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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I don't know. Do you believe in ghosts?
  2. Sam, what's smart wool? and Jarjaxle what's I am America, I know it's a book, but what's it about?
  3. That's a long time. Doesn't sound fun. And we can use it now, just don't tell them. Where would you like to go?
  4. Mine are manilla. What is your favorite color?
  5. He says I used the time machine because he remembers meeting me in the 70s. Sorry. Here you go: Time Machine It evens looks British. Will you get another chance to snorkel?
  6. In the Mood, but as of now Messin With the Mekon. White Chocolate or Dark Chocolate?
  7. My mom does but my dad doesn't he just got me a new one, it's just under a year old. I hate when people bad bad music through a perfectly good system.
  8. I may have used the time machine. I don't know though, you might have to ask Robert. And that can't be fun at all. Try to enjoy Hawaii anyway, it will eventually be over with.
  9. They're gone. Ah, well, that sucks but it'll be okay. My Christmas was great and yours?
  10. I feel so loved. That works. The frying tonight is a Robert quote about Zoso. It's from the interview where Jimmy has on the t-shirt that says Recovering Catholic. I don't know you very well either, but I'll get you something. Um, how about some vintage Zep tickets and matching handbills?
  11. I"m okay, I was excited, but then I saw Richard left. WAHHH! And someone erased all the Beatles from my computer, so now I have to recover it so I can put it on my ipod.
  12. Daughter of Zep, that's what my nail kit does. And Vannis, why would you're mom do that? I don't get that.
  13. RICHARD!!!! Are you still here? Hi Vannis, if you're still here.
  14. Now, I'll say sorry. I probably read that at the wrong time, that's on my side. Hopefully, you can forgive me.
  15. It's pre-zep. The songs are from his 60's guitar work, and you can tell it's from before Zep. He has shorter bangs.
  16. That's so sweet. I got Mothership, a Janis poster and tshirt, three Zeppelin shirts and one is a promo shirt for Mothership, jewlery, candy, sweatpants, socks, tissues (i've been sick), and I think that's it.
  17. All the ipods are up and working. Now, I want the orginal Alice's Restaurant song on my ipod, but I can't find it on itunes.
  18. I don't have a problem with it at all. I love the album and can't wait to see it live, but it's just a different idea for Robert to play the Grand Ole Opry. I really don't have a problem with it, it's just the last place I'd think he'd play. I don't want to keep him in some little box, I enjoy the outside of the box stuff he's put out. It's just to go from Zep to the Grand Ole Opry is a big step. Which, just to be clear, I don't think he should stay the same as Zep.
  19. Fine Magic Sam, hate me. Guess that means I"ll have to hate you. Just kidding.
  20. Sorry, but I have to go. He needs the computer. Bye!
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