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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Juno was pretty good, it isn't my favourite movie though. I didn't think there was much to cry or aww though. I didn't.
  2. It's my second favourite movie, after Alice's Restaurant.
  3. I got that much, but I don't have a credit card, and my dad doesn't put his on the internet. So my question is is if there is another way to pay for it.
  4. There is no backmasking therefore there is no toolshed. Nothing against you, and it has very little to do with you but, can we please had a Stairway To Heaven disclaimer that all newbies have to read? That way we can avoid a lot of arguments.
  5. I can't find any information on how to pre-order it. Do you need a credit card?
  6. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    That makes me really mad. What movie did you see?
  7. I love Tommy! I like Across The Universe too, but that's different.
  8. I love Jefferson Airplane, but I don't know much about them. Grace Slick is a really interesting persson, but I don't claim to know much about any of them.
  9. Ialso thought that if we evolved from them that grown people would walk out of the woods. That's just my idea though.
  10. I don't know the exact story, but my dad calls me Beaner and he got it from Cheech and Chong.
  11. ^Me, too. In Gallows Pole there is a small pop in the album and the word try is right there, so you can't hear it and when I listen to Gallows Pole any other time I never sing try.
  12. I will look into that, thanks for the reccomendation. I just thought of another song I don't think was mentioned: Roadhouse Blues- the Doors
  13. lzfan715


    I don't smoke, but I have a grandma who used to. She quit on will power. MY dad had a calender on the refridgerator when he was a kid and would mark everyday that she went without smoking. I think it's helps a lot to have someone behind you.
  14. Not all hippies stink. You could call me a hippie, and I shower daily.
  15. I wish my Engilsh teacher knew about that stuff. I'm sure mine did, he was a hippie in hiding. There were signs all over the room, like the Beatles calendar, the peace sign on his comptuer, etc. And my 8th grade one did too, he was really cool. And yeah, neither of them woudld ever do drugs. :rollseyes:
  16. I can't really see Zep as a musical, but I'd see it. there is a Janis musical and it's supposed to be really good. Zep just doesn't seem very into that stuff.
  17. She did give it, I think that is part is part of what is lacking in today's music. There is no soul behind it.
  18. Really? Because if you are serious, that is groovy.
  19. I go to an after school thing and a lady there told me she knew a girl named Shithead. It's pronounced Sha- thead. Isn't that terrible?
  20. Random fact: Orange juice is my favourite drink.
  21. No, there won't be. Talent like that only comes once, it's a shame.
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