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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Thank you oh wise one. Sorry there are so many threads, some info just sneaks bye
  2. I bet it is due to the Sirius merger. I hope so anyway because I have Sirius and drove a "loaner" with XM on it. XM sucked, except for the Zep station!! Eye thank ewe!
  3. Great, great song. Does anyone have the lyrics to it? I know most of them, but some are my own creation (probably more of my creation than I think). Bonham's intro and Page's power chord guitar work is Zeppelin at its best!! Wasn't this song orignially recorded during the sessions for Houses of the Holy and part of the opening guitar was lost by the engineer? Great selection!!
  4. I totally agree with your Skynard call. The thing is the hall gives into these 50's and 60's groups left and right, but didn't give any of the 70's artists their due. It's kinda like Rolling Stone Mag., they will put The Beatles members all over their mag, along with the Stones, but bands like Zep, Floyd, Skynard, etc. never get any credit until they do, like you said, give them some sort of career retrospective. Completely dissed them when they were at their heyday, but want to cash in years later like they supported them all along. It pisses me off the way a lot of the bands from the 70's were treated as second rate compared to the 60's groups like the Dead, Beatles, Stones, etc. Anyway, I think we have worn this thing out - lets join the dude earlier, except hit the right part of it Did he say he blew a lung out back in '86? Keep smokin' dude, keep smokin'........... Peace.
  5. I think he ment that it seems like you are sucking out of the bowl, instead of lighting it. Interesting enough though!! Peace.
  6. Not in a literal sense does r'n'r go with politcs - anti-politcal yes. I mean when you have to kiss some group of nominators asses to get into a club that is supposed to recognize the greatest and most influential musical artists - that's too political. Zeppelin never received Grammy's not because they weren't the greatest and most influential artists of the day ('70's), its because they wouldn't kiss the music biz's asses. Same for the Rock 'n Roll HOF - it's just a bullshit honor (and I use that term loosely). Peace.
  7. He didn't sing other people's songs. JCM is one the great American song writers/singers along with Petty, Springsteen, Young, etc. He should have been in a loooooong time ago. Much like other bands who recently got in (i.e. Van Halen, Sabbath, etc.). I don't give too much credit to the Rock 'n Roll HOF, too political - which so goes against rock 'n roll in the first place. Peace. ____________________ "Don't believe the lies, critically analyze." - John Butler
  8. I have a copy of OOTT from the Blueberry Hill show (LA 9/70) that sounds great. Crowes/Page did a few songs I never heard Zep play - for instance 'Your Time Is Gonna Come'. Anyway, I wonder why they rarely played 'Four Sticks' and 'Gallow's Pole' since they were a big part of the Unledded thing? Peace.
  9. I saw Plant play Livin' Lovin' back on the Manic Nirvana tour - was smokin'
  10. The Stones have always been jealous of Zeppelin. I believe this is because they (the Stones) came up in the early 60's and were in the shadow of the Beatles, then when the 70's began Zep was on top. The called themselves the Greatest Rock 'n Roll Band in the world, but Zep was known as the BIGGEST Rock 'n Roll Band in the world - which pissed them off. So, oh well - Keith go and try to climb another coconut tree you wasted bastard! Peace. ____________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
  11. Ozzy - Speak of the Devil is another great but underrated live disc. Love the Sabbath tunes with the Blizzard of Oz (minus Randy - but Brad Gillis did a great job )
  12. I have a copy of Montreal '75 that is great!! I also have the Long Beach, CA show on vinyl, but it was recorded at a faster than normal speed. Whenever I used to play it, I had to weight down the turn table to slow it down It is titled How Many More Times - still was a great show. Dallas '75 soundboard was good also - thumping version of Kashmir. Peace. __________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
  13. I have an hour long video of one of the shows from the MSG week long run from '77. It was shot from many different positions at MSG and is spliced together pretty badly. It does show them playing Battle of Evermore (even though it is extremely dark) and parts of about 7 other songs (I haven't watched it in quite awhile). One thing about it I do remember is Page butchering Achillies... It looks like he broke a string and switched from his classic Sunburst Les Paul to the red Les Paul, which was out of tune. The song is not their best version, to say the least. But the energy of the show is awesome. You can hear the firecrackers going off and everything. I have heard good things about the No Quarter soundboard version that was spoken about earlier, but I don't have it so I cannot personally comment. Peace. _____________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
  14. 1.) Pink Floyd - The Wall Live 2.) The John Butler Trio - Live at St. Gallens 3.) The Eagles - Live 4.) The Doors - Absolutely Live 5.) The Grateful Dead - Live at Buffalo (July 4, 87?) Also, all of you KISS lovers out there - what about Alive II? GREAT versions of Det. Rock City, Shock Me, Shout It Out Loud, etc. Also, an awesome live jammin' disc is JBT - Living. Peace. __________________ "I used to get high for a living, thinking that my destiny was out of my control." - John Butler
  15. Just saw Van Halen last Thursday here in Orlando. I thought they were fantastic. I saw Van Hagar about 15 years ago and this version was waaaaay better. DLR looked amazing, his singing has declined over the years, but he is sounding better than when he was solo. Besides, Dave was never known for his singing abilities. EVH looked and sounded incredible. Alex and Wolfy were solid, though I do believe the background vocals were canned. No BS in between songs and a great set list. I would see them again in a heartbeat.
  16. It is funny that the word pop is being used to describe Floyd's music Anyway, I agree they changed music to bring themselves into the mainstream, not the other way around. The song that was referenced before, I don't believe I have heard that one and I have all of their discs including Works and Relics, etc. Do you mean Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun? If not, where can I find this track? Peace. ______________________ "Don't it seem strange to you, that a government built on immigration is so damn racist too?" - John Butler
  17. Just for clarification, are you refering to the Gilmour stuff post Waters or everything he did with PF? Only See Emily Play was poppy (maybe Arnold Layne) in the Barrett years. I mean Astronomy Domine still sounds like it's from future, to a certain extent. Plus it was the basis for the entire Floyd sound. The reason for the clarification question is that I feel all of the "Gilmour Floyd" (meaning '87 - '94)sounded pop-ish, more so than Syd's music did for its time. I still love it ALL though Peace. _________________________ "The grass is greener, but just as hard to mow." - LR/JB
  18. During their 5 or so year run, they got BIG quickly, then quit. So, anytime that happens, you know a reunion will also be big, even if it is not warranted. I saw them last year and all I have to say is - allow everyone to save their money and "hand in your handcuffs" now Peace. ______________________ "Don't believe the lies, critically analyze." - John Butler
  19. How about great music from down under? I am really into The John Butler Trio and recently have checked out Xavier Rudd. They are both amazing. Xavier Rudd is basically a one man band, playing a bunch of different instruments during his performances and sometimes at the same time John Butler is the most underrated guitarist on the scene today. You HAVE to see him perform live (especially his instrumental "Ocean") you will be BLOWN AWAY Peace. _______________________ "Don't believe the lies, critically analyze." - John Butler
  20. And as crazy as the timing was, they were listening to a playback of Shine On ... which, of course, was written about Syd. Funny how timing comes into play Peace. ___________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
  21. In my opinion, the Floyd is 2nd to Zep only. I do respect the fact that Floyd was build by Syd and honestly, the band should have ended using the name when he departed. However, if they did then they would be like many other bands of the era - a one hit wonder. With that said, in order to rank or rate Pink Floyd all of the music released under the name and the twists and turns (and changing band members) have to be taken into consideration. I love each "era" of Pink Floyd for what it was. After the reunion gig at the G8 show, I bought all of their discs - mainly for the remastered versions of the 70's discs. That is when I really began to respect the early Floyd. Listening to Atom Mother Heart, Obscured By Clouds and other early works had some amazing gems on them. So, I began to make some compliation discs. I made one with many "hits" or personal favorites. Obviously after one, there needed to be another, then another. I ended making 5 different 80 min. discs without repeating a song and they are ALL fantastic. When making those discs the music flowed from one era of Floyd to another seemlessly. I found that I really do like The Final Cut, just broken up and not as itself. Also the "Gilmour Floyd" does work with the "Barrett Floyd" better than one would expect. To conclude this, the bands are so different in many ways it is difficult if not even fair to compare them. It may be easier to compare the different member make-ups of the Floyd with itself. But I still believe under the name Pink Floyd they were all excellent in their own way. Peace. _______________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
  22. Simply an amazing job!! Now I can see what I am missing in my incomplete bootlegs:yay: This may be the single greatest thread in this website. Thanks for all of your hardwork - it is AWESOME!! peace ______________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - JB
  23. You should definately check them out. JB's guitar playing is the closest to Pagey I have ever heard. Not in a sense that he is ripping him off or trying to sound like JP, just that they both paint an amazing landscape with their sound. JB live is just incredible and even if they play the same set two nights in a row (which doesn't usually happen), the songs are played a bit different. Kinda like another band we know (what site is this again?!). Anyway, I wanted to compliment you on your awesome picture that accompanies your posts - VERY COOL Thanks for the brew. Peace.
  24. Xavier Rudd and Mishka at The Social (2 weeks ago) ________________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
  25. Simply put, Mr. Rundgren is a legend in his own mind. As was said earlier, The New Cars.................... excuse me while I PUKE Peace. ________________________ "Art changes people, people change the world." - John Butler
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