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Everything posted by Walter

  1. More than similar....Gene owns the rights to the make-up designs now and will put whomever is playing guitar and percussion in those designs, as he sees fit. Apparently there is a new interview out with Gene calling out Peter and Ace as life-long "losers".
  2. Walter

    Reality TV

    Exactly Charles. If the money wasn't there to support the shows, they wouldn't be on. This thread has dried up, IMO. Where did ole Sue Nami go?
  3. Happy Birthday Planted!!! Hope you have a great day!
  4. Walter

    Reality TV

    I make of it where this conversation begin, supply vs. demand. You made my point, if people weren't watching, the shows wouldn't be on. Thanks.
  5. Walter

    Reality TV

    75%? I'd like to see something that backs that statistic up. I was just going by what you had posted, when it came to the rest you're commenting on. Survivor, this Wednesday!
  6. If they don't find some secondary help, they wont!
  7. Very nice, Dano! Love how shiny that guitar is!
  8. The Eagles are similar to last year. The Redskin game made them look better than they really are. I mean, the Chargers come across the country, play an early game, and then come from behind to beat Philly - that just shows the Eagles don't have "it". They'll be hit and miss, much like the rest of the NFC LEast.....0-4 yesterday, 0-3 vs. AFC West!
  9. Thank you, Sam, for bringing this to our attention. That is quite a group of musicians. Looking forward to it!
  10. 2-0 and both wins on the road?!? Paul, looks like a new day in Dolphin land!
  11. I was so happy for you when I saw the game winning catch! Was it on your end of the field? Did you take any pictures while you were at the game?
  12. Becks was banned, I believe, Strider. The others I haven't seen around here in a while either.
  13. I think Strider is correct. The Indians are cruising with this easy end-of-the-year schedule!
  14. Turn on you? My initial response in this thread was it is a bullshit article, which it is. Especially after reading what this lawsuit is really about. Then I made a statement about there being many threads on Lady Gaga already on this forum, one of which is on the first page of the "other bands" thread - that you post on many times, daily. You've turned this into some kind of personal responses. Remember, according to you we haven't post with each other the past 6 years - me as 'Walter', you as about 100 different names - so we haven't even spoken and now you are making personal call outs and are speaking about me, when not even speaking to a qoute of mine, or to me directly. Please refrain from talking about me anymore, only to me. Grow the fuck up! As far as liking Gaga's music and respecting her musical talent, who the fuck cares? To each his own. I just don't understand the hatred displayed by people towards her. Seriously.
  15. Have fun, Rick! Hope you have good weather!
  16. So Buck is choking out another team??? I'll have to pay closer attention.....sorry it's happening to you, Rick. A-Roid should be out already, I agree. He is a disgrace to the game, just like any other player who has used PED's or is currently using them but hasn't been caught. There are a number of them right now, I'm sure.
  17. I can't even imagine being at that 6/23....you really hit the point on the head. I don't enjoy that show as much, listening to them both - but as a spectacle, it must have been insane! In your opinion, does that show still go down as the greatest you've seen? I know you've been to about 1,000 shows - but your memories are still so vivid!
  18. I agree Steve, about it being apples and oranges. I just think the way they have been releasing old shows is great for their fans and then to turn around and put out this summer's much talked about Hyde Park show so quickly is a nice option for the fans who didn't catch the limited tour.
  19. (CNN) -- A judge ruled Tuesday that a lawsuit from a former member of Lady Gaga's entourage who alleges the pop star failed to pay her overtime wages can move to trial. Judge Paul G. Gardephe of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York set the trial date for November 4. In her lawsuit, Jennifer O'Neill says that she worked "24/7" as Gaga's personal assistant. O'Neill was employed in early 2009, and again from February 2010 to March 2011. After she was rehired, she was told her annual salary would be $75,000. O'Neill is seeking to recover more than $350,000 in unpaid wages. "Every day is a work day for her, so every day is a work day for the rest of us," she said, according to court documents. "There is no, we're going to stay in, we're going to sleep. There is no, let's put on sweatpants and go out to the movies and be girlfriends. It doesn't work like that." Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, testified that O'Neill "deserves every one of her $75,000 that we agreed to. But she does not deserve a penny more." Representatives for the singer have told CNN the lawsuit is completely without merit. CNN's Breeanna Hare contributed to this report. Here is a reputable account of the story. Interesting how the slant of the story changes from the opinionated "Examiner" story to the facts of the case reported by CNN. Plus the fact this lady was working for her in '09 and then went back to work for her again for '10-'11, makes it more interesting. Seems to be a financial play, which is totally understandable to bring a lawsuit for. Don't see anything about a criminal act taking place. If the "Examiner" story was even plausible, that one of the biggest pop stars in the world was doing what that rag said she was, don't you think it would be publicized all over the place as such? Again, we will see in November how this all shakes out.
  20. They were boring, weren't they. Add in a less than spectacular match-up and needless to say I didn't watch very much of it. Just checked in between shows I was watching on DVR.
  21. Not true at all. If she's wrong, she should be taken to task in whatever form is deemed proper. Your rag magazine had nothing but biased information and the side stories about her on that site were nothing but negative opinions also - so obviously they have an angle they are playing. As far as your other statement - it is not even possible to moan about all the repeated threads you've made under your various names, just to piss people off. There is not enough time in my day, I actually have a life outside of here. You should try to get one as well.
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