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Everything posted by RoundRobin

  1. I've only seen him sing and voice his opinions.
  2. I meant no insult, I just didn't know why you'd do that. I was thinking you'd post your remark after that, if not edit your original quoting. I'm not that savvy either jabe, please accept my apology for seemingly downgrading your abilities.
  3. I don't see it as about "obligation" but interest. Obviously as Led Zeppelin were touring the world, the US especially, they were "involved" with many who DID speak about the war. I have NO DOUBT's they engaged in conversation about this, privately, and had their strong opinions. They may not have been published, but I know they didn't just ignore or have no interest in the Vietnam war. I would bet the only one who would joke about it would be John Bonham. I could see him saying it was just a bunch of bullocks!
  4. What was the US's business over there then? Wasn't it a French involvement initially? Why did the US have to stick their noses in the S. Vietnam/French vs. N. Vietnam tussle? It was no more the US's business than the British. Anyone can have an opinion on it.
  5. Why do people quote an entire post then fail to add their own remarks?
  6. Eddie IS voice so he voice's his opinion. If he was a guitarist he'd probably play Machine Gun.
  7. Thank You for asking Thank You speed corrected 9-4-70 Blueberry Hill bootleg.
  8. Weaseling! I love Led Zeppelin and I agree they never did a bad album. Coda can't be truly considered an album so I'll rule that out, even as my least favorite release. But I'll still maintain my opinion that In Through the Out Door was mediocre.
  9. Free beer! Hell I'd go to that even if Rush Limbaugh, Jesse Jackson or Ralph Nadar were giving the speech.
  10. We all have our opinions on quality of performance. I could point to many shows that were NOT consistent with their outstanding performances, then again, it's all opinion. And I personally wouldn't use Pink Floyd as a barometer to gauge with as far as mixing up their setlist's and using different arrangements each show/tour. Even Jimmy doesn't like Living Loving Maid for instance. I don't think it's a sin to be a fan and find some of their songs unappealing. I do in fact love 90% of their music. Shoot, I've read people on this board disliking The Crunge, Hat's off to Roy Harper and even Stairway to Heaven but I guess they don't want to say it in this thread for fear of disrupting the earlier mentioned consensus.
  11. How many of those 200,000 are eligible to vote for him I wonder? There could be some absentee's in the crowd, but I'd say that for sure, a dozen possible votes in the US outweighs no votes from 200,000 Germans.
  12. I've never agreed with that. Any band on a bad day will not measure up to a good band on a great day. They all have their oft moments and when so do not remain supreme. Do you not listen to other great bands?
  13. There were a few songs on In Through the Out Door and Coda that weren't so good. Bad albums? They were mediocre in my opinion.
  14. Is that who played with him at last year's Crossroads Festival? She was excellent. And cute too.
  15. Forum messages are so passe, instant messaging is where it's at! NOT! I do wish they'd bring back the fast in fastfood though.
  16. Oh I haven't read a thing, I was only using conjecture.
  17. I wonder which of the band members would've told you that?
  18. Since Robert didn't show up for the Lifetime achievement awards at the Grammy's in 2008, maybe Jimmy figured Robert didn't care this time and just left him out as to not point out his absence again.
  19. I would imagine many people would say that to you if they read your posts. You're sketched out!
  20. This electrophile is the most antagonistic, bitchy person I've ever seen on a message board. Everywhere I read she's jumping on people, degrading their life experiences and opinions. She hasn't experienced to the degree some of the things others here have so they must not be true. What is it with you? You have very limited scope on life, try getting out more.
  21. What an Obamanation if Barack is elected! I don't see it happening.
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