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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I know how 'yall feel about him, and I generally agree, but I really do like this cover:
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzLo4aOwupQ (Raconteurs station on pandora.com)
  3. Finally watched "The King's Speech" and "Harry Potter 7 Part 1" :thumbsup:
  4. Thanks Missy and Reggie for chiming in on the America jam I'd love to see them one day. My favorite:
  5. Vs the original New Order version
  6. Thank you! Now that my daughter is home safe and sound I can concentrate on enjoying the clean house (while it lasts!)
  7. Watching "The King's Speech"!! My daughter is off at Prom, looking beautiful; my son's lacrosse team won today and my house is clean!!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I0d29s6GCc&feature=related
  9. Who is this band and where did they come from?! This is awesome http://www.youtube.com/user/gotmoe#p/u/0/A523cpSsmA8 Sorry the media feature doesn't seem to be working right.
  10. Happy Birthday! :)

  11. Me too; NCIS & House; reruns on cable
  12. Happy birthday!

  13. Celo's sanitized version; my daughter has been singing it all day.
  14. Hi Cindy! :) Hope you are having a nice weekend!

  15. We watched most of "17 Again" with Zach Ephron/Matthew Perry tonight and it was really pretty funny.
  16. I was driving to work this morning, and at a red light, the lady next to me was jamming to Adele
  17. My current favorite, cover of a Cure song; love both versions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHxDX5L4Az4&feature=fvsr original:
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