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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. When parents text back; hilarious!
  2. ^^ Just finished The Tudors on Netflix; I really enjoyed that! I need a new series now...
  3. RIP Ralph Waite Dad from the Waltons and Gibbs' Dad on NCIS.
  4. Thanks for the tips, Planted!
  5. We have about a foot of snow, gusty winds, and we're getting freezing rain. It's supposed to change back to snow at some point, with more accumulation likely. Pretty much the entire commonwealth of Virginia is closed today. Even my husband is home (that NEVER happens!). Getting ready to sled down our street with our youngest Have a good day and stay safe/warm everyone!
  6. Expecting somewhere between 10-16" of snow through tomorrow; it's snowing like crazy!
  7. The Olympics! Still working my way through The Tudors on Netflix too; just finished Season 2; 2 seasons to go. I suspect it may take a while to finish now that the Olympics have begun.
  8. I'm so sorry for your sister; it's very sad news
  9. ^^ Awesome!! I've just discovered The Tudors on Netflix and am hooked
  10. We also just watched the first Lethal Weapon the other night and Danny Glover had one of those old Motorola bag phones with the buttons on the outside The kids couldn't believe it!
  11. Congratulations on your new venture!
  12. ^^ jb126, I told my friend as we left the theater that I thought I'd need to see it again too. My son saw The Wolf of Wall Street last night and enjoyed it. I'm hoping to catch American Hustle soon; I've especially wanted to see that. Last weekend my son and I watched The Untouchables and the first Dirty Harry movie. My whole family also watched the 1940s Phantom of the Opera a few days before that. I was really struck by the difference in civility between the latter 2 films (and the madmen therein; it was totally random that we watched both so close together); and by how non-PC things still were in 1971. And surprised by how riveted we all were by "Phantom".
  13. Just saw this tonight: Still processing it.
  14. More animal humor! http://www.sunnyskyz.com/blog/79/The-27-Naughtiest-Cats-In-The-World-And-I-Can-t-Stop-Laughing#.Us4zVxp2WAA.facebook
  15. I know; me too! I noticed some foreshadowing in the first episode too....
  16. Blacklist marathon; episode 1 now. Must see tv!
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