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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I think she has the talent to be really good. I just don't think she has really focused it in the right way. I hope she can get straightened out and figure things out with her talent.
  2. Unfornuatly I missed any and all of these. That's why I started the thread.
  3. lzfan715


    Hello and welcome! Glad your here.
  4. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Most people are like that. Except it's a Sav A Lot so I thought they were all about the customer.
  5. I ran a color auto fix. They're still a little radioactive but not as bad.
  6. Any festival counts. Sounds like those count.
  7. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    At a grocery store here the enter door is automatic and the exit is manual. SHould it be the toher way if they aren't going to do both? I mean the little old lady can't just push the cart through the door and use it to open the door all the way.
  8. So a fast showing then you leave?
  9. This is a great idea for a thread. I have no idea about dimensions though. So big. That's all I can tell you. I want the entire collection on display, with emphasis on the things with sentimental value. Like my orginal set of lps that my dad gave me. It wouldn't be just Zeppelin though, I'd have a space set aside for Janis. My system now would work, it's Pioneer. Turntable, 25 disc changer, equalizer, the power box. The speakers are probably about 3 feet tall. If it was possible I'd like a working and LOUD vintage system to complete the theme of the room. And a reel-to-reel player. A large flat screen tv with a dvd player for showings of footage. I'd go surround sound. My music itself would be stored like the following: Vinyl in old wine crates CD in those rotating cases Bootlegs on shelf to be displayed Blacklights and lava lamps are mandatory. Hardwood floor because I have a tendency to spill things so no carpet would be nice. People could come visit me but no partying because if you broke something I'd be after you. Oh yeah, and a computer for research and talking here. Unless you mean in the 70s when the boys were in their prime then I have a totally different idea.
  10. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I can't stand the "those". They may be great people and I may get along with them But when they are a "those" they irritate me.
  11. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Not even the Beatles? I know people who don't even know the names of all the Beatles who can recognize Beatles' song! You should open new doors for your friend.
  12. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have a friend who is a self declared Zep fan but when you ask her favorite song she says "I don't know the names, I just listen." Which when you tell people your obsessed don't you think you should at least know the name of your favorite song? I think everyone has someone like this. BTW, Mrs.Plant I'm still jealous of you meeting him.
  13. So basically a bunch of people got together and just hung out? did you see where it says that they have Digital Be-Ins? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It totally defeats the point.
  14. Pardon this question, but what's a be-in? I've heard of bed-ins because of John Lennon but not a be-in.
  15. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I know a lady who is a special ed teacher, it takes a very special person. Here's what gets me. At our school the aide doesn't do anything. (Different lady) The kids roam free. She let one girl walk right off the school campus. Another kid had a seizure and she wouldn't let him go to the nurse.
  16. I voted who cares. It's a once in a lifetime chance. I just want to be as close as possible. With a backstage pass, if that's possible.
  17. Hello and welcome! Glad you're here.
  18. Well it is spats we're talking about.
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