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Everything posted by Walter

  1. I don't think this is a stinker at all. Very intriguing game with all of the controversy both teams have had. I like the young Bucs qb, rb, and te/wr. I can't believe they are still playing hard for their coach. Plus we'll see what Philban and his staff/players are made of after the past week. For those reasons alone, this is a very watchable game!
  2. The foreskins still have some tough games coming up too! Sucks to have a first place schedule.....unlike last year's 3-6 start, they can't feast on crappy teams this year to get back into it. Daniel Snyder will not fire Shanahan, IMO.
  3. Didn't he have some awful quote about Zeppelin back in '75? I remember reading that somewhere...... I'm looking forward to this release. I remember The Police set back in '86 very well, used to have it on tape somewhere. U2 was great that day also.
  4. It's not a bad pick, Arizona is unpredictable - but so is Houston and they have Wade Philips as an interm head coach.
  5. It's the one that really kicked off the mystique of Led Zeppelin. What a masterpiece collection of songs! Throw in the songs that were held until PG and you really have an eclectic group!
  6. AD is amazing! What a run! 7-3 Vikes....
  7. Really? Tampa has to win sometime - they are not that bad of a team. Miami is a mess, internally, and their o-line (which wasn't that great to begin with) is playing with multiple back-ups. This scandal is either going to make them come together as a team and they'll be better for it - or it will make them implode. I'm guessing the later and this Monday night will be the start, IMO. I could be wrong.... Jacksonville is bad enough to go 0-16, I don't think Tampa is.
  8. Washington Seattle Chicago Green Bay Tennessee Indianapolis NY Giants Pittsburgh Cincinnati San Francisco Arizona Denver New Orleans Tampa Bay
  9. Rob Ryan doesn't do that well, overall, ever. Never has had a top 10 ranked defense at the end of the year. Drew Brees is gonna carve up the Cowboys defense - the only saving grace is that D-Ware is back, plus Sean Lee is emerging as one of the best MLB's in football, and Brandon Carr makes some plays. Jimmy Graham should have a field day with Bruce Carter though and the rest of the secondary is young, not to mention our "no-name" D-Line. I still have some hope though, if the offense plays lights out and without mistakes.
  10. Personally, I believe that Zeppelin songs are much more adaptable to rearrangements than his own solo work, because of their diversity, which makes them an obvious roll over choice with all of his musical directions during the past 15 years. But as was said earlier, time to put the family dog down - IMO - it's had enough already.
  11. Over, IMO, for that game. Dallas' offense has been sputtering the past couple of games - hopefully they will control the ball more with Murray back and healthy - which will open up the deep ball threat for Williams and Bryant.
  12. My work computer is blocking me from reading the article, so I'll read it later. But aen27, I'm so glad to hear MSG is still around and visiting with members. Please send her my best, I miss her insightful posts and great stories from the past!
  13. The question is whether Brees will throw for 400+ or 500+ yards against the Swiss cheese Cowboys' D.....
  14. Obviously you must be aware that Flynn used to be the back-up in Green Bay and led the team to victories when he had to step in and be the starter - that's why he signed a big contract with Seattle last year - then was cut, then was cut by Oakland, then by Buffalo.... So that's why he and Green Bay are being linked. Personally, I don't know how you can have a back-up through training camp and the first half of the season and he is not the guy you're gonna go with in an injury situation. Wallace wasn't prepared for Chicago due to a lack of reps - he should be prepared for Philly, given a week to practice with the 1st team offense. I remember when Romo had a broken collar bone, he was out about a month. So Green Bay had better hold on, only 5 wins in their pocket is not a guarantee to make the playoffs and not much time when he comes back. Detroit and Chicago fans must be elated with the prospect of having a 2 or 3 game lead over Green Bay, possibly, going into December.
  15. +1 SAJ I always marvel at your musical information, Zep related and other bands we are both interested in. Thank you for passing along your knowledge and vast collection of archives.
  16. Not for your Who Dats! Fresh meat for the hungry lion.
  17. Think about it Paul, they would've had it regulation had that Gator kicker not missed that chip-shot earlier! Like I said before, when the Dolphins commit to the run - the entire game - they are a much better team! 142 yards rushing in the first half. In a "who gives a f*ck" story of the day....Justin Blackmon was suspended for the remainder of the year, for failing another drug test!
  18. pp, some like to "stay in the closet"! Happy Halloween everyone!
  19. Thank you jb126! I'm married to a "younger gal" for a day. We are the same age, just separated by today - Halloween! I appreciate your well wishes!
  20. As much as I HATE to write this ().....congratulations to the Boston Red Sox for winning their 3rd championship in the past 10 seasons, and first at Fenway since 1918. What a tremendous achievement to go from last place to champions!
  21. Thank you Viginia, ebk, Debs, Strider, Planted, and Chase - you are all very thoughtful! Had a nice evening out with the family and now getting ready for our big neighborhood bash tonight! I hope it's not as spooky as the Cowboys' defense, Sean, I can't take that TWICE in one week! Then, tomorrow is Mrs. Walter's birthday. Of course she is on "all saints day".... Thanks again everybody, you are all too kind!
  22. KC's defense is gonna give your young qb trouble in this game. Buffalo, at home, always has a chance. If they had EJ and CJ playing, I may have picked them for the upset. They might still do it, but I give them less that a 50/50 chance. Cincinnati is too up and down to compare them to other teams - you never know which team will show up....the one that beat Green Bay and whipped the Jets by 40 - or the one that lost to Cleveland???
  23. Thank you Slave and ally. Just getting through the day at work, then a 4-day weekend is ahead!! I appreciate the thoughts, you guys are too kind.
  24. Miami Kansas City Dallas Tennessee New Orleans San Diego Carolina Oakland Seattle Baltimore New England Indianapolis Green Bay
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