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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Thanks; there is a show on the list with the Police in Norfolk in Aug '83, but the Feb 8 '84 W&M show isn't appearing (it is appearing on the Police's Synchronicity tour list). I know that was a long time ago, but for all these years I was certain they were the opening act. I"m not entirely sure who I went with (lol); the one person I do remember I've lost touch with. I"ll have to do some more looking and see if I can solve the mystery. Edit: I must have been imagining things all these years; I just found something online that says the opening band was Re-Flex. Boy, that's pretty bad, here I thought for almost 30 years that I had almost seen REM!! Including the night of the concert too! (REM....REflex; well, they both have an R and an E ...) Let's just say Never Mind!
  2. Funny that Williamsburg VA was mentioned above, because that's where the concert was. I just googled and it is listed as actually Feb. 8, 1984, instead of Fall '83 (we were definitely at William & Mary). Although now I can't find where REM was the opening act for that show; but we were all sooo disappointed that night to have missed them, so I feel that I am remembering that correctly. We got there just as the Police were starting. I did see that REM was uncredited for 6 shows that tour because they were so unheard of still. Maybe that's what happened.
  3. My biggest concert disappointment was getting lost on the way to the Police concert in the fall of '83 and missing the opening act, REM. I admittedly don't listen to them as much these days, but definitely did back in the 80s/early 90s.
  4. REALLY stuck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpJUrt0O7uY
  5. Just heard Doors and Judas Priest songs done on American Idol (and not too shabby, either!). Sadly, the Usher song was not good; nor were the 3 other lame song choices that sounded very karaoke (and which I've already forgotten).
  6. Some of these are hilarious! Wildest Celebrity Quotes
  7. Beautiful sunny (and windy!) day here in VA; just got back from a great run. The windows are open!
  8. I was watching "Maid of Honor" (?) on tv last Sunday; with Patrick Dempsey and the guy who plays Owen from Grey's Anatomy. It was a really cute Rom-Com. Then a friend dropped by and I missed the ending. Will have to rent it so I can see what happened (although I can guess....)
  9. One day I was riding the Metro into DC, listening to a local radio show on my Sony Walkman. A call-in contest was going on, where the callers were competing to try to sing this song the best. You can imagine how bad some of them were! So there I sat on the Metro during morning commute, laughing hysterically with sniffles and tears, trying to hide behind my Wall Street Journal and trying unsuccessfully to stop laughing. Twenty years later, I still lose it whenever I hear this song! .
  10. It's nice here too. Sunny and a bit breezy; we have all the windows open right now (the cats are loving sitting in the open windows!)
  11. Hi Missy, thanks for adding me! -V

  12. So sad; this is not meant to be my year for concerts. :'( Adele...touring, tickets went on sale today, but every Mid-Atlantic gig is already sold out; unless you want to pay ridiculous money on Ebay.
  13. This gets funnier and funnier!! Another one!
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