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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Same here. About to do a shot in his honour! RIP EVH
  2. Happy Birthday Edward Van Halen
  3. Nice! American Beauty. Guns N Roses did The Seeker as an encore song when they played here in 2016, 2bit. Surprising to say the least.
  4. Buffalo going Buffalo....
  5. I’m stoked. TB12 in the Super Bowl, at home, hopefully against the Bills!!
  6. I know, there’s so much to pick apart...
  7. Umm, that would be Uncle Q Wacky to you sir....
  8. I don’t think we’ll get it, but Bills Mafia vs Tom Brady for the Super Bowl would be EPIC! Plus they’ll be two weeks of craziness from Bills fan leading up to it! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  9. And we don’t talk about the NFC side of that Conference Championship day....hence why I was rooting for Oakland in that Super Bowl.
  10. Another great show posted by Led Zeppelin Boots! Aye thank you!
  11. That’s this morning down here. Yesterday was spectacular. Now, gray and dreary with light rain. Free water for the grass, plants and my bank account.
  12. Yup. I’ve read many have experienced the same symptoms. Meanwhile my buddies 92 year old dad, nothing. His 86 and 76 year old in laws, nothing. My 81 and 77 year old in laws, nothing. Crazy how the reactions are so radically different. I hope Mrs CP feels better soon!
  13. Taking on Brian Sipe and the Cardiac Kids?
  14. Would’ve been perfect and she’s been on a lot of shows lately. Her voice is so Americana. Gaga was on point.
  15. ^Absolutely true^ RIP Hammering Hank Aaron - one of the all-time greats to ever play the game.
  16. A rough year for the 70’s Dodgers so far... RIP Don Sutton
  17. Tropical Storms range in sustained winds from 39-73 mph. It’s not a major Hurricane unless the sustained winds are 111 or higher. From what I’m seeing, your storm is being labeled a blizzard. With that said a 116 wind gust is pretty spectacular and probably a bit scary, if you’re on those mountains. Be safe, I know you ride your bike to work. That’s probably a bit sketchy in those conditions. Beautiful January day here in central Florida. Sunny and high was about 65. These next two weeks are usually our coldest...then comes the February warm up!
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