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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I was thinking about this thread the other day; I was driving in the country with the windows down and I could smell freshly mown grass and diesel fuel and it smelled like summer
  2. American Idol; Caleb just did "Dazed and Confused" and everyone went absolutely wild; it wasn't too bad either!
  3. Thanks Walter; that's just the way it goes sometimes
  4. Thanks Whoopie Cat; I couldn't remember who he was.
  5. Who is that guy who captured Bran & Co.? I must've dozed off for a few minutes and missed that part. I recently put a hold on Book 1 from the library and it came in earlier this week; I'm several chapters in.
  6. Just learned of a heartbreaking conflict of events happening next year for 2 of my kids; bad enough that I cried and now I want to throw up. Things can always be much worse but this really, really sucks.
  7. Obviously Dave loves Zeppelin, and some of his other efforts are ok, but this is just terrible...as much as i love him, this is like cats in a blender
  8. What a wonderful opportunity! We have several major family events that week and we're very far from Paris; I hope someone here wins and tells us all about it!
  9. Vanilla, lilacs, honeysuckle, bay rhum, the ocean
  10. My husband and I had a ~ 20 minute conversation this morning about the GOT characters and what happened last week, as though they were people we knew in real life (Daughter left the room...)
  11. Lorde, Tennis Court: What I hear: Baby be the class clown I'll be the beauty queen in Sears (haha!) It's a new iPhone showing people how well we care ~~~~~~ The real lyrics: Baby be the class clown I'll be the beauty queen in tears It's a new art form showing people how little we care Video:
  12. 1. Arya: fearless and badass; great leadership potential 2. Tyrion: very complex and I think underestimated 3. Jon Snow: the good guy 4. Catelyn: although gone; she was fiercely loyal and incredibly brave 5. Daenerys: great leader I am not a big fan of Sansa; she seems to be the least developed main character. Characters really have to swim with the sharks on this show to survive, and she isn't. I'm also not seeing the complexity the others have shown (i.e. Jaime's soft spot for Brienne; Cersei becoming who she is at least partly out of necessity/survival). (Disclaimer: I haven't <yet> read the books)
  13. Sporting a record store day pin today from Third Man Records (gift from a friend)
  14. I think it was Anne Boleyn, I mean Marjorie... (seems she was lifted from one show directly onto the other!)
  15. So happy to see that ending; hubby saw it coming. I just wish it had taken loooonnger...
  16. I am now all caught up, including last night's episode. Will discuss later after everyone has had a chance to watch it.
  17. Some of the newer ones are awful though; I absolutely cannot stand Sponge Bob. I did kinda like the Power Puff Girls when my kids were younger, and the Rugrats; and, what was the one with Timmy and the Fairy Godmother?
  18. So far, a nice, long walk in the sun, followed by wine Coming up: a relaxing evening of Farmville and Game of Thrones
  19. Very sweet movie, August Rush
  20. Thanks; I should be caught up by Sunday; planning to get Ep 7 in tonight. My husband and son are already caught up so hopefully we can watch together Sunday night and discuss!
  21. The Blackwater episode was very intense. I'm enjoying the series very much. Everything about it (the characters, the plot, the history) is incredibly complex; I've had to look things up several times and probably will read the books after getting caught up on the series. I was home sick yesterday and ended up getting through episode 6 of season 3. Feeling confident that I'll be caught up by Sunday.
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