weather is changing - rapidly! This morning it was 80, then the dark clouds rolled in and brought high winds....now it's maybe 60. Tonight it's supposed to be 31, with wind chill in the 20's. Tomorrow it's not gonna get out of the 40's, with wind chill in the 30's! I know you current northern dwelling folks think we are pussies down here about the "cold" weather we rarely receive - but I lived in upstate NY for 16 years and have felt the 20 below temps. In the 30's here is a lot colder feeling than 30's up there, IMO. But when you're talking below zero temps, that trumps all! Be safe everyone up north - hope it warms up soon!!!
  3. Tonight I grilled out some ground sirloin burgers with sautéed mushrooms topped with slices of thick Swiss cheese. Yummy! If grilling out, while wearing shorts and watching the NFL playoffs, in the month of January is wrong - I don't want to be right!
  4. My picks are probably the same as yours, barring any unforeseen injuries, etc. Very proud of the niners tonight. I guess that kid Kaepernick may not be such a bust after all....
  5. That was quick! Plus you went straight to the penthouse with your 3-1 record!
  6. True! That wouldn't be the first time she was referred to as "magical". My mom, not so much...but mom's like you, her, and Virginia - definitely!
  7. I hope not, that field is like the old Boston Garden - crazy sh!t happens to help the home team!
  8. You know what I mean, Planted. A little one in distress is a horrible feeling!
  9. Lacy is the 2nd coming of Marshawn Lynch! Beast!
  10. +1 It stinks when they are feeling bad and you really can't do much about it!
  11. San Fran's offense had better do some scoring or they are going home after dominating this game!
  12. Did you see the choke hold that Packer o-lineman put on the Niner who had Rodgers?!?
  13. Yes we do! Nice run CK and nice score, Gore!
  14. You called it Paul! The Bungholes strike again!
  15. That had to be the dumbest play call ever on 4th and 3....
  16. Beautiful day today in central Florida. Sunny and 80 degrees, just about to go mow the lawn. Tuesday is supposed to be a high of 47 and a low at the freezing mark.....no thank you!
  17. I agree, especially considering this should be final, definitive release of these albums.
  18. Did Bernard have possession??? If so, HUGE turnover!
  19. Cincinnati driving again....two tough catches on this drive! Where is the weather everyone kept talking about?
  20. Glad to read that Sean. Good way to start 2014!
  21. ^ She always picks the playoffs better than I do! Congrats to all you Saints fans out there, I'm so glad you kicked Philly's asses right out of the playoffs last night!!!
  22. The "Walter Family" picks.... Walter: Indianapolis Philadelphia Cincinnati San Francisco Mrs. Walter: Indianapolis New Orleans Cincinnati Green Bay Walter Jr.: Indianapolis Philadelphia Cincinnati San Francisco
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