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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Shhhhh.....don't tell them that after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, all of the KKK and Jim Crow following racists moved over to the GOP and set up shop - it might break their little hypocritical, self-righteous hearts.....
  2. "The Silver City" - Oneida, New York
  3. Sorry to hear that DL. My thoughts are with her to find some comfort. Difficult loss at a tough time.
  4. +1 That's a couple of wasted minutes of my life I'll never get back!
  5. Why are you even bothering? Having come back and reading some of the "discussions" that have been going on, I can't believe you're even entering him with further dialog.
  6. Buffalo Cincinnati Kansas City St. Louis Cleveland Washington Carolina Tennessee Denver Detroit Seattle Pittsburgh San Diego Baltimore Chicago San Francisco
  7. New Orleans Cleveland Detroit Minnesota Kansas City St. Louis Carolina Baltimore Houston Oakland Indianapolis Dallas Denver San Francisco
  8. The only reservation I have with that call is that the Saints are coming off two emotional victories the last two weeks - against the Cowboys (Rob Ryan's revenge game) and the 49'ers - plus they are playing a divisional rival away from the friendly confines of the Superdome. This could mean a team that comes out flat and allows the crowd to be a factor in helping the underdog, Atlanta. I will pick New Orleans, also, but I have a suspicion about this not being as easy of a game as it would appear.
  9. Tough call against the Pats. I don't see their explanation at all. Maybe due to it being uncatchable due to being short, but certainly not because it was touched before the interference took place. Definitely a tough pill to swallow....
  10. I haven't seen the play yet - but what is being said is the alleged interference was at the same time as a pick. I know that once the ball has been touched by the defense, no interference can be called. I'll have to see this to comment.
  11. You've hit the nail on the head. It breaks down to pressuring Eli. If they can and make him throw they way he did in the first match up, the Cowboys SHOULD win. But if not, look out for another 400-500 yard performance against the Cowboy D. Hatcher and Ware are both practicing this week, along with Austin and others who have been out. Sean Lee missing is still a HUGE hole in the middle though. The offense had better put up at least 35 - which I know they can, but just haven't been clicking the past few weeks.
  12. Heart, Cowboys......head, Giants!
  13. It is a MUST win for SF, they should throttle Washington and their overrated qb. Great throw at the end of yesterday's game - Bob Griffin! Let's hear him whine one more time about how much he gets hit......then don't try to run with it every third play idiot!
  14. They need to fire Kubiak and take his sh!t qb Shaub with him! Why did they take out Keenum when he has been on fire and didn't play that badly against Oakland? Their defense is what sucked and Kubiak was just looking for an opportunity to get Matty-pick 6 back in there! They suck big time!!! Congrats to your Raiders, Strider - back-up qb, back-up rb, and on the road - nice win!
  15. Please, I'm trying to eat lunch here!!!
  16. Your team is good at home, that's for sure. Jets have Santonio Holmes back this week and they just signed Ed Reed to play part-time in the secondary. Bills have injured WR's....but I'm counting on Jackson, Spiller, and Chandler to do well - along with EJ. Plus like you said, the defense should get good pressure on Smith and make him commit turnovers.
  17. You'd better hope he's not out drinking again.....
  18. Jets are a horrible road team, so I am reluctantly picking your Bills. They had better not "F" me again either!
  19. Isn't that stat kinda like, "He has made 16 straight field goals......oh, that's wide right - his first miss in his last 17 attempts now." That is a toss-up game to me.
  20. Looking forward to SNL this week also. ARTPOP is growing on me, her voice sounds fantastic - it gets stronger and better with age. She did an amazing version of "Dope" on Howard Stern this past Monday. This disc lends itself to a very theatrical show. Since she had to cancel here, due to injury, I have not heard BTW's songs live, so it'll be interesting to see what her set list is for the tour. Thanks, ebk, for the link.
  21. Edit: changed Atlanta pick to Tampa Bay after further consideration. Indianapolis Buffalo Baltimore Cincinnati Philadelphia Pittsburgh Tampa Bay Arizona Houston San Diego San Francisco NY Giants Seattle Denver New England
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